Slow news week-end, JMC? That is exactly what is happening: Seaspan got a contract Friday to build a Polar 2 icebreaker, and Davie got a contract Saturday to build the second one.
Slow news week-end, JMC? That is exactly what is happening: Seaspan got a contract Friday to build a Polar 2 icebreaker, and Davie got a contract Saturday to build the second one.
Edited: (my previous reply was long and even more confusing)
I was replying to Suffolkowner, so I suggested 2+2 (as he did), each yard building their own class, not as before when I (and some others) assumed same class being built in different shipyards, which is inefficient.
The Multirole CCG ships will replace the 1100 Class and will be twice the tonnage and better ice class. In fact the CCG might actually find they need a few smaller buoytenders to get into places the bigger ships can't. At some point you will want to replace the AP1-88/400 Hovercraft, with newer versions of them with 4 for the west and east coast. and likley 2 more for the Arctic. That will mean a hanger, apron, accommodations up North. Rotate crews in during the open water seasons and slowly buildup the skillsets to have them manned and maintained by Northerners.
So, I'm not sure if the Davie part of this is a sudden new thing or just the next phase of CCG part of NSPS that's been well established but that Id just never heard of, but it got me thinking. We should (Canada) go all in on shipbuilding for this reason: if there is a full scale war in the pacific with China, then the shipyards in east Asia will be some of the earliest targets hit. Ships yards on the west coast of NA could well come later. You know what's really hard to hit from China, or even by PLA(N) SSGNs parked of the pacific coast if NA? The EAST coast of NA. Pitch to pacific nations that a bunch of shipyards along the St. Lawrence River would be a strategically "safe" asset.
During the past three months, three polar icebreakers have been contracted for construction around the world. They all feature Aker Arctic’s patented Hybrid DAS™ propulsion configuration.
So the Germans, a non-arctic nation, are building a PC2 ship, larger in length (not sure about tonnage) than both polar class ships than we are, an arctic nation. And they are doing it for science research - not because of protecting national sovereignty or the economic well-being of its northern citizenships, for science.
During the past three months, three polar icebreakers have been contracted for construction around the world. They all feature Aker Arctic’s patented Hybrid DAS™ propulsion configuration.
Length is not always good. CCG icebreakers have to manoeuvre around icebound vessels and also operate in the Gulf of St Lawrence when not in the Arctic.
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