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New Combat shirts?????????????

It never ceases to amaze me how something so obvious an improvement is not adopted by more Units/CO's/RSM's/members. I guess the CF being what it is we would have to have an RFP written up for new shirts, oh but first a study on said shirts effectiveness, a second study to validate the findings of the first study.

Then we would shop the RFP around Ottawa, wait another 3-5 years for a manufacturing operation to be put in place....etc etc etc...

Seriously though I mean just can we for once act on something that makes obvious sense. Mind boggling.
Devlin said:
It never ceases to amaze me how something so obvious an improvement is not adopted by more Units/CO's/RSM's/members. I guess the CF being what it is we would have to have an RFP written up for new shirts, oh but first a study on said shirts effectiveness, a second study to validate the findings of the first study.

Then we would shop the RFP around Ottawa, wait another 3-5 years for a manufacturing operation to be put in place....etc etc etc...

Seriously though I mean just can we for once act on something that makes obvious sense. Mind boggling.
Well that just makes too much sense  :D

HitorMiss said:
From RSM TF 03-06

Your combat shirts will be handed into to CQ 1 at a time for the modification of the inside pockets to be put on your arms in theater So that this modification will cost nothing to the soldiers.

however all non theater combats are to remain unchanged. Which means your not supposed to have got it done to any of your shirts before you get off the plane in Kandahar. I know it makes no sense to me, why not just do it now before we go but hey I don;t make the rules I just follow them.
Wasn't there some issue with you and non-issued Oakleys  ;D

Well what the RSM doesn't see can't hurt me....and there were a "few" issues with them last tour yeah but hey I looked good so you know I just kepted wearing them  8)

Brit: Yes I should have made it clear that the second paragraph was myself speaking and not that of the RSM, lord knows they wont ever have me make the rules LOL
You know what kills me about the pockets as issued on the cadpat shirt?  Those are/were C1 magazine pockets.  Why on earth are they still like that???
medicineman said:
What??!!  We don`t use C1`s anymore??!!

What's a C1? 

(just kidding!  I was around when they were still in service.)
The old FN was called the C1 Mud.

(DOH! I see it now Mud...LMAO Recce eyes on me)
Quagmire said:
Not to mention that the combats don't come like this.  The troops must cut and paste themselves.
No.  The soldiers currently in Afghanistan had this done by TFA.  It was not a do-it-yourself project (except by a few that did thier own early).

Mud Recce Man said:
Not the point.  Troops should be given the kit they need, as they need it.
As did happen for TF 1-06 (even if it was a bit slow).
Devlin said:
Seriously though I mean just can we for once act on something that makes obvious sense. Mind boggling.
It seems that Ottawa is investigating adding sleeves to the armour.  I understand that (at a national level) there has been slow progress on accepting cbt shirt sleeve pockets because they would just become another set of unavailable pockets once the new armour is out. (Considering how much the shoulder pads don't work, I don't know how one would make armoured sleeves work)
The pockets sewn on the sleeves aren't the C1 pockets. Some guys did that, but thats their own concept. The shirts that were turned in and modified with sanctions from higher have had the inner, velcro enclosed pockets from the LOWER hip level pockets on the sleeves.  They're good. Actually smacks of common sense. Removing the main pockets from the chest (C1 type) would make good sense too, now that our torsos are always covered by armour and or vests of one kind or another.


HitorMiss said:
From RSM TF 03-06

Your combat shirts will be handed into to CQ 1 at a time for the modification of the inside pockets to be put on your arms in theater So that this modification will cost nothing to the soldiers.
Quagmire said:
troops currently in Shilo have been told to get it done themselves.
Is the BG not yet talking to its parts?
Well 2VP are the poor cousins at best with the rest of the Reg.  I can only wonder how things are with the RCR.
The Problem likely lies in the fact that most of the BG is stationed in Pet, and even then the individual RSM/CSM seem to be making their own policies...trust me I have heard it and seen it with my own ears/eyes.

I think 2VP probably saw it as a good idea and said Troops go do this, where as the TF RSM said yup great idea we'll do it in theater asap so it wont cost the troops any money. All the while word was out at 2 VP about doing it yourself.
Nothing like waiting till the last minute to get it done.  Granted the troops paying is not on.
Quagmire said:
Nothing like waiting till the last minute to get it done.

Don't even get me started on last minute to get things done. I'm on the TCCC course as of last week till the 23 with a field ex portion, I have to have my UAB packed for turn in by the 26th with a Parade on the 25th and then an IED test of 21 questions all essay like answer which was given to the troops last week on the 27th.

I'm not sure when I'll study for that but hey I guess I'll just give up more time with my family yet again, I mean hey it's only a 6 month tour right...not like I did 9 months of work up most of which was field time and early report times with late end days, heck why would I want to see my family before tour...Oh and Admin for the troops bah who needs it, by the way we want to know your destination plans for HLTA right now so hurry up and make up your mind. Hey I mean nothing say's organized like heeping on the work last minute.

OK well that was a load of my chest.
About those chest pockets and incompatibility with vests - don't forget that field troops are in the minority. There's a whole s**tload of HQs, schools, and other odds and sods which have requirements too. Why should they have to put up with mods that only cater to the pointy-end guys?

As for shifting pockets from one location to another - do they have to be moved back before turning the shirts back in so that they can be moved again after re-issue?