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Not Often I Give Credit to the NDP,...but

Bruce Monkhouse

Pinball Dude
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Directing Staff
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NDP wins battle for made-in-Canada lapel flag pins

NDP MP Charlie Angus holds a Canadian lapel pin that was made in China. (CP PHOTO/Fred Chartrand)
OTTAWA (CP) - The NDP stood on guard for thee and won one for made-in-Canada flag pins Friday.

New Democrat MP Charlie Angus had complained earlier in the week that a Chinese company had been contracted to supply the House of Commons with lapel flag pins. The pins are handed out by MPs and senators. Angus said the trinkets should be made in Canada.

On Friday, Public Works Minister Scott Brison announced a change in policy. He told the Commons that future contracts for the parliamentary freebies would be given to Canadian suppliers.

"It's a shame this government has to be dragged kicking and screaming into this decision," Angus said, adding he wasn't totally satisfied.

"Scott Brison may think this flag fight stops here, but it doesn't.

"All flag pins for all Canadians should be made in Canada, not only the pins handed out by parliamentarians." 

.....what bugs me is, if I remember right, the day before he said that would be wrong based on trade relations,.....don't these guys ever hurt their backs doing all those flip-flops? :'(

The pins are probably ten times what they cost to make in China....who really won?
Michael Dorosh said:
The pins are probably ten times what they cost to make in China....who really won?

Some Liberal MP's cousin, contributor, friend, someone who has dirt on the guy, etc. and his failing pin plant. ;)
I think that all Canadian Pins and Flags should be made in Canada .
karl28 said:
I think that all Canadian Pins and Flags should be made in Canada .

Atleast the ones given out by the Cdn gov't should be...at the very least.
The pins are probably ten times what they cost to make in China....who really won?

Now trust me, I am no money guy, but, exaggeration aside, even if they were double the price the fact that the levels of govt. will suck back more than 50% in all the different tax ways :crybaby: makes them a better deal for me.
...and not to mention the fact China does not need more reason to exploit 10 cent an hour 14 year olds just so we can have pins.
[hows THAT for a swerve? :eek:]
Bruce Monkhouse said:
The pins are probably ten times what they cost to make in China....who really won?

Now trust me, I am no money guy, but, exaggeration aside, even if they were double the price the fact that the levels of govt. will suck back more than 50% in all the different tax ways :crybaby: makes them a better deal for me.
...and not to mention the fact China does not need more reason to exploit 10 cent an hour 14 year olds just so we can have pins.
[hows THAT for a swerve? :eek:]

Yeah, I'm with you. They actually do cost twice as much to make, if I remember the CBC report correctly. But the money stays here and that ain't bad.
  Well, the NDP are very nationalistic compared to the rest of the political parties. Jack Layton speeches really demonstrated this. Although, with his speeches, a lot of anti American sentiment was present. Anyone see his commercails? He appeared as some holly man, pure and simple. He advertised very well. If i was a socailist, he would have my vote for sure.
. Anyone see his commercails? He appeared as some holly man, pure and simple. He advertised very well. If i was a socailist, he would have my vote for sure.

Yea that scares me,there is something off about him.
Canuck_25 said:
  Well, the NDP are very nationalistic compared to the rest of the political parties. Jack Layton speeches really demonstrated this. Although, with his speeches, a lot of anti American sentiment was present. Anyone see his commercails? He appeared as some holly man, pure and simple. He advertised very well. If i was a socailist, he would have my vote for sure.

Since when does anti-Americanism equal pro-Canadianism?  The two are not mutually inclusive.
This is Chinas century, as the 20th century belonged to the USA. Get over it, move on.
I suppose the government could build a lapel pin factory in Come By Chance NFLD, but at 23 dollars a piece...........
commando ranger said:
This is Chinas century, as the 20th century belonged to the USA. Get over it, move on. .

You just set Sir Wilfred Laurier spinning in his grave, laddybuck....!!!
LOL...you guys banned him because of that post?  Or did someone just accidentily hit the button....  >:D
spenco said:
LOL...you guys banned him because of that post?  Or did someone just accidentily hit the button....  >:D

Ooh, that was unfortunate.  His bannable posts were deleted as after one almost ok post (above) he went on an "anti-militia, I hate this board and everyone on it, send me Paul Martin's address so I can rape his family" kind of rant....before asking yours truly on a date, I mean.
Well, as we are talking about pins and outsourcing....

... a few years ago, I had to reorder a new birth certificate from the Alberta Gov't, and guess where it came from?

Yup, Texas! Talk about NO Privacy rights on you 'n me!

bhobson said:
Well, as we are talking about pins and outsourcing....

... a few years ago, I had to reorder a new birth certificate from the Alberta Gov't, and guess where it came from?

Yup, Texas! Talk about NO Privacy rights on you 'n me!


You're 100 percent sure about that?
100 % Came post-marked Texas...

... I may be getting on in years, but not senile yet!

I remember cuz I had to pay $75 for the replacement and it burned me that it came from USA! Some cost savings.

I should've kept the envelope and photographed it... I couldn't believe it myself! LOL  :D