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Our PM


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I was watching CTV and CBC news today and they were showing a clip of the PM with Bono.  And what I saw really disappointed me, here was our PM the leader of a G-8 nation standing beside a rockstar, and looking at him like he ( Bono)was end all and be all.  everyone can get star fever, but Paul Martin should be able to hide that from a news confessice. And this was the first guy he met when he got off the plane.  Its just another reason why Canadians shouldn't vote for this guy or his party.  On another note that has been bugged me of late, the US has reported it's second case of BSE and yet the Gov't has done nothing to get our beef back over the border, or to close our border to protect our cattle system. I guess the Liberal party has decided it will get  more votes meeting with Bono than it will to actually do something.  If that's case then maybe Canadians really do deserve the crap this Liberal gov't calls good gov't.

Just had to rant, thanks for listening.
radiohead said:
On another note that has been bugged me of late, the US has reported it's second case of BSE and yet the Gov't has done nothing to get our beef back over the border, or to close our border to protect our cattle system. I guess the Liberal party has decided it will get  more votes meeting with Bono than it will to actually do something.

Funny that the Oppositioni has been doing exactly what the government has proven itself incapable (or unwilling) of doing (and yet the media coverage has been close to nonexistent: hmmmmm):
Conservatives prepare for U.S. court battle

Doug McIntyre
Wednesday June 29, 2005
Cochrane Times â ” In a precedent-setting decision last Tuesday, 64 Conservative MPs and six senators were granted standing in a Montana court to argue against a temporary injunction that derailed the restoration of the cattle trade between Canada and the United States.
â Å“This is a historic decision because Canadian parliamentarians have never before been granted standing in a foreign court and we will not back away from this fight,â ? said Wild Rose MP Myron Thompson, who was among the group granted status to file an amicus brief at the July 27 hearing in Billings, Montana.
The status was granted by Montana district court Judge Richard Cebull who, on March 2, ruled in favour of a temporary injunction sought by the protectionist Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund (R-CALF) on the lifting of trade barriers.
â Å“(This is) the same judge who earlier refused a similar application by the Liberal government. We have clearly succeeded where the Liberal government has failed,â ? said Thompson, a staunch advocate of a Canadian cattle industry hampered by losses of more than $4 billion since the BSE crisis erupted more than two years ago.
MP Ted Menzies, whose Macleod riding encompasses Springbank and Bragg Creek, was also granted status for the hearing.
â Å“We have to keep in mind this is not the government of Canada or the federal Department of Agriculture initiating this; out of frustration, the Conservative party launched this appeal,â ? Menzies said.
The amicus status allows the Conservatives to collectively submit a 10-page brief through solicitor Barry Appleton. ...
Let me get this straight. The Government applied for this same standing and was denied by the judge, but western MP's and cattle associations were permitted?

Doesn't that sound to anyone else like this Judge is playing separatist games with the Cdn Gov and the Western MP's?

As much as I applaud the MP's for seeking standing for their constituencies this action by the judge is basically denying the sovereign right of the government of Canada to represent the people of Canada. To me that is more than a little scary.

What's next? The US refuses to talk about softwood lumber with the Canadian Forest Service and insists on dealing with individual companies?
Interesting.  The Conservatives originally made great hay of applying for intervenor status ( I seem to remember Belinda Stronach as the frontman at the press conference) as opposed to the amicus status that the Feds applied for.  The Montana c\judge denied the intervenor application, but appears to have now granted amicus status to a larger group of Conservatives. 

Any legal niceties that we might be missing here?

The provincial and Federal governments have handled this very poorly. They could have used this as an opportunity to increase Canada's self-sufficiency, and help rural communities, by trying to get more slaughterhouses and packing facilities constructed. The unemployment rate amoung Alberta Indian Reservations is 50% alone. Such a thing would render the closed border irrelevant, put our ranchers back into a decent state, and help ease poverty in rural areas, and even help the government (financially and popularity-wise).

I'm going to regret posting this....

I think the Canadian government has been doing a respectible job considering that it must balance the needs of ranchers and the millions of other Canadians who's jobs rely on a smooth trading relationship with the US. Getting into a trade war is not going to help our problem. I might add, the government has a <a href="http://archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-73-787/politics_economy/softwood/">number</a> <a href="http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/airportsecurity/">of</a> <a href="http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/climatechange/">other</a> <a href="http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/iraq/index.html">issues</a> straining our relationship that they are trying to work on. As I said before, we can't get into a trade war with them, we will loose (I believe 80% of our exports go to them, only 25% of theirs go to us). Resolving the Cattle issue, as well as other issues with the United States requires tact and a diplomatic tone (time for me to take a shot....), something the Conservatives are not familiar with. ;)

I might add we have convinced the US <a href="http://calgary.cbc.ca/regional/servlet/View?filename=ca-mad-cow20050610">administration</a>, is just R-CALF and this particular right wing judge. And S_Baker is right in regards to what is actually still banned.
radiohead said:
I was watching CTV and CBC news today and they were showing a clip of the PM with Bono.   And what I saw really disappointed me, here was our PM the leader of a G-8 nation standing beside a rockstar, and looking at him like he ( Bono)was end all and be all.   everyone can get star fever, but Paul Martin should be able to hide that from a news confessice. And this was the first guy he met when he got off the plane.  
Just had to rant, thanks for listening.

Yes it bugs me too, that our politicians get all goo goo eyed at the likes of Bono and Sir Bob G. The audacity of these millionaire rock stars telling us how to run our country and how much we should be giving in foreign aid. What really ticked me off was Sir Bobs statement prior to the G8 telling our PM to stay home if he wouldn't pony up more money. We truly are a nation of sheep.
I was once told by my dear old mother that if you have nothing good to say about someone then keep your mouth shut. So, on that note,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!
Have a nice day!

Border Reopened Immediately:

<a href="http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/07/14/madcow050714.html">http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/07/14/madcow050714.html</a>
The Liberal Party, No matter what needs to be removed from government. Honestly! Since the 1960's the government (Liberals) has been ruining our country. Canada used to have one of the strongest military powers in the world. And now... They do not supply enough of a budget for us. They Scrapped the Avro Arrow Project wich was the biggest mistake in the history of Canadian History! I say get the Conservative Party in the lead of our country. I mean look what Ralph Kline has done for Alberta! Alberta is debt free and now paying for what ever the federal government wants! I say GET RID OF THEM!!!
I wonder if this would go over well in a Poll.

Should the Liberals be removed from the federal government?

OHara said:
The Liberal Party, No matter what needs to be removed from government. Honestly! Since the 1960's the government (Liberals) has been ruining our country. Canada used to have one of the strongest military powers in the world. And now... They do not supply enough of a budget for us. They Scrapped the Avro Arrow Project wich was the biggest mistake in the history of Canadian History! I say get the Conservative Party in the lead of our country. I mean look what Ralph Kline has done for Alberta! Alberta is debt free and now paying for what ever the federal government wants! I say GET RID OF THEM!!!
I wonder if this would go over well in a Poll.

Should the Liberals be removed from the federal government?

There's an old military maxim: Time spent in recce is seldom wasted.   You might want to consider a variant: Time spent on studies is seldom wasted, either.   Had you spent just a few minutes reviewing the very public modern Canadian historical record you might have avoided saying really silly things in public.
On that note, time for the Communications God to set your Radio to "Receive" - you are sleeping on the PTT switch or something.  You've been chased all over the forums for the same stuff, so now you can sit back and observe things for a little while.
Jumper said:
Yes it bugs me too, that our politicians get all goo goo eyed at the likes of Bono and Sir Bob G. The audacity of these millionaire rock stars telling us how to run our country and how much we should be giving in foreign aid. What really ticked me off was Sir Bobs statement prior to the G8 telling our PM to stay home if he wouldn't pony up more money. We truly are a nation of sheep.

I for one really want to know how much Bono contributes to Africa from his own pocket.  My bet very very very little, its way easier guilt tripping world *cough* Leaders *cough* like Martin in to giving the funds to the dictators, err needy nations.  Leading by example, is that the saying?  Martin needs to grow a spine and tell Bono to piss off (among other things he should do), or at the very least challenge Lord Bono, by asking him to publicly reveal exactly how much he gives to Africa.
Actually Mark Steyn wrote a pretty good piece about that very point Hatchet Man. If I get some time I'll look for it. If you have some time check out his website, it is probably there.
was it this piece


I have mentioned it in some other posts about a satirical piece Ed the Sock of MuchMusic did about the Bono/U2/Africa relationship.  It did raise valid points though. Some of them (going off of memory here) U2 in all probability would not be were they are now had they not been part of the orignal Live Aid/Band Aid effort in 85, Ed noted that prior to U2 doing that they weren't selling to well and people openly questioned why they were even a part of the whole thing.  But after Live Aid U2 sales went through the roof and so did there bank accounts err popularity.  After that it would seem Bono discover mentioning Africa= $$$$ for U2.  There were several examples were they disussed how when a particular record wasn't doing so well, Bono would go preach about Africa, and sales improved hmmm :o.  It was also pointed out no one knows how much (if anything)  Bono has contributed.  Maybe they are all "anonymous donations  8). 

I also loved the pic they showed in the Toronto Sun were Martin was feeling/touching Bono's Jacket and was acting all googlied eyed at him.  That election can't come soon enough!!
OHara said:
The Liberal Party, No matter what needs to be removed from government. Honestly! Since the 1960's the government (Liberals) has been ruining our country. Canada used to have one of the strongest military powers in the world. And now... They do not supply enough of a budget for us. They Scrapped the Avro Arrow Project wich was the biggest mistake in the history of Canadian History! I say get the Conservative Party in the lead of our country. I mean look what Ralph Kline has done for Alberta! Alberta is debt free and now paying for what ever the federal government wants! I say GET RID OF THEM!!!
I wonder if this would go over well in a Poll.

Should the Liberals be removed from the federal government?

John Diefenbaker was PM from 1957-1963. He was a member of the Progressive Conservative Party. The Avro Arrow was scrapped in 1959.

Edward Campbell said:
There's an old military maxim: Time spent in recce is seldom wasted.   You might want to consider a variant: Time spent on studies is seldom wasted, either.   Had you spent just a few minutes reviewing the very public modern Canadian historical record you might have avoided saying really silly things in public.

I agree with Ed. I do not like the Liberal Party but getting rid of them would create more problems. Imagine the PQ or NDP running the country.

OHara- Remeber Brian Mulrouny, Joe Clark, Kim Campbell. Yes the Liberal Party had a stronghold in the goverment but were only re-elected back in after the Conservatives in 1993

Some people could do with the reintroduction of Canadian history back into the school system. Maybe someone like, I don't know, say ah Ohara? ::)
Hatchet Man said:
I have mentioned it in some other posts about a satirical piece Ed the Sock of MuchMusic did about the Bono/U2/Africa relationship.   It did raise valid points though. Some of them (going off of memory here) U2 in all probability would not be were they are now had they not been part of the orignal Live Aid/Band Aid effort in 85, Ed noted that prior to U2 doing that they weren't selling to well and people openly questioned why they were even a part of the whole thing.   But after Live Aid U2 sales went through the roof and so did there bank accounts err popularity.   After that it would seem Bono discover mentioning Africa= $$$$ for U2.   There were several examples were they disussed how when a particular record wasn't doing so well, Bono would go preach about Africa, and sales improved hmmm :o.   It was also pointed out no one knows how much (if anything)   Bono has contributed.   Maybe they are all "anonymous donations   8).  

As stated, you have no idea how much Bono has contributed to African aid and despite how much he's personally contributed, he has defibately taken action on the Africa issue. What have you done for Africa lately? Perhaps we should be praising him for something none of us would likely do.

And as a side note, U2's album "The Joshua Tree" had an awful lot to do with the band's sudden success. People promote their own albums and products all the time to make more money for themselves, which seems to be ok. But if they ever add any sort of charity in the mix, look out! That's totally unacceptable!
Jascar said:
As stated, you have no idea how much Bono has contributed to African aid and despite how much he's personally contributed, he has defibately taken action on the Africa issue. What have you done for Africa lately? Perhaps we should be praising him for something none of us would likely do.

And as a side note, U2's album "The Joshua Tree" had an awful lot to do with the band's sudden success. People promote their own albums and products all the time to make more money for themselves, which seems to be ok. But if they ever add any sort of charity in the mix, look out! That's totally unacceptable!

I think you totally missed the point, which was no one has any clue if that talking mouthpiece (Bono) has ever made any kind finicial contribution to his pet cause. His MO is try pressure/persuade other to donate their money, and lately it has been to pressure world governments to send money (taxpayer money, ie my money, your money, and every other persons money) to African Dicators. His own "charity"  DATA (www.data.org)
doesn't even provide money to causes


Can I Donate Money to DATA?
If you would like to send DATA a donation we would be glad to accept it. You can make a check out to DATA and mail it to:

1400 Eye St., NW
Suite 1125
Washington, DC 20005

Please recognize that we do not fund programs in Africa or provide direct services in Africa. Our efforts focus on encouraging wealthy governments and nations to increase their funding for Africa and on increasing awareness and grassroots support for Africa here in the U.S.
If you are looking for an organization which provides money directly to Africa, you might try the Global Fund
  So Jascar please tell me what exactly has Bono done other than make big demands for taxpayer money? 

Myself personally I have done SFA for Africa, charity begins at home in my opinion.  There are enough problems in Toronto, plus I don't particularly feel like lining the pockets of a dictator like Mugabe. 

And about U2 success being linked to charity, like I said it was a satire piece, not very serious stuff, just things to make think about.
My point was that if none of us know how much Bono is donating, why just assume he's not? And even if he's not, I think he's still doing admirable work. Like I said, most other musicians promote themselves, then keep all the money for themselves, and nobody thinks twice about it. If Bono chooses to direct a little money Africa's way, even if his band gets some promotion from it, I say good on him.

Aside from the charity work, Bono himself has raised awareness of African issues around the world, with national leaders and regular Joes like us. He's not always asking for money, sometimes he just wants you to think about what's going on in Africa. In fact, his "charity" website you posted the link to isn't a charity at all and doesn't claim to be one, it's about promoting African issues.

I'm not a die-hard Bono fan, but I think he does far more good than your average musician and we should be thanking rather than criticizing him.