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P82 Rucksack and Web Gear


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What is your thoughts regarding to the old "coat hanger" rucksack frames? I know that the 64 pattern frame is better, specially if you are doing airborne drops but what about using them for hiking through the bush off trail, are the p64 frames still better and why? On regards to the web gear, whats your thoughts about it (specially when used in combat)? Is there an ideal set up or just personal taste on how to put it together? Is there any customizing you suggest that should be done to make the web gear (and rucksack) better? Was there a pacific way everything went into the rucksack and web gear? if you had to itemize what to pack for an extra long hike through the bush (off trail), what would you have packed in your 1. rucksack and 2. web gear? And finally where could I go to have the rucksack repaired?
You are a Corporal in 1 Service Battalion (according to your profile) and you still do not know this?
My condolences.

If you, however, are neither a Corporal nor a member or ex-member of 2 Service Battalion, please change your profile. You may indicate that you are the son or daughter of a deceased member to honour his memory, or leave those areas blank. You may not claim to be something that you are not.

Please also capitalize where appropriate, and use proper punctuation.
lets no get to picky with the english, this is not high school and not to many persons care. though i do have o say, i need spelling leasons, like for sures
Perhaps you should re-read the site guidelines again:

You will not use excessive webspeak, or other shorthand styles of typing. Please use English or French to the best of your ability; this makes it easier for those who are not posting in their native language.

edwardsjoey96 said:
lets no get to picky with the english, this is not high school and not to many persons care. though i do have o say, i need spelling leasons, like for sures

You are joking, right?

What you just wrote is, basically, unreadable.

Contrary to what you may believe or have been taught, spelling, grammer and composition do still matter and people most assuredly do care.

For your painfully-acknowledged need of spelling lessons, a first step would be to use the <Spell Check> button at the bottom of the page before you hit <Post>

Just trying to help.
This is website is run mainly for, and by, members or ex-members of the CF. It tends, therefore, to be run in much the same way as the CF. Clear and accurate communication is expected in the CF. We also expect it here. There are plenty of other sites on the interweb for linguistic slobs.

We also expect compliance with the other site guidelines, to which you agreed when you registered. If you have subsequently decided that you do not agree with them, then the price of admission will be cheerfully refunded.

You will find a wealth of assistance, advice, and information here - but only if you act in accordance with our expectations.

I do not know how old you are, but I suspect that you are rather young. I do not care. I shall treat you as an adult here, until I see reason why I should not. Being treated as an adult has its advantages, but it also has its responsibilities.

People here - me included - will bend over backwards to assist you in any way possible, and we expect very little in return.
Loachman said:
If you have subsequently decided that you do not agree with them, then the price of admission will be cheerfully refunded.

That's pure gold right there. That's up there with all-time classics such as "You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."
edwardsjoey96 said:
What is your thoughts regarding to the old "coat hanger" rucksack frames? I know that the 64 pattern frame is better, specially if you are doing airborne drops but what about using them for hiking through the bush off trail, are the p64 frames still better and why? On regards to the web gear, whats your thoughts about it (specially when used in combat)? Is there an ideal set up or just personal taste on how to put it together? Is there any customizing you suggest that should be done to make the web gear (and rucksack) better? Was there a pacific way everything went into the rucksack and web gear? if you had to itemize what to pack for an extra long hike through the bush (off trail), what would you have packed in your 1. rucksack and 2. web gear? And finally where could I go to have the rucksack repaired?
My two cents.  Lacking a true weight-bearing hip belt, the old "coat hanger" rucksack frame is a terrible design.  There are much better rucks available for hiking through the bush, and I suggest that if you are serious about off-trail hiking that you have a look at your local outdoor store at the various civilian designs (e.g. Mountain Equipment Coop).  Regarding web gear, there is absolutely no reason to be wearing it for hiking.  It's designed for combat, not civvy use. 

If you have to ask what to pack for an "extra long hike", you are likely not ready for one.  A series of shorter hikes will let you "shake out" your equipment and let you know what works for you personally.  Cheers.
Okay, that's enough.

The OP has amended his/her profile - thank-you edwardsjoey96 - so at least part of the point has been made (although members and ex-members of 1 Service Battalion would probably prefer to see their unit's name properly capitalized). No further comment is necessary regarding written communication skills at this time.

edwardsjoey96 said:
What is your thoughts regarding to the old "coat hanger" rucksack frames?

There should be sufficient answers on this site already. Have you tried the Search Function? If you find somebody who's said anything positive about these frames, please share it with us.

edwardsjoey96 said:
I know that the 64 pattern frame is better, specially if you are doing airborne drops but what about using them for hiking through the bush off trail, are the p64 frames still better and why?

Again, the Search Function should find a lot of previous informed comment. You may have to vary your key words, and try "82 Pattern", "82 Patt", and similar variations of "64 Patt" both with "Patt/Pattern" and the year in the other order, and also "Rucksack Universal C2" (the original and proper designation for the "Jump Ruck") - and "Jump Ruck" is another key word that you can search under.

edwardsjoey96 said:
On regards to the web gear, whats your thoughts about it (specially when used in combat)? Is there an ideal set up or just personal taste on how to put it together? Is there any customizing you suggest that should be done to make the web gear (and rucksack) better?

Some people have used the 82 Pattern web gear in Afghanistan, in preference to the Tac Vest, but I would suspect that they are in the minority. It does allow for some flexibility in setting it up, whereas the Tac Vest offers very little. Set-up may vary with personal requirements, but units would often specify how this was to be done, and not always logically. There are no aftermarket improvements for the 82 Pattern web gear or rucksack, but there are quite a few available for for the C2 ("64 Pattern") Rucksack - see CP Gear, Drop Zone Tactical, Riggermade (a member here), and other sources.

edwardsjoey96 said:
Was there a pacific way everything went into the rucksack and web gear? if you had to itemize what to pack for an extra long hike through the bush (off trail), what would you have packed in your 1. rucksack and 2. web gear? And finally where could I go to have the rucksack repaired?

I realize that you meant "specific" rather than "pacific", but no. This would vary with the environment and operation, and unit kit lists. Webbing is designed to hold those items specificaly required for combat - ammunition, first aid equipment, and water plus whatever other less-essential encumberances that a unit felt necessary.

What repairs are needed?