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Pan-Islamic merged mega thread

They say they'll stretch the ugly bitch's neck at dawn.  And the others too.  Hope they're good for it.  They should be, they're pissed.
Sheep Dog AT said:
So what's the thoughts/chances on Jordan and Japan wrecking havoc?

Jordan, maybe, but not Japan.  The atrocities committed by the Japanese during WW2 are still recent memory and nobody in their government wants current day parallels to be drawn. That's political poison.

Whatever the west or it's allies does in retaliation will be easily eclipsed by IS's next and more spectacular act of barbarism.  This latest execution goes beyond terror and straight into horror. The intent is to show the west and it's allies that we cannot and should not fight them because to do so opens us all up to similar or greater punishment.
Such a shame that Japan is hobbled.  Can you imagine the effects of all the men and ferocity of the Imperial Japanese Army with today's weapons going across ISIS lines?  Would be like the Tasmanian Devil x 10000.  That, would be epic to watch as they show Jihadi John the proper way to take his head with a Samurai sword.
I wouldn't be so quick to pass on the Japanese. There appears to be A LOT of arguing going on in Their country and parliament.
jollyjacktar said:
They say they'll stretch the ugly bitch's neck at dawn.  And the others too.  Hope they're good for it.  They should be, they're pissed.

Kat Stevens said:
I hope the Jordanians take that female(?) bomber they're holding, chain her limbs to four camels, and give them all a swat in the arse.  I further hope they put it on Al Jazeeras Saturday night This Week in Fanaticism.

Hope they strap her body to the pylon of an F-16 and drop her in the middle of an ISIS assembly area. Alive or Dead. Doesn't matter.
Just watching an interview with Richard Engle.

There is some speculation that the timing of the video may be suspect. Jordan has been asking for proof of life all through the negotiations and was never received. RUMINT has it that the execution may have been carried out soon after his capture, and that the offer of a prisoner swap on the part of ISIS was never going to happen as they had already carried out the execution.

He is also reporting that it could be as many as 6 other ISIS / AQ prisoners that could be executed along with the female.

They stretched the b1tch along with another at dawn.  Good to see Jordan is as good as their word.

Full story with many photos and videos at link below.

Jordan executes ISIS jihadists: Female suicide bomber among two put to death in dawn hangings in retaliation for terrorists releasing video of pilot being torched to death in cage
Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli were both executed this morning
Jordan had vowed to execute six of its ISIS-linked prisoners at dawn today
Comes after pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh was filmed being burnt alive in a cage
Jordan has confirmed pilot was brutally murdered by ISIS on January 3
Barack Obama condemned the killing, branding it 'vicious and barbaric'

By John Hall and Julian Robinson and Tom Wyke and Steph Cockroft for MailOnline and David Williams, Chief Reporter for the Daily Mail

Published: 16:50 GMT, 3 February 2015  | Updated: 08:45 GMT, 4 February 2015

Jordan has executed two ISIS-linked prisoners, including a would-be female suicide bomber, it has been revealed this morning.

The executions, at about 4am local time today, came just hours after Islamic State militants released a sickening video showing a captured Jordanian fighter pilot being burned alive in a cage.

Jordan had vowed a swift and lethal response and government officials this morning revealed that two prisoners, Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli, have already been hanged.

Al-Rishawi had been on death row for her role in a triple hotel bombing in the Jordanian capital Amman in 2005 that killed dozens.

The executions took place after gruesome footage emerged showing Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being torched to death by his captors.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2938199/Burned-alive-cage-ISIS-release-video-claiming-horrifying-murder-captured-Jordanian-pilot.html#ixzz3QlfRtW4x
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And the murder capture of the Jordanian pilot leads to knock on effects ....
The United Arab Emirates pulled out of the air campaign fighting ISIS militants after the capture of a Jordanian pilot who has since been killed by the extremists, the New York Times reported Wednesday.


The key U.S. ally in the campaign suspended airstrikes in December after the capture, fearing for the fate of its pilots, the Times said, quoting U.S. officials.

The United Arab Emirates want the U.S. to improve its search-and-rescue efforts, including the use of V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, in northern Iraq, closer to the battleground.

As it stands, the U.S.-led mission is based in Kuwait, administration officials said, according to the Times.

It said UAE pilots will not rejoin the fight until the Ospreys - which take off and land like helicopters but fly like planes - are deployed in northern Iraq ....
Which is exactly the goal the barbarians wanted.  I'll wager the pilot was killed shortly after his "interview" that was put into their magazine.  By showing they will stop at no civilized boundries I expect they'll have many running scared.  I'm surprised there's not the screams from the usual suspects for us to pull out of the mission.
milnews.ca said:

If the UAE and the other Arab states all pull out, leaving only the West to fight their battles; then the optics will favour those radical Muslims who are equating Western "interference" to the "Crusades" ten centuries ago, legitimizing their claims among other radical Muslims.  This action would leave the West in a predicament where they are getting sucked into a cesspool, escalating with ever increasing numbers of Western troops being sent in.  The WEST would be better off to pull out completely and let the fragile cards fall where they may and concentrate solely on sealing off the Region and the spread of barbarianism outside of those failed states.

We have already seen ISIL barbarians have no respect for human life, even executing their own.  If the Islamic states in the region do not want to stop the spread of these barbarians, who are we to stop them?  We have failed in the past with our good intentions.  Let them evolve to a higher plain and realize the barbarians are wrong or let them commit cultural suicide.  Our attempts to civilize them have failed, only flaming their radicalism.  Their hatred of the West can not be cured by the repeated attempts of the West to militarily suppress their insurgencies and prop up failed Regimes.  Time to let them 'sort themselves out'.
MCG said:
The quote does not support that conclusion.  It is stated that the UAE ceased air ops because of his capture and before his murder was known.
Good point - fixed, and thanks.
cupper said:
RUMINT has it that the execution

"Execution" implies legitimacy.

This was no "execution". It was a brutal, savage, murder.

IS does not "execute". It has no legitimacy.

Terminology is important.

I wonder if this rumour is true
Sheep Dog AT said:

I wonder if this rumour is true

Judging by the look on his face in the photos I was almost expecting to see a set of brass knuckles  on his hands..
If he is in fact going to personally fly combat missions against these scum, I tip my hat to the man.
Sheep Dog AT said:

I wonder if this rumour is true

Don't forget our great war leader;
I laugh every time someone posts that picture.  ;D  But I feel for the poor bugger who was in charge of the VIP party. The guy must be a sub culture cult hero.