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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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You already had the ref....ouch edited to remove

Table B is the 2LT pay scale, it' includes all the rows, my understanding

Second edit to add:

As a 2Lt I rec'd more than 1 IPC increase.  It was due to a delay in training out of my control.  There is a CBI ref for that as well but it escapes me at the moment.  It had to be requested through AF TRG equivalent to CM for untrained people.
Just wondering as a CF member, can we declare us as employed tradesperson. I was thinking if we can claim after market chest rigs? Or boots too? Boot polish, hair cuts, supplements? What has other people done before? I'm just thinking about it. Some rigs and boots can cost a fair bit of money.

Your thoughts?

It has been discussed before.  None of those are claimable.  Some people have gotten away with it in the past, others not so lucky.
        While trying to explain to a co-worker that attempting to claim haircuts was just asking for an audit, I showed him this quote directly from the H & R Block Canada website's "Unusual Tax Decuctions Denied" section.

  "The cost of a haircut is not deductible against employment income even when you are a serviceman and you are required to get one every two weeks. (Rouillard v. The Queen [2000] 4 C.T.C. 2065)" (You can google it and find further info on a site called taxwiki.ca)

As far as drycleaning DEU's, do you think  someone working at Tim Hortons should claim laundry soap to wash spilled coffee out of their uniform?

As a general rule, the only clothing expenses you can deduct on your income tax are those items that you are required to have in order to actually do your job (i.e. you cannot legally work without them).  In practice, this seems to be limited to safety gear (e.g. a construction worker who has to buy his/her safety boots can claim that cost).  Considering that CF members are considered to be provided with all equipment they need to do their jobs, there really isn't anything that we can claim for (and no, you can't claim for your mess dress - it does not qualify).

I know that it was an old question above (but I just read it).  TD allowances are NOT income and are not taxed in any way and should not appear on your T4.
Did you check for responses to the first time you asked the question?

Sorry, missed those. Didn't realize it had actually posted the first time as I posted it in the wrong section. Thanks for setting me on the right track.
Good day,

If this is in the wrong area please move. Proceeding I am a Private Recruit getting ready to head off to BMQ and I was wondering about the pay grades on the CF website. As we are informed when we get the offer is do you know how much you will be making and the answer is yes we do. However with the 2 other pay grades is where I have a couple questions as I have heard different things from credible sources. Do we get a pay grade increase for Private once we leave BMQ and head off to elemental training or are the pay grades based on you years of service.

Reason I ask is the information is conflicting from the RC and people already at BMQ that I have been speaking with.

Best Regards
Pay increases are for each year in rank, and promotion. No extra pay for finishing BMQ. Your sources that told you that are not credible.
Thank you kindly. I figured it was yearly however not everything is explained clearly or correctly at all RC. Better be safe to check then sorry.
Also the pay grade posted on the Forces website are out of date the CF received a pay raise a few months ago, Private 1 pay is now 2750. 
Anyone telling you that you get an increase on completion of BMQ is probably thinking back to 1998 and prior when we had Pte(R) and Pte(B) rates of pay - which no longer exist.  Since then, you start out at Pte IPC 1, and one year later, you go to Pte IPC 2.

The recruiting site seldom has the full information on rates of pay.  For the most accurate and recent pay rates, go to the DGCB site at http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/ps/pay-sol/pr-sol/index-eng.asp.
Similar question to the one initially posted. As I was looking at the pay scales for basic officers, what pay scale would a DEO officer cadet be? There are two current categories, officer cadet ROTP (which is not DEO obviously) and OCTP (officer cadet training program). Then, the transition to 2nd LT, there are both DEO and OCTP categories. When researching the OCTP, I found that this was in regards to the high school training program. Can anyone explain these distinctions in pay?
It says you're on the "C" schedule, I'm pretty sure DEO officers are commissioned right away and do BMOQ as 2Lt, hence the extra IPC levels and extra pay.
You will get paid as a 2 Lt but will be at basic training as a O.Cdt. and will not get promoted till graduation week. 
I know if you're in the reserves and you're doing BMQ and you already have your degree, you should be a 2LT while doing basic training, getting paid as a 2LT, and have your 1 big bar on your epaulette/slip on.

You will be an OCdt if you're working on your degree, but don't have it yet.
Short run down, point form of issues.

Husband joined Aug 2009
Married, 1 child at time of signing. We signed decleration and provided a documentation of such.
Second child born in Sept 2010
Completed taxes Feb 2012 and were told by CRA that taxes being withheld due to husband claiming wife and children but employer stating no spouse and children.
SPoke with CRA, said they would rectify once employer changes tax coding ( he is being taxed at code 1, must be taxed at code 9 for FEDERAL, and TAxed at code 'E" for PROVINCIAL )
After months of dealing with payroll clerks and being given run around, ie "we don't change TD1 forms", "all members are taxed as single", etc etc, the MWO has now looked into the matter and is having it changed to spouse and 2 dependants.

Question is:

He has been taxed as single for 3 years now, and paying almost $200 too much each month. Who owes him this money, or will he ever see it? The CRA says his employer must pay him retro, and his employer says it is CRA who owes him....once again back to square one.
Not certain I understand the problem.

The CF pay system withholds taxes.  If they withhold too much, it comes back as a refund when the tax return is filed.

If it's always too much, the member can complete the TD1 form (plus provincial equivalent for the province of residence) to change the deductions; that would go through the pay office, and take effect once it's input into the system.  Subsequent pay should reflect the revised deductions.  Again, if prior deductions were too high the difference would be recovered on filing annual tax returns.

CRA has refunded his taxes based on what his EMPLOYER has imputed, ie single no dependents.
He now OWES the CRA a few thousand dollars as they have audited him for the previous 3 tax years.

This is a mistake on the part of payroll.

SO I am going to assume that once payroll fixes this, CRA will refund my husband the owing amounts from previous years, and adjust my child tax, our HST from past 3 years ect? Is there anything else this can affect?