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Although I was not involved in it I do remember that one quite well among a few other incidents that will remain out of the public domain....lol
Ahhhh Neil..........you are such a great Black Flag fan.................and Stan...ssm the "bear"?  I believe that he was more popularly known as the Brigadier........................
Hell ya I remember

To add to that
Who was Sheps JAFO for that Milcon

CaseySheppard said:
Ahhhh Neil..........you are such a great Black Flag fan.................and Stan...ssm the "bear"?  I believe that he was more popularly known as the Brigadier........................

Oops, thats right.  Reg Warren was known as "The Bear".

Ya that was a good smoker...
Brigadier SSM Grant
Man there is names I have long forgotten or is that blocked from my mind

Seeing as the "Looking for Cassie Shephard, PEIR" has outlived its' true purpose in the "Personnel Locator" forums, perhaps it is time for all PEIR and former PEIR members to come clean.

C/S 11 from 1974 - 1977 and A Sqn BC in 1979.
sigtech said:
Brigadier SSM Grant
Man there is names I have long forgotten or is that blocked from my mind
Its hard to block him out. I remember he had a passion for throwing tear gas at you every DP. Unfortunately one time the padre was in the back of my vehicle and had no mask while I was dumping some fuel in when we heard the pop of the gas grenade and the laugh of the SSM, Mike E and I had changed seats and our kit was on the opposite side of the Iltis while the driver in front of us panicked and kept stalling out as the gas got thiker and the padre became more and more red in the face.
I remember that.  The Padre also got gassed at Dunn's Corner with us (3 Tp that summer).  This was '93 Gramps??

Later that day, we were moving towards Summer Hill on the trace, from McKinney Defile.  Padre C was in the back of the Tp Ldr's c/s.  He didn't follow the advice to "buckle up" of the Tp Ldr...and got launched headfirst into the rollbar and thats how he split his head open.

Gassed 3 times with no mask.  And head split open on rollbar.  Quite the ex for him.
Yes it was 93, I believe Dave W was the driver in the roll bar incident but I could be wrong.
Hmmm not sure.  I know the Tp Ldr was Kent M, can't remember the dvr.  I was in 43C that one...but I am sure it was 93.

I do remember our Tp WO was Junior G (RSS WO) and he was shaking his head lots on that ex.  ;D
I know that sigtech will be along to elaborate on this one or maybe just to get angry at it once more but do you guys remember the car that mysteriously spontaneously ignited in front of the D lines in Gagetown sometime around 95 or so?
Yup.  I was in H-23 that summer...it was 95, and Ritzy put out the fire.  It was actually up in the H lines though.  Right across from T & E, in front of H-21.

What a hero.   :)  Wonder how he got there so fast though... :P

IIRC, one possible course of action being tossed around that summer was to push the car into the Base RSMs parking spot. 

Lesson learned?  Don't take tasking in Aldershot and leave your car with people who know you in Gagetown.
Right it was the H lines, I was working at T&E at the time. Sigtech will have to come on later and give us the full story on that one....lol.

Sorry to bring up old wounds sigtech..lol
I remember he had a passion for throwing tear gas at you every DP.

Hey, I remember that ex. After he finished gassing you guys, he had one left over and he threw it in the back of my MRT while I was in there.

I just kicked the damn thing out and kept going, but my cam net was full of gas and I'd sneeze my fool head off every time I cammed the truck.

In a similar vein, which of you miscreants was responsible for rigging the smoke grenade to my jeep shortly after I took over 3 Tp?

I thought it was funny as hell, but I never did find out who the ringleader was....

RE: Dave's car

I just got back from the bars with a herbie chick and i laughed so hard i was making screaming noises....but i always did find that sort of thing funny. Dave  did you ever marry Sheri B.?
Sheri B hmmmmmmmmmm nope didn't get  married to her thank god....... I dumped her one day on my way to get food for gramps and I ( remember that one gramps)

I am Married to a nice Euro women from Ontario

The Car yes that was funny , you know what was the funny part when the MP's tried to charge me for burning it , even though I didn't have fire insurance on it.
RSM Huges God love his soul help me out with that one.

Oh yes Desk Recce , I didn't leave that beater by choice it was rather broken ........ oh well Carma is a wonderful thing I am sure the "hero" will get his dues someday.  >:D

All and all I can look back and laugh now ha ha ha haaaaa hmmmmmmmmmmm

As for the roll bar gramps yes that was I. I remember looking back and telling the padre to buckle up he said no he was ok 5 minutes later smash his head hits the roll bar. I told him to go to the medic and he informed me that the only time he ever saw a medic was the time he was bit by a rock ape ( he was one crazy old Brit) oh course Cyr was our medic at the time ( would anyone trust him  :-\)
HOLY F...I just figured out who this Sigtech is. Getting slow in my age....G'day Goat!
RecceDG said:
Hey, I remember that ex. After he finished gassing you guys, he had one left over and he threw it in the back of my MRT while I was in there.

I just kicked the damn thing out and kept going, but my cam net was full of gas and I'd sneeze my fool head off every time I cammed the truck.

In a similar vein, which of you miscreants was responsible for rigging the smoke grenade to my jeep shortly after I took over 3 Tp?

I thought it was funny as hell, but I never did find out who the ringleader was....


I have no idea on the smoke gren...when would that have been?  Cause I was in 3 Tp until I immigrated to Ch'twn in 99....?

Anyone else here do Adv PArty in '92?  I think Shep was there...

Chief Engineer, catapaults, Jim Smallman in the trees, jeeps in the woods for no reason, and 8 sided garbage pits ring a bell to anyone?  I remember sewing my rank on a new crewsuit the 2nd night and Jim was hammered and shooting everything with that stupid bow and arrow he had made.  That was before he climbed the trees and wouldn't come down of course.  :rofl:

I remember being tasked with "gathering evidence" from a certain jeep that had "cough cough" been taken from the veh lines en route to a smoker in Koots.

We put everything in the jeep into a garbage bag.  Mud, ration pack stuff (I specifically remember a open Apple sauce going in), one of the arms of Rick J's glasses, some cheeese, leaves you name it.  The MPs were NOT amused when they opened the bag up. 