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CaseySheppard said:
RE: Dave's car

I just got back from the bars with a herbie chick and i laughed so hard i was making screaming noises....but i always did find that sort of thing funny. Dave  did you ever marry Sheri B.?

And you woke me up (it was a Twisted Tuesday at the Hilltop night wasn't it??).  And I was like "ahhhhhhh shit!".  Although I am not sure why I had stayed in the shacks that night...but you and Mike D were on a good one that night.

Good thing Sean R was there to "put the fire out" eh Shep??

Speaking of Sean R, anyone know what happened to him?

I seen him the summer of 99 I think it was, outside Sweets in Ftown.  He was married with a kid then I think...
ref Milcon 92 , I know that was my first ex with the regiment. I kept Shep in smokes for most of the ex , btw shep you owe me a pack or two. It was insane Shep as my CC and Skank I belive was his Jr or the other way around. Then the after math was Shep walking around with a Ghost leaf on his combats. :salute:

ref Sean R yes God love his pure pure soul in being such a nice guy for putting out the fire , btw I thanked him for that ....... grumble grumble grumble

Live and learn

Since when do Mexican jails allow internet use? lol Have you missed any Brigade bug outs lately?  The good thing is you had an accomplice that time, where is Mr Fougere these days?  But I do remember you sweating bullets, cause you thought the WO (now RSM) had ya.  Figured me out yet?

I have no idea on the smoke gren...when would that have been?  Cause I was in 3 Tp until I immigrated to Ch'twn in 99....?

Would have been... late '96 maybe?

We were doing an ex out in the county, and the boys found an old WW2-era ML out in the bush. They lured me and WO McG. (Tp WO) out to have a look at it, and while we were gone, jammed a smoke grenade into my rifle clip and tied the lid to the door. (why did we have the doors on? I don't remember)

I *do* remember everybody looking like they just swallowed the canary and knowing that something was up... and I remember taking a couple of kicks at the grenade once I set it off, but it was stuck fast - so we all bailed out. (I guess the driver came along with us to see the ML too? Man, I'm getting old; some of the details are fuzzy)

WO McG wasn't in on the joke and was hopping mad, but I thought it was pretty funny. I always suspected Sean A. but never confirmed it.

We had 4 troops then, if I remember right. Matt W. had 41. Shane had 42. I had 43, and Erroll McE had 44 out of S'Side. Or have I got the callsigns screwed up?


You know, you could be right.  10 years ago, I think we were 4 Tp...

Things are a weee bit different now.  I was home with D Sqn for our Bde ex in April.

We managed to fill out 1 Tp, and not all c/s's had JAFOs.  Different times.
RecceDG said:
Hey, I remember that ex. After he finished gassing you guys, he had one left over and he threw it in the back of my MRT while I was in there.

I just kicked the damn thing out and kept going, but my cam net was full of gas and I'd sneeze my fool head off every time I cammed the truck.

In a similar vein, which of you miscreants was responsible for rigging the smoke grenade to my jeep shortly after I took over 3 Tp?

I thought it was funny as hell, but I never did find out who the ringleader was....


Now, I will admit that I may have done the exact same trick but it was to a different Troop Leader. I might have even given someone the idea to do the same to 3Tp Ldr but my memory is foggy after all these years.
RecceDG said:
Matt W. had 41. Shane had 42. I had 43, and Erroll McE had 44 out of S'Side. Or have I got the callsigns screwed up?

No, you are right. Matt had 41, I wonder if he remembers the smoke grenade tied to his drive shaft. I was feeling a little rusty that morning but I am pretty sure it was his Iltis we rigged.
sigtech said:
Sheri B hmmmmmmmmmm nope didn't get  married to her thank god....... I dumped her one day on my way to get food for gramps and I ( remember that one gramps)
Oh yeah I do remember that one quite well. I was living on Lower Prince Street at the time. If memory serves me correct there may have been a few beverages involved later on that night.
Gramps said:
Oh yeah I do remember that one quite well. I was living on Lower Prince Street at the time. If memory serves me correct there may have been a few beverages involved later on that night.
Yes there was followed by me walking back to your place yelling Fredom at the top of my lungs , then throwing up all over the place........ you remember I liked doing that , ( just like the trip to the gun shop)
sigtech said:
Yes there was followed by me walking back to your place yelling Fredom at the top of my lungs , then throwing up all over the place........ you remember I liked doing that , ( just like the trip to the gun shop)

Now that was a good trip for sure. Almost as good as the night Newton went nuts when we were out at my little camp area.
Another name I haven't heard in a while.  How is he doing now?  Better health?
I havent heard too much about Newton in quite a while. I will ask around and update everyone when I know. What about Mike "Biff" G. I understand he is a Maj now?

Casey, where are you living now? I will be in NB on Sunday.
Who would have figured that I would have a hobby that consisted of one thread in some forum?  But anyways here goes

RE xarmy Lets see............ a 33 year old MAMS geek.....missed brigade bug out(that was a Smashing Pumpkins concert at the palladium btw) and you are aware of my love for WO Lee...(we still speak from time to time...I consider him to be the finest leader I have ever served under)........well I have no idea who you are...were you in three troop in those heady days of recce sqn? If you were did you also make it into that gang of lowbrow pirates called assault troop? Oh yeah Mr F is in the unit we can't speak of......probably shaking down Osama as we speak

RE OfficeRecceMan The night you woke up....is that the night my herbie chick puked on the floor of our room?

RE sigtech He was my jr

RE gramps my phone # is on its way

Oh and if you are wondering Mexican Jails actually have beautiful facilities both educational and recreational.
yeah they were ..... unless you were the operator of 43C .................  the horror
I got an email a couple of years ago saying he was in Kingston, doing some job on the base.  Randy payne was here last Friday for the repat.  Like is said in the pm I see the brothers coming through all the time.

