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PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

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I suppose you could grieve anything, that being said it may be hard to grieve a PDR. None the less, a "Notice of Intent to Grieve" would sure put a spotlight on the author.
Mediman14 said:
I'm just putting this out there on not what to say on a PDR! A colleague of mine received a PDR that made reference to her new diagnosis of a learning disability as four separate "areas of development" points. When the officer (the one who wrote the PDR)was asked about it during the interview - the response was "no biggie - its only a one man thought process about you, if you grievance it, it only shows the lack of leadership that you are unable to take constructive criticism".

Re-read some of your previous threads. Would you say the situation is improving, worsening or remains the same?

OP: Mediman14
Redress PER
"My particular unit has a lot of corruption that is never dealt with. atleast it seems that way!"

OP: Mediman14
Complaints/ Investigation 
2 pages.

OP: Mediman14
What ever happen to the days.... 

OP: Mediman14
Am I allowed to record conversations at work?

OP: Mediman14
Court Martial 

OP: Mediman14
"I don't need to be talked to in an aggressive tone."

OP: Mediman14
Severe Reprimand 

OP: Mediman14
Advice needed 
"We all worked in positions that are "soul sucking". But when a position causes mental health issues, is it worth placing a grievance in to the CO?"

OP: Mediman14
The Better Approach
"Gone are the days of being direct and right to the point without someone taking offence."

OP: Mediman14
Promoted too early?


Mediman14 said:
I'm just putting this out there on not what to say on a PDR! A colleague of mine received a PDR that made reference to her new diagnosis of a learning disability as four separate "areas of development" points. When the officer (the one who wrote the PDR)was asked about it during the interview - the response was "no biggie - its only a one man thought process about you, if you grievance it, it only shows the lack of leadership that you are unable to take constructive criticism".

Why not say this and it's actually a good time to say it!  The PDR Process is there for a reason and that reason is to inform individuals of their current performance, whilst providing sufficient feedback and guidance to allow them to address and be successful by improving on their "observed" weaknesses during the year, so that when the times comes for them to receive their Annual PER, there are NO surprises.

CFPAS Manual, Chap 1, Art 117......

1.  The reporting of other factors in the PER will be done as follows:

a.  compassionate, administrative, medical and/or disciplinary problems are to be commented on when they result in restricted employment and/or affect the individual's performance, deportment, behaviour and/or bearing.

The Supervisor should and appears to be informing the member that this is a PDR noted problem which could very well end up on the Annual PER.  I don't see anything wrong with this, other than the comments by the Supr that followed when they were challenged.
The PDR is for the position, not the person. If persons are distorting that, they are wrong. Some mods are required as the position evolves, but should be minimal and not favour or hinder the person in the position.

Ironically, the intent of the PDR/PER system was to enable objectiveness and diminish the merit system.


Add in succession planning and it gets really messed up!

Mediman14 said:
Situation remains the same, if anything , it's "same pile, different shovel"

;D < Laughing at the expression, NOT you!  :)

PM sent with password.

Anybody who needs the password is welcome to PM me directly. 


If they are his then he can publish them if he wants. If they were yours then no, they must be protected by him.
Not something I would do!  Issues, issues and hammer home issues but it will help the low info voters. 
ccwhite2016 said:
Are PER's protected B?  If so, can we post them publicly?

Generally speaking, once you enter a Svc # or any other type of personal identifying information on the PER, it will become PB.  If the PER belongs to you, then you can do whatever you want with it.  But I wonder why you would want to post it "publicly"?
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