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Posting and moving family


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I need to seek out some collective advice here.  I am looking at getting posted to Toronto and need to understand some implications if my family decide not to move with me.  In my case we are not eligible for IR (posted from OUTCAN).  Spouse has a career that means she cannot relocate to Toronto, but needs to return to the previous location of our HG+E.  If I pay for the families move back to former home, can I rent a place in Toronto (on my own dime) and be eligible for PLD?  Does my family have to reside within the geographical limits of the Base/Duty location or just me?

I accept that I may have to (effectively) self-fund something that looks and smells like IR.  Is this allowed?  Is there a better way?
I'm simply playing devil's advocate here:

But what is it about your spouse's career that prevents her from leaving her job to move with you?  Sounds more like "doesn't want to" rather than "can't"
Could go OUTCAN but can't go to Canada's largest city and arguably most diverse job market? I don't need to play devil's advocate to agree with SF2...
Could be the spouse put career on hold during the OUTCAN posting but wants to get back to it.
Some careers are governed by provincial accreditation. May only be licensed to work in one province.
Just a guess on my part but a distinct possibility.
X Royal said:
Could be the spouse put career on hold during the OUTCAN posting but wants to get back to it.
Some careers are governed by provincial accreditation. May only be licensed to work in one province.
Just a guess on my part but a distinct possibility.

:nod:  Agreed.  My first thought was maybe DFAIT, in which case it's pretty much NCR or nothing, domestically. 

The OP has accepted that there may be personal expense, & does not appear to be asking for a free ride along the lines of other IR/anti-IR discussions on this site.  And at any rate, we don't need to have all the information in order to accept the possibility that there might be a legitimate reason that we just don't know about.  That should be enough info to discuss the options that the OP has asked for. 
I think the answer lies in looking at things differently. 

If you moved your furntiure and effects with you on the OutCan posting and Toronto is your posting then it would be the place to which your personal effects would be moved.  Therefore you would be entitled to PLD.  If your wife chooses to live elsewhere then that would be on your own dime.

The issue will rest on whether your spouse was on LWOP from her last job and if your retained your F&E and primary residence at the location in which you were posted prior to your OutCan.  If this is the case you could have a case for IR. 

If she was not on LWOP and you did not maintain a primary residence in Canada, then see option 1 above.
Thanks guys.  Appreciate the perspective.  It is indeed a case of want versus need.  Wife is 3 years from a pension and we want her to return to her job/career to qualify for that.  Simply too much miney to throw away.  We were IR and OUTCAN was our way of being able to afford for her to go on a LWOP and all of us to live in the same geographic location.  CF does does not owe us anything.  I am just looking at a way to keep serving while being able to afford living apart without assistance from the CF.  At least until she can retire and we can get more mobile.  (She came to this CF life late...)  Another option (I assume) is I can request Kingston and live in quarters on my own dime. 

I also learned (late) that IR cannot be granted on return from OUTCAN.  So that is out. 

Thanks again. 