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Problems with laser eye surgery


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Hey guy's this is my first post and i just have some questions i'd like to get cleared up.

I will be 18 in about a month, and i'd like to become a reservist ( For now ) possibly after the Summer. i looked through the CF Physical Fitness guide and i try to keep myself in top physical condition. ( Pfft 5+ km running is tiring stuff. :P )

  My question is there a time period to enlist? or can i go when i feel i am ready? Or do you guys recommend to enlist a certian time period, before so they can do backround checks and what not.

This is the question that concerns me the most, i plan to become a Sniper in the CF, i am one hell of a shot  :bullet:  i also try to familiaze myself with things like concealment and range / wind estimation. now i don't have the most pefect vision but i was told that Snipers are allowed to have CORRECTED vision, i want to get Laser eye surgery before i enter the CF, cause glasses will be a hassle when, running and training. but i hear some Laser eye surgery's healing time takes up to 6-12 months and that would greatly affect me joining up when i want to.

Any constructive critism would be greatly appreciated.

-Chris  :cdn:
EDIT : I will be gone for the March break, i will reply if i get a chance during my vaction if not i'll be sure to put my input when i get back. Thanks again guys!

Buddy, It can take a LONG time, I'd start as soon as possible so that if something goes wrong with your file, you have a chance at getting in before you turn 20.  Good luck.
I just have a couple of questions before I finish up all my forms.

I have heard that when i join the army,  that they can help take care of my laser eye surgery.  I was wondering if this is true.  Or should I try and get it taken care of before I join?

Also,  how soon can I try and take a special course such as mountain warfare, urban operations, or even becoming a pathfinder.

Lastly,  after basic do I hook up with a new unit or do I stay with the same guys I did basic with?  Also when I want to go on a tour of duty, do I have to wait to go with my unit or can I hook up with another group and go with them?
I have no idea, cause they keep pushing my basic till later, I'm up to 5 months and the lady said it'll have to wait to august in 4 months. Hope you wont have to wait this long lawton...

:salute: :cdn:
Lawton said:
I just have a couple of questions before I finish up all my forms.

I have heard that when i join the army,   that they can help take care of my laser eye surgery.    I was wondering if this is true.   Or should I try and get it taken care of before I join?

Also,   how soon can I try and take a special course such as mountain warfare, urban operations, or even becoming a pathfinder.

Lastly,   after basic do I hook up with a new unit or do I stay with the same guys I did basic with?    Also when I want to go on a tour of duty, do I have to wait to go with my unit or can I hook up with another group and go with them?

The military, as it stands now, will not pay for laser eye surgery on your own for that one.
As for the rest....do a search, all your questions have been answered.......many times over
Hi there,

I applied for MARS and NCS Engineering last year, but I was rejected because my vision was V4 (minimum for those is V3). So I went to get laser eye surgery, and I can pretty much see 20/20 now.

The problem is that, 6 months after surgery, I still see halos around bright lights at night (street lamps, LEDs, traffic lights and such). It's not so serious that it hinders my driving or when I'm on the computer, but it's still noticeable.

How does this affect my vision rating and my application? Has anyone else had this problem?
Someone else will fill you in on information regarding laser eye surgery, however, I know for some trades (Pilot) you can't have LES (I heard that this is changing though).

As you probably already know, the eye tests do not test if you see halo's around light, but you must ask yourself if this could hinder your ability to perform your best in your trade. It could be a matter of life and death, as you are joining the military.

Good Luck
There is an extra set of eye tests that you are required to do if you are joining and have had laser eye surgery.  The CFRC gives you a form to have filled out, I took mine back to the surgeon that did my eyes.  There are questions for you to answer, including that about halos, and they run you through a large array of tests.

As to how this affects your rating, sorry, I can't help you there.  I haven't heard back, one way or the other, about my results.

navymich said:
There is an extra set of eye tests that you are required to do if you are joining and have had laser eye surgery.  The CFRC gives you a form to have filled out, I took mine back to the surgeon that did my eyes.  There are questions for you to answer, including that about halos, and they run you through a large array of tests.

As to how this affects your rating, sorry, I can't help you there.  I haven't heard back, one way or the other, about my results.
I didn't have to get any of that done.  All I needed was a paper signed by my surgeon.
Your INDIVIDUAL medical fitness, including your vision, for joining the CF can only be determined through the medical portion of the recruiting process and not through this board and the experiences of others.  If you want to join then reapply and see where the process takes you.