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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

well are you a sgt just for the competition or is it perminant, because if it is then you should feel great, i know when i was premoted to sgt i felt great ready to do the job. people dont just premote people for no reason you auviously earned it, by the way what camps and star level do you have? how long have you been in cadets, and lastly i would like to congradulate you in your promotion welcome to the world of being a cadet senior NCO
It depends on your corps, I haven‘t seen it much on the army side...

On the Sea Side, we had a Chief and Petty Officer‘s mess (i.e. WO and Sgt‘s mess), and event hat varties corps to corps......some corps I was at, the C&PO‘s mess is nothing more than a room to hangout....other corps have really active messes that do fundraising, host dinners, etc.

Nothing wrong with taking the initiative though! If you have 5 SNCO‘s or so, and you can get some closet space, ask to set it up. I can PM you some more details if you like.

The position is permanent.

I have not been to camp yet. I‘m in Silver star.
I‘ve been in for a year and a half.

Ya, we have a SNCO‘s mess. But it‘s nothing spectacular.

I think I‘ll pass on the closet space. Thanks for the offer though.
You guys have a room ;) Some corps I‘ve been to, the SNCO‘s mess is like a really small walk in closet.

Ya, ours is a small office in the armories,

and I just realized that I think there are more or the same amount of rooms for the Army Cadets then there is for the Milita in the armories.
I think the Corp was always with the Lorne Scots since the start.
You‘ve been in a year and a half and you‘re already a Sgt??

And beleive me when I say you‘re not the first to ask that question.

Yes I know age is a factor but, just a small factor.

I worked for it. I proved myself.
It was not handed out to me.
I go and have gone above and beyond the call of Duty.
Way to go Dano. Its hard work but its all worth it come promotion time, lol :D
Took me 13 months + CL camp to get M/Cpl
You‘ve never been to camp? That‘s a little suprising. You should go this year. I‘m doing D&C at Blackdown.
The SNCO‘s tought me alot of what they learned on their summer courses.. Also I should be at Blackdown this summer doing CL.

By the way, I‘m also a SEC CMDR as well.
Just though I‘d fill that in.
I don't really know you so its not my place to judge but wouldn't going above the call of duty entail at least attending a basic summer camp?? I know at my corp you wont get Sgt. unless you've completed at least CL preferably CLI and are Gold Star qualified.
I tend to agree with Sgt McWatt, Dano you are quite junior to be a Sgt, but then again you only have 5 years to make chief. Dano providing this promotion is based (and I assume it is) on your good performance, then your superiors must feel that you are ready, so congratulations. But maybe your not happy because you feel that it all came too easy, just a thought. Anyway, your an army cadet and you haven‘t been in a drill team before, it kinda sounds like you don‘t like drill.
I tend to agree with Sgt McWatt, Dano you are quite junior to be a Sgt, but then again you only have 5 years to make chief.
If by junior you mean by how long I have been in the Corps. Yes. I do agree with you. It does not make it unnesessarily wrong though.

Dano providing this promotion is based (and I assume it is) on your good performance, then your superiors must feel that you are ready, so congratulations.
Thank you

But maybe your not happy because you feel that it all came too easy, just a thought.
You are right. That is just how I feel. As a M/Cpl I thought about how I would like to raise the standards of the Corps if I we‘re a Sergeant.
And now... I am one, and I don‘t know where i am coming from with this thought but, it seem‘s just beeing a Sergeant. And knowing that a few of my superiors and in some cases subordinates feel "it should be them" or "I never got Sgt that easy or fast" comments like that. They do not say it, but I can feel that vibration when Iam in their presence.
But, A WO (of now my ex-platoon) is neutral on the matter, he feels, If these guys go to camp; CL, CLI; become qualified for higher ranks, but do not get the promotion. Instead someone else takes that position and whatnot who is less qaulified, yadda yadda yadda. The individuals that went to the camp complain about fairness, qaulification and whatnot, when themselves don‘t use the qualifications they we‘re trained. "It‘s one thing to be qualified, it is another to use the qualifitions"
That is his opinion on the matter.

Anyway, your an army cadet and you haven‘t been in a drill team before, it kinda sounds like you don‘t like drill.
Accually, I thought I used to hate it. But after the drill training and competion. It was starting to become fun.
Coming from someone who was fast tracked through the system (CPO1 [CWO] in under 4 years) it come sometimes be an uphill battle, and funny enough, it isn‘t usually the respect of those below you that you have to earn (exception being the group you were promoted from).

I remember I was talking to someone who was a PO1(WO) when I was a CPO1...they were a LC(Cpl)when I joined the corps (although I had later transfered). I remember getting the comment, "If we were ever on an exercise, I wouldn‘t really have to listen to you, because I‘ve been in longer, so you‘re not REALLY a chief in comparison to me". So it‘s hard to turn around to someone who was senior to me, and a little be resentful, and try to word, "Yes, I AM a real chief, and yes, you would have to listen to me" in a way that doesn‘t sound arrogant.

Just watch what you say and how you come across...some of the people at the same rank will treat you as though you‘re wet behind the ears, and may try to patronize you...just work your hardest and see your goals through. It got you to where you‘re currently sitting, right?

btw, is Lisa Olem still around?

I know what you‘re saying.

"You may out-rank me, but you‘re not my superior"
Just a quote my father use‘s.

No she is not.
"You may out-rank me, but you‘re not my superior"
that is true, a good freind of mine who is a CL band NSCE Drum major 17 year old mcpl. feels he doesent have to listen to a couple of silver star sgts. i feel the sgts are going about it wrongly they should use him in what ever way they can. they do the im a sgt go over there and do that when a tpr. could do it me personaly its not just you qualifications but its your willing ness to do your job and if your gonna be one of the senior nco‘s who enjoy sitting then march right up to your officers and give them those stripes back( ive seen to many of these)

PS the mcpl had an attitude problem and a problem with the coprs standard WO who think he runs the corps.
Congratulations on your permotion, Being a sergeant is one of the best positions to have in my opinion, its the one time you get to lead a section and help out your cadets first hand. I Think you‘ll enjoy it more than pusing papers and dealing with bad seniors as a WO or MWO. The most important thing to remember is that your section will look up to you; what you do will effect them when they get to your spot. I‘ve seen what bad examples do to cadets, its not worth the time to fix it later.
I had the age thing happen to when I was the RPO (like CSM, essentially). We had an 18 year old PO2 (Sgt) who decided he didn‘t have to listen to any of us who were PO1 (WO‘s) at the time, because, hey, he was older....one visit with the CO set him straight.

Just be careful how you go about things. I‘m never a fan of pulling rank and going, "Now, I‘m a Sgt, and you‘re a MCpl, this means...". If it gets bad, and someone is just not listening, it‘s OK to phrase it blatantly as an order...it sounds bad, and I can‘t say I‘m a huge fan, but sometimes you‘ll get that one MCpl or Cpl who just doesn‘t quite know their place, and needs to be reminded.

Either that, or record everything. Best way to get things done, and ensure fair discipline is recieved, is to docuement EVERYTHING that happens...that way if one day you‘ve had enough of Cpl Bloggins, and the CO asks you what happened, you have in writing what happened during each occurrence.

Yeah Dano, I intended junior to mean newer to the corps...so you got my intent.
About the guys that think your rank does not mean as much because you out performed them and were promoted ahead of them, they will always be around. That is of course based on my limited experience, so maybe they are not around when you get really old. It is a hard thing to accept at any age that there are people better than you, so the excuses must come. Continue to perform well, because experience is good but performance and potential make the leader or the leader to be.
Sorry, guys that was a bit of a rant, but I get to go home in a 3 days and I‘m feeling rather philosophical on the subject of leadership...
