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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

Recruit Konyi: Promotion in our system is based on three things: qualification, performance and time in rank. Unlke some unionized civilian fields, time in rank is not the primary factor: it is only a "gateway". You do not automatically get promoted to any rank by waiting (even Cpl, Lt and Capt can be delayed by the CO). However, there is usually a requirement of two-three years to be spent at most rank levels, unless you are selected for an accelerated promotion.

Qualifications for promotion usually include formal military training courses but may also include service in particular positions or types of duty, academic education, etc. Medical fitness is normally a requirement as well.

Finally (and most controversially...) is the issue of performance or "merit". In the CF we use an annual evaluation system based on assessing both your Performance (how well you've done at the job you were given) and Potential (how well you could probably do at the next rank). Normally you should receive one formal annual evaluation per year, which is used to make promotion decisions, and two interim evaluations that are a bit less formal and are intended more to guide and inform the individual.

The results of the annual evaluation are considered by whatever authority makes the decision to promote: in the Reg Force this is the promotion boards that sit in NDHQ outside the chain of command, while in the Army Reserve it is done within the chain of command. Cheers.
Recruit Konyi said:
so in my first three years, what can i expect to ammount to?

Well...that depends to a great extent on what you are enrolling as. What are you doing? Cheers.
I was just wondering about the pay rate table in the column category pay with the numbers 1,2,3 is that for years? I was just wondering because for private it goes up to three and the time you have to stay in is three years for NCM.
In the RegF, from zero to three years with no previous service will probably take you to the end of Pte(Trained) and about ready to become a Cpl. In the Res you would probably make Cpl, but I have to confess that I stand to be corrected by anybody who is more current. Cheers.
was wondering when your on c&p you have no promotions and all, but when you come off it, are you given the promotion when it was supposed to be given to you. the reason I'm asking is cause I'm on it and  my Cpl's promotion is in June, does it go back six months and i receive the promotion in Dec? the reason being Ive been on c&p for six months.

Was one reason for you C & P because you can't type?

When your promotion paperwork comes in, it is reviewed by a few pers in the unit. In this case the Adjutant or CO or your unit will return your promotion paperwork to career shop stating you are on C & P for X period of time. Once that period is complete, the career shop will resend your promotion message again for approval. I understand the promotion is only effective after the C & P is completed, hence no back pay....

Hope this answers your question.....If any doubt, ask your clerks.
the reason i was wondering cause the fiance was asking about it so i tell her i will get in june
It will all depend upon when you were due and when your C&P was signed.

As Armymedic pointed out you cannot be promoted (orposted / or placed on a career course) while on C&P.

Ask me how I know this  ;D
You got a year long C&P?  When is your C&P end date?

I am a little confused -

PM me if you want.

But I will ttoss out two examples.

Pte Bloggins is due his Cpls 10 Dec - he gets an impaired and get a 1 year C&P for Alcohol 11 Dec - he will still get promoted (or if he does not he will get his back pay)

Pte Simpleton was due the same day as Bloggins (they went thru BSL together and were sworn inthe same day etc.)  But he got an imparied and put on C&P 9 Dec...  He does not pass go or collect his 2nd bone till the C&P is sucessfully completed.

I have seen many many variations of this situation.  Basically your C&P should be for 6 months max, but can be extended an additional 3 at the discretion of the CO.  The CO can also end the C&P early provided he feels that you have corrected your shortcomings which resulted in the C&P being issued in the first place.

I would just ask your clerk in the OR to check your pers file and find out when it was issued and when it ends, because that should be the date they promote you to Cpl.  You may also want to have a meeting with your supr on the issue, to make sure there is no misunderstanding on what is going on.  According to CFAO 49-4 which I will QUOTE "When a promotion to Pte(T) or Cpl is denied, the CO shall inform NDHQ/DGPCOR of the circumstances and specify the intended period of delay,and inform the member of the action taken".

So if you haven't been informed, I would be asking my supr at the first opportunity!

As part of your C&P, you are required to receive a monthly counselling session with your C&P supervisor. This has to be recorded in the C&P documentation in your pers file. I suggest that during the next interview you ask these questions.


I was at a dinner last night where some old veterans and legion members were present. The discussion turned to the CF and these gentelmen started to complain about how the french population seemed to have control of the promotional structure and will favour french Canadian born Soldiers/Officers when it came time to promote someone. Ultimatly they were saying it is much more difficult to advance your carreer in the CDN Infantry if you are not a native french speaker.

Is there any truth to these statements, or are the old boys a little out of touch?

Ladies and Gentlemen...this is a legit question, lets keep it to legit answers or this topic will have a short shelve life.
This does not apply only to the Infantry.
Senior positions for NCMs as well as Officers are bilingual positions. It makes sense as most, if not all, (RegF) Bases and Formations have people from both official languages. The positions are bilingual so that briefings and interviews, to include PER debriefs, can be done in the first language of the audience.
Bonne chance !!!  ;)
OK, I'll bite.

I will start with the caveat that I am not a big fan of conspiracy theories of any type.  So, not surprisingly, I do not for one minute believe that there is a plot afoot to ensure that only francophones get ahead in the infantry (as a Corps - that may not necesarily true in unulingual french regiments) - or anywhere else in the Forces.  Is second language ability a factor in ones overall score at a merit board - yes it is, but so is performance, potential, and education (and I have been known to rant about the "education conspiracy" but that is another topic).

Bottom line is, work hard, do what is demanded of you (including second language training, or in my case a BA rather late in life), and above all else, perform.

No conspiracy.

Bilingualism is an issue that isn't going to go away. While it seems like there is a conspiracy against anglos, that is not true.  In order to progress into Senior Appointments, there is a requirement to be bilingual. As well, being bilingual means that you are able to fill more positions. It works both ways.
