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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

Thanks Acorn.  I appreciate the info.  If you don't mind me asking....do you enjoy your job? find it interesting? a lot of the same old, routines, repeating things....or is it a lot of changes, looking at new things, ideas and information?
Yeah, I like my job. There's lots of variety, though not all parts are what could be called fun or exciting. Change is a big thing, and like any typical large org it can take a while to shift direction.

Thanks for the insight, it's great to talk to someone who actually is doing these jobs right now.  Thx again.
I was told by a recruiter from 2 Int Coy that a common route is to join a Int unit as a Reserve Int Officer and then transfer over to Reg Force after a few years.  Apparantly a fair number of Reserve Officers do this every year...The recruiter told me that they usually pick the top candidates each year for such transfers...sounds pretty competitive...

The recuriter also told me that even as a Reserve Int Officer you can expect alot of work...
In the reserves, even as an NCM, you can expect a lot of work once you're trained.

As for going into res INT directly off the street, I'd highly recommend going into another trades for a couple years first. Trust me, it's HARD to learn the ropes if you're fresh off the street. Transfering from another trade gives you a much greater appreciation for how they work.
"As for going into res INT directly off the street, I'd highly recommend going into another trades for a couple years first. Trust me, it's HARD to learn the ropes if you're fresh off the street. Transfering from another trade gives you a much greater appreciation for how they work."

Thanks for the advice Roko...

I've also been told however that transfering from one trade to another can be next to impossible as units like to hold on to their people...is this true in the intelligence case as well...say I were to join infantry and then I wish to transfer over to Int later...how tough is it?
The Intelligence Trade prefers you to have some time in the Cbt Arms, so you can pick up knowledge of Tactics, Weapons, Map Using and hopefully a keen interest in AFV Recognition.  They put a high value on the all skills you learn in the Cbt Arms to make you a more rounded operator.  As an Int Op you will have to know the language of the Cbt Arms as you will be briefing Generals as well as Officers and Snr NCOs.
Hi.  I've gotten alot of  good information conerning reserve recruitment in the past and I have another question concerning DEO.  Anyone's comment, I would really appreciate.  Well, I have read and searched all the forum pages and I still can't figure out how reserve DEO training and promotion works.  I now know that DEO cadets have to go thru BOTP(R) first.  Then they go thru CAP(R). (Am I correct? ???)

My questions are:

1)when do you exactly get commissioned as 2nd Lt?  After BOTP or after CAP?  If it's the first case, do you then get right to become lieutentent after finishing CAP?  Sorry if It's a dumb question...
2)I've read all these phase I,II, III stuff, and I can't figure out how they fit into these training... I just assumed that BOTP means Phase I, CAP as Phase II, and so on.  Am I correct?  Then what is Phase III? I assumed phase III must mean something like training for particular trade.  Does that mean 2nd Lts don't have any detailed knowledge about their trade before going thru that phase?
3)I've read some postings that BOTP runs parellel with BMQ and then has an attached several days for leadership training.  Some regiment homepages say they have weekend BOTP, while some postings here says BOTP runs in summer only.  Which is true?  Can I take BOTP and CAP just like routine training&parading at my armoury during the weekend, or do I have to commit full time during the summer for several weeks faraway?

Thanks alot!
oittoi said:
Hi.   I've gotten alot of   good information conerning reserve recruitment in the past and I have another question concerning DEO.   Anyone's comment, I would really appreciate.   Well, I have read and searched all the forum pages and I still can't figure out how reserve DEO training and promotion works.   I now know that DEO cadets have to go thru BOTP(R) first.   Then they go thru CAP(R). (Am I correct? ???)

My questions are:

1)when do you exactly get commissioned as 2nd Lt?   After BOTP or after CAP?   If it's the first case, do you then get right to become lieutentent after finishing CAP?   Sorry if It's a dumb question...
2)I've read all these phase I,II, III stuff, and I can't figure out how they fit into these training... I just assumed that BOTP means Phase I, CAP as Phase II, and so on.   Am I correct?   Then what is Phase III? I assumed phase III must mean something like training for particular trade.   Does that mean 2nd Lts don't have any detailed knowledge about their trade before going thru that phase?
3)I've read some postings that BOTP runs parellel with BMQ and then has an attached several days for leadership training.   Some regiment homepages say they have weekend BOTP, while some postings here says BOTP runs in summer only.   Which is true?   Can I take BOTP and CAP just like routine training&parading at my armoury during the weekend, or do I have to commit full time during the summer for several weeks faraway?

Thanks alot!

This is what I understand from dealing with Junior Officers at my unit.

Q1.  If you have a degree, you will be enrolled as a 2Lt.  If not, you get commissioned after CAP.  There isn't a CAP(R) anymore.

Q2. Phase I and II, under the RESO trg plan, would now be BOTP (R) and CAP.  Phase III would be the first trade specific course.

Q3.  You can take a weekend BMQ with the leadership elements added on.  I haven't heard of a stand alone BOTP (R) for awhile.  You would have to take CAP in Gagetown.  I think they are modularizing it into 2 week blocks.
Eowyn, thanks alot :salute:  If they're modularizing CAP into 2week blocks, how long is CAP as a whole?  Does that mean I can take CAP in pieces instead of taking the whole thing in one summer?
oittoi said:
Eowyn, thanks alot :salute:   If they're modularizing CAP into 2week blocks, how long is CAP as a whole?   Does that mean I can take CAP in pieces instead of taking the whole thing in one summer?

From information I have received from my unit, and info from here, CAP is 10 weeks, broken into 5 x 2 weeks blocks IIRC.  I would suggest that you get as much done at one time as you can.  It could take up to 5 years only taking it in 2 weeks.  That's an awfully long time, IMHO, to be a OCdt/2Lt without the trades training.
5 years for CAP! :eek:  I'll make sure I finish that in one summer if my civ job permits. (max 2 summers, maybe)  :salute: 
Another question. actually 2
1) Is there any weekend training for CAP like BOTP?
2) As a reserve, I will put my best effort to train once a week and one weekend a month minimum requirement,and I think I can manage that.  I think I can do more than that, and place at least 2-3 weeks during the summer for the military.  But my job probably will require me to make trips (foreign countries, time to time) ranging from a week to a month. And I might have such trips at least once a year.  I read from other postings that you have to go every training days and that if you miss two consecutive days, you are listed as ??????  (i forgot the exact term).  Is that a strict policy, or is there any chance of flexibility?  For example, if I have to make a trip for two weeks, I will have to miss like 3 training.  Can I make up for that afterwards or train more days during the summer to fulfill 45 days/year minimum requirement, or should I reconsider joining the reserves?  thanks      :salute:
oittoi said:
Another question. actually 2
1) Is there any weekend training for CAP like BOTP?
2) As a reserve, I will put my best effort to train once a week and one weekend a month minimum requirement,and I think I can manage that.   I think I can do more than that, and place at least 2-3 weeks during the summer for the military.   But my job probably will require me to make trips (foreign countries, time to time) ranging from a week to a month. And I might have such trips at least once a year.   I read from other postings that you have to go every training days and that if you miss two consecutive days, you are listed as ??????   (i forgot the exact term).    Is that a strict policy, or is there any chance of flexibility?   For example, if I have to make a trip for two weeks, I will have to miss like 3 training.   Can I make up for that afterwards or train more days during the summer to fulfill 45 days/year minimum requirement, or should I reconsider joining the reserves?   thanks        :salute:

Q1  Not that I have heard.  It's full time, 2 week blocks in CFB Gagetown (at the moment).

Q2  As an officer, you are expected to parade more than the minimum.  You have to lead from the front.  In my unit, you are expected to make at least 75% of the training.  The term is Non Effective Strength (NES).  I believe NES is now missing 4 or 5 consecutive training periods.  Yes there is flexibility, you need to keep your chain of command informed and you can request Execused Drill and Training (ED & T) for when you are gone for longer periods.  It would be hard for you to make up the training because as an untrained officer, you would need to be there.  I doubt the unit would try and find instructors just for you.

As an aside, even though it's called a training or parade night, most of the time, I'm doing planning and preparation for the weekend exercises.  I don't train, as much as the troops.
I'll be in the window for a promotion in a few months (taking for granted I pass Ph. IV ;)), but that timing coincides with my anniversary date and move to another incentive level. My questions are:
If getting promoted drops you to the basic incentive level at that new rank, would I remain at the pay I'm getting now, before the promotion (taking for granted you can't ever make less as a result of a promotion)?
Would it behoove me, money-wise, to wait on a promotion until I go up an incentive level (a difference of a couple weeks), or is that even possible? I've heard of "some guy who knows somebody" who did this - it disgusts me on some level to think like that, but I have several mouths to feed and another $100 after tax a month would make a big difference...
Promotion from which rank to which rank?
Vested rights guarantees your current rate of pay, so not sure why your pay would go DOWN on a promotion?  Usually a promotion comes with a pay raise...
You will start at the basic incentive unless that is less than what you're making right now. Once you are promoted, that becomes your new incentive date. So no, you will not get an incentive a few weeks after getting promoted, your next incentive will be one year after getting promoted.

Now, if it was the other way, ie you get an incentive before a promotion, then yes you would get two pay raises. But again, your new incentive date will be the day you're promoted.

Example, you're a Pte 2, you're due for an incentive on the 1st of June and a promotion on the 15th of June. You would get the incentive and paid as a Pte 3 until you're promoted, at which time you would go to Cpl Basic since that's more than Pte 3.

Clear as mud?
I believe you need 3 years in before you can remuster into Intelligence.
Vigilant said:
I believe you need 3 years in before you can remuster into Intelligence.
Reg force you need QL5A qualification in your original trade, so usually 4 years minimum.

shadow said:
Promotion from which rank to which rank?
Vested rights guarantees your current rate of pay, so not sure why your pay would go DOWN on a promotion?   Usually a promotion comes with a pay raise...

If you look at the pay tables you can see it is possible
Reg Force
2Lt Pay Level C, IPC 2($3806/month) and up makes more than a Lt Pay Level C, IPC Basic ($3579/month).

As Inch already stated though, if you found yourself in that situation you keep the higher IPC level.