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I am planning on applying to the forces, Infantry, as soon as possible. I however have already booked and payed for a vacation in this december, should i wait to return to even apply, or would it be acceptable to apply now and in the interveiw say i could not begin until January?
Well it does take 4-6 months for the recruitment process, unless you get your recruiter to put a rush on it. Also are you applying for reg forces or the reserves you have to take this into consideration as well.
You didn't say whether you were applying as an Officer or NCM. The next Officer course doesn't begin until January. I don't know if there are any BMQs running between October and January, either. Ergo, it could be a moot point. ;)
What is more important to you?

What will still be there should you make one decision or the other?

What decision do you expect us to make for you?

absolutecanadian said:
I am planning on applying to the forces, Infantry, as soon as possible. I however have already booked and payed for a vacation in this december, should i wait to return to even apply, or would it be acceptable to apply now and in the interveiw say i could not begin until January?

Apply now and tell them when you are available to start training providing you make it through the processing. Its not rocket science.
I originally applied for the CF last November and was offered a job in January.  Unfortunately, a few weeks before I was offered the job, an opportunity came up to go to South America for 6 weeks, starting in May.  I decided that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I declined the CF job offer and went on the trip.  Again, in the spring (when I had no commitments to the CF or anything) I organized another trip to hike the West Coast Trail at the end of August.  Once I came back from South America, I re-submitted my paperwork to the CFRC in July.  When I went in to sign a few forms, I mentioned that I wasn't going to be available to start my BMQ until the end of Sept.  They made a note on my file and told me it wouldn't be a problem.  Not a big deal for the recruiting office, nor for me, and now I am starting my BMQ the end of Sept.  See, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to start your career with the CF when YOU are ready.  Certain times are more convenient, availability-wise, but it is still YOUR life.  You paid for a vacation, and you can start when you're back.  Fair enough- with my experience with my CFRC, I can confidently say that the recruiting center will be reasonable.  Good luck with whatever you decide to do, and I hope it all works out for you!