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Re: Editorial: Carolyn Parrish on Afghanistan

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Note from Mike Bobbitt: This thread contains the commentary for this editorial


Im speechless.How stupid can she be?!

"not only kill, but be killed themselves!"


I can not understand how someone so ignorant and detached from reality can get into any place of power.Who votes these people in!?

"I will vote to bring down the government"

OMG soldiers died in a war thats been ongoing for almost 5 years! What a failure of leadership by the government!
She should be deported.

Honestly, what does she seriously beleive the military to be?
It scares me that someone like this is in charge of ANYTHING.

When you hear the phrase "Invasion of Afghanistan" and "War on Al qaeda"
what did you think? I dont know about you Ms Parrish, but I certainly did not envision group discussions and counselling.

Its war, people die.Get over yourself.
I bet shed be singing a very differetn tune if her family were blown up on a subway in Toronto.
Point 1:    In total agreement that this woman is a windbag, and would say anything, with a microphone in front of her, to see herself on the news!

Point 2:    Unlike poison ivy, this nuisance WILL disappear if we, as a country, stop paying attention to her.

Point 3:    Perhaps given her concerns, she should plan to visit the troops. Once she sees the professional soldiers in action, and the conditions they are there to change, perhaps her cerebellum will slide back into alignment with her mouth!

My 2 cents.
I think Ms. Parrish is a little confused as to the reasons why countries maintain armed forces. The army is a tool the government employs to further its ideological aims. In this case, the Canadian government has concluded that the only way to secure and promote democracy in Afghanistan is to participate in an international effort to eliminate the root causes of Afghanistans problems, namely the Taliban, Al Queda, rampant opium production, and abject poverty and illiteracy. We (Canada) can't just wish those problems away, we have to be involved, in a concrete and meaningful fashion. Not even the likes of a Parrish can dispute the progress Afghani women have enjoyed over the last 3 years, thanks wholly to the elimination of a brutal, fundamentalist Islamic regime. I think with the next election, Ms. Parrish's 15 minutes of ill gotten fame will thankfully end, along with her grandiose threats to bring down the government.
I wish she would once and for all stifle herself. This is the same windbag that stomped on the Bush doll on 22 minutes. She has a knack for saying the wrong things at the wrong time, and understandably the Liberals knew enough to boot her out of the party. God hope her constituentswill know better then to re-elect her, so we wont have to endure her comments anymore.
jmackenzie_15 said:
When you hear the phrase "Invasion of Afghanistan" and "War on Al qaeda"
what did you think? I dont know about you Ms Parrish, but I certainly did not envision group discussions and counselling.

"Hello my name is Osama and i have a problem"

"Hello Osama..."

Why not take a minute and let Ms Parrish appreciate you partaking in your right to free speech. :cdn:  I did!

Her email is: 'parric@parl.gc.ca'  :salute:
Carolyn, go back to the school board where they have the capacity for your BS.  It doesn't belong in the Federal Gov't. 
Chimo said:
Why not take a minute and let Ms Parrish appreciate you partaking in your right to free speech. :cdn:   I did!

Her email is: 'parric@parl.gc.ca'    :salute:

Thank you very much chimo!

I think I may express to her my lack of appreciation of her said comments, and reccommend she do more research on what the Canadian Armed Forces is employed to do.Note the Armed part.

This is NOT Kids help phone, ms parrish.
Quick Google on the "The Ruxted Consortium", turned up nothing, is there more information on this group?
[tinfoil hat]

I sense an Army.ca conspiracy.

The Ruxted Consortium? Would this have anything to do with a haggard assortment of forum elders combining the sum total of their knowledge in order to produce a document SO GREAT, that it will overpower the government?

Or may I make such a bold statement...is this any coincidence that we have not heard from...DUH DUH DUH...TEDDY RUXPIN???

*audible gasps*

[/tinfoil hat]
adopt the stand and load position!
Government agents to your front! on your own time! Run away!
Is there a link or could someone please repring the original article that Parrish was featured in?  (I know I'll get a headache from reading it, but I'd like to see what all this is about).
Check the political section, Matt, its in there somewhere.
Here's a repost:

MP Parrish furious over Afghanistan mission
Ex-Liberal says she'd vote government down if troops die in new role

Anne Dawson
The Ottawa Citizen

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Independent MP Carolyn Parrish lashed out again at the Liberal government yesterday-- this time criticizing Defence Minister Bill Graham for sending combat troops to Afghanistan and Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan for making "taunting" remarks about Canadians being potential terrorist targets.

Ms. Parrish is furious that Canadians and their politicians have not been consulted about what she calls the new role Canadian soldiers are being asked to carry out in Afghanistan, a role that includes killing, which is not the traditional job of peacekeeping. She warns there will be outrage when Canadians in uniform return home "in body bags."

Ms. Parrish, who was booted out of the Liberal caucus last year after she criticized the government of U.S. President George W. Bush as "bastards" and "idiots," also said she is interested in returning to the Liberal fold, but only if she receives a personal invitation from the prime minister that has no strings attached.

Meanwhile, the opinionated MP spoke harshly about Canada's new role in Afghanistan.

"We're sending in armed troops to kill people (in Afghanistan). This is a drastic change in direction. I don't think anybody has consulted with the Canadian public. The first time Canadian soldiers come back in body bags, you just wait for the outcry," said Ms. Parrish, who was elected as a Liberal in 1993 but has been sitting in the backbenches as an independent MP since last year.

"If this thing gets any deeper in (Afghanistan) and we get a couple of dead Canadians back, I'll vote to bring the government down the first opportunity I got."

Ms. Parrish helped prop up the fragile minority government when she voted with the Liberals on a number of confidence votes, including the budget and same-sex marriage legislation. Since then, some of her colleagues have been speaking to her about rejoining the caucus.

But she remains as outspoken as ever, criticizing Liberal cabinet ministers.

"Anne McLellan's not helping," added Ms. Parrish. "Every time I have the TV on there's a comment from her (that) 'we're not safe, we could be next.' What are we doing taunting people?"

Ms. Parrish made her comments as Prime Minister Paul Martin begins two days of business travel to Toronto, Timmins, Ont., and Winnipeg for his first public events in almost two weeks. Mr. Martin has spent most of his time at his Quebec farm since he returned from the G-8 summit in Scotland on July 8.

Ms. Parrish fired off a letter to Mr. Graham 10 days ago about her concerns in Afghanistan, and was particularly critical of Canada's new chief of the defence staff, Gen. Rick Hillier, who she said should be "muzzled." Speaking to reporters about the Canadian troop deployment to Kandahar, Gen. Hillier referred to terrorists as "murderers and scumbags" and made clear he believes the job of the Armed Forces is "to be able to kill people."

In the letter to Mr. Graham, Ms. Parrish wrote: "I implore you to muzzle the beast, assume command of Canada's agenda in your usual articulate, dignified and intelligent way. Let the Canadian public know Gen. Hillier does not speak for our government."

Mr. Graham, who was in Edmonton for the send off of 110 Canadian soldiers to Afghanistan, was unavailable for comment Wednesday but his spokesperson, Renee Filiatrault, said the minister "absolutely" supports the job Hillier is doing.
Pit bull Parrish is at it again.

Outspoken Independent MP Carolyn Parrish issued an open letter to Defence Minister Bill Graham yesterday, blasting his chief of defence staff as "truly barbaric" and calling on the government to "muzzle the beast."

Parrish, who was turfed from the Liberal caucus after calling Americans "bastards" and stomping on a George W. Bush doll for a satire program, said she's offended by Gen. Rick Hillier's recent comments.

Canada's top soldier called terrorists "murderers and scumbags" and said the armed forces must be prepared to kill people.

"For the top general in this country to emulate the simplistic phrasing of Mr. Bush, on behalf of you and our government, is to degrade the hard-earned reputation of this country and its people," Parrish wrote.

Graham said he stands behind Hillier "100 percent."

Quoted from Calgary Sun 28 July 2005
Ms. Parrish is furious that Canadians and their politicians have not been consulted about what she calls the new role Canadian soldiers are being asked to carry out in Afghanistan, a role that includes killing, which is not the traditional job of peacekeeping.

Phew. At least peacekeeping isn't the traditional job of soldiers.

Sorry Ms. Parrish, the terrorists will try and hurt us wherever they can. Why not fight them over there, on our terms, rather than over here on their terms.
I think we can take some reprieve knowing she is the only MP who doesn't seem to grasp the main purpose of the army. Heck, even the NDP know why we have guns.

Mrs Parrish,
All the power to you. The faster you bring down that government, the faster your constituents can vote you out of power.
