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Redress of Grievance – Mega thread [MERGED]

I've asked my Sgt, if there is anythig holding me back. She said there was nothing, Thats why she went straight to the RSM. My last two PERs say ready for promotion, but sweet nothing can happen till I have mods. I am a career man, and am not comfortable being a CFL not apparent reason. Obviosly there is something holding me back and no one seems to know. Are there any suggestions of what I can do to maybe rectify this and get answers.
Fair enough. Now is there a way to get outside my chain of command without stepping over toes. To find out. As it seems my chain doesn't seem to want to help me out?
If you really don't think there is any way to approach this besides the grievance system, I think you should talk to your Pl Comd/Officer and WO and detail what has happened to date.

IF there is nothing you can do in the CofC at the "lowest level possible", and you really want to pursue a grievance, I strongly suggest you start with a "Notice Of Intent To Grieve" to your CO.  Its not avail on the Internet site, but it is in the DIN/DWAN.  You will see its intent when you read it.

Technically yes you can submit a grievance but it really should be a last resort.  If you talk to your Platoon Comd, Officer, they can go to their next immediate superior, talk to the right people on the NCM side of the CofC, etc.  You can submit it via memo as well, starting a papertrail.

Not knowing all the details, I still suggest this, and I'm speaking for experience.  Try the CofC first.  The NOI will let your CO know you are planning on submitting a grievance, but haven't yet, what it is about, etc.  It will also be a last attempt to resolve your contention at the CofC level.  Once you submit a written grievance, the process is pretty formal (CO must register it in the CFGRS, etc).  It is also likely going to take longer and might make you a target in some peoples eyes.

Read this stuff first (link below), but realize that for whatever reason, the DIN/DWAN DGCFGA site has more thorough info in it compared to the InterNet one.

InterNet Director General CF Grievance Authority Site

Also, remember that asking to go on the Mods doesn't mean that you are going to get them.  Your Unit might have been given 10 spots, and you are #12 on the list, if you follow me. 

Based on this being something you asked for, not told you were getting or whatever, I'd recommend leaving this inside the CofC, I personally don't think a grievance would help you.

sieran said:
I've asked my Sgt, if there is anythig holding me back. She said there was nothing, Thats why she went straight to the RSM. My last two PERs say ready for promotion, but sweet nothing can happen till I have mods. I am a career man, and am not comfortable being a CFL not apparent reason. Obviosly there is something holding me back and no one seems to know. Are there any suggestions of what I can do to maybe rectify this and get answers.

Are you Infantry in the PPCLI?

I'm getting the impression that you are ESL, and purple, currently employed in a position within the PPCLI. If purple, what colour uniform do you wear and what trade are you?

For Sup, PLQ is by merit list for example.

There are subtle differences to the process depending upon the individual-specific details that are applicable.
sieran said:
....My last two PERs say ready for promotion....

While I cannot say I am familiar with how the PPCLI merit their troops for leadership courses, I did notice this.

Your profile says you're 00010, which IIRC, is Inf. If the Inf works anything like the Cbt Engrs PER-wise, a Cpl getting a "ready" on a PER is not merit-list material, which could explain why you don't seem to be loaded onto the course, and others are seemingly passing you by. It seems odd to me that you say no one in your CoC can give you a straight answer on why you haven't been course loaded, but me thinks there is something else at play here and perhaps the entire story is not being told or known.

If you're not merited for promotion, then why would you be loaded onto a career course to get you to the next rank?  ??? I really don't see anything grieveable here, but again, maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way...
He didn't say what the PER before those 2xready was... Might it be that there is no PER before, or it was a normal? That's really gonna screw with your merit listing.
If the PPCLI is anything like how the RCR are doing things, then they're trowing all kinds of nowhere-near-ready-for-promotion Cpls on PLQs, and most 2-3 year corproals who aren't shit-bags can at least get their mods 1-5.
sieran said:
I am a 5 year Cpl in the Infantry. I have nod PLQ mods to speak of, and am employed outside the regiment.  I have asked to go on Mods 1-5 and have gotten the answer from my training NCO (PPCLI) who says he doesn't know how to put me on the new distance learning mods. However another soldier from a different trade was just place on their Mods. My question is... Am I able to file a grievance through my chain of command?

Have you ever considered the fact that maybe...just maybe ....you don't get a PLQ for the asking?  You aren't entitled to a PLQ for the fact that you have five years in.

You have no grounds for a grievance. In my mind, tiny as it is, maybe you just don't "cut the mustard".

Yes I have been known to be very blunt at times.
Snaketnk said:
If the PPCLI is anything like how the RCR are doing things, then they're trowing all kinds of nowhere-near-ready-for-promotion Cpls on PLQs, and most 2-3 year corproals who aren't crap-bags can at least get their mods 1-5.

Jim Seggie said:
Have you ever considered the fact that maybe...just maybe ....you don't get a PLQ for the asking?  You aren't entitled to a PLQ for the fact that you have five years in.

You have no grounds for a grievance. In my mind, tiny as it is, maybe you just don't "cut the mustard".

Yes I have been known to be very blunt at times.

And in my opinion that's what's wrong with most units, anyone with a heart beat gets onto a PLQ course.....

What happened to the days of pre-JLC/JNCO......

I am currently trying to convince my CoC to run a pre-PLQ for those that want the course so we can weed out the ones that can't hack it at this time.....

NFLD Sapper said:
And in my opinion that's what's wrong with most units, anyone with a heart beat gets onto a PLQ course.....

What happened to the days of pre-JLC/JNCO......

I am currently trying to convince my CoC to run a pre-PLQ for those that want the course so we can weed out the ones that can't hack it at this time.....

The days of Pre courses are long gone unfortunately.  We have been pushing for units to run Pre courses as a lot of students are showing up not prepared for the course.
dangerboy said:
The days of Pre courses are long gone unfortunately.  We have been pushing for units to run Pre courses as a lot of students are showing up not prepared for the course.

And a lot of junior corporals "expect" a PLQ and promotion whether or not their performance merits it.
dangerboy said:
The days of Pre courses are long gone unfortunately.  We have been pushing for units to run Pre courses as a lot of students are showing up not prepared for the course.

We just ran a 1-5 and on one day we had like 8 VR's from the course........now that proves units don't give a f*ck on who they send on course....funny thing was that all of those 8 where infantry.....
In many large trades, 2x "ready" PERs a promotion does not make. 3x "immediate" and you might be promotable.
Jim Seggie said:
And a lot of junior corporals "expect" a PLQ and promotion whether or not their performance merits it.


Get this I had 10 years in when I got my 6A's but yet I had a 3 yr MCpl on that very same course with me....talk about a guy that had zero field time except for courses and no experience leading a section ......

The we need X number of MCpl's by Y years is really biting us in the a$s in my opinion.
There has been a lot said about the possibility that the OP may not be ready for PLQ, isn't merit-listed, hasn't been selected, etc.  All of which may well be true.  However, the disturbing point of his situation is that these are not the reasons he says he's being given for him not being loaded on the course.  He claims that he's being told that the reason he's not being loaded on the training is because his Training NCO doesn't know how to do it.  Surely, this is unacceptable!  How can a Training NCO not know how to load people on training courses?  If he doesn't know how to access a certain type of training, then he needs to find out and give people a better answer than, "I don't know."

Having said this, there may be a multitude of details the OP is not giving us and even the possibility that he is not "hearing" what he's being told (I do find it difficult to believe that an NCO in charge of training would not know how to do this).  The question is whether his Chain of Command is being straight with him (which they should be) or does he just not understand the situation.
This is my thoughts exactly.
If he/she is not ready say so. Yes this happens but at least be up front about it.
If I don't know how to course load you is the reply it's, BS.
As a training NCO and you don't know how to do something that is a reasonable request, then at least you should be expected to realize it and take the effort to get the proper answer.
He joined the site May 1st; made six posts in quick succession (all in this thread). Popped in to read on the 5th May, didn't comment on the responses he received and hasn't been back since. Suspect this thread is done.