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refusing an offer

well I just spoke to the recruiting office and refused my offer.  I hope I have made the right decision.  There will be one more AVN spot open for somebody...good luck with it.  Thanks to everyone for their help, I sure hope it works out the way I think it will.
You made the right choice, you would have always wondered about that other job and then if you actually did receive the offer while you were away with army and due to contracts could not accept you'd be bitter and not enjoy the army.

Your worst case now is you do not get an offer with the other job and you can reapply in a year to the army....The only thing in your case I would not like is time is against you as you are really old to be starting a career, so if it was me in your shoes I probably would have taken it simply because of age.

Best of Luck
Thanks for the input Dr.Size....I had considered the age thing as well but oh well the decision is made now it is time to move on.  I have really enjoyed these boards, I have no doubts that military life would have agreed with me, but this other offer will be better for my family as well if or when it pans out.  Thanks.
I respect your decision. I know what it is like to want a career in the CF while considering the impact on your family. It is a much easier decision if you are on your own.

Good luck with your choice and keep flying!
arg! People refusing offers and I'm waiting and waiting for that famous call! LoL.
^Who knows? YOU might end up getting a call beacuse someone else refused theirs for whatever reason.

Its better than then WASTING the spot when they are not really into the job.
I already know that, I'm just stating what's happening in the thread and that I'm still very eager to receive an offer :p
Hello and I am hoping someone out there still reads this thread:
I was made an offer three weeks ago that I had to turn down.  I teach at a university in Korea and the offer was for while the semester was still on.  Even if I could get out of my contract early, I can't just leave my students without grades, reference letters, etc.  Anyway, I mentioned this as the reason for having to refuse the offer, and asked when I could expect the next one so I could prepare to leave.  I still haven't heard back from the recruiting office. 
I have seen in this thread that they may just close your file if you refuse an offer.  I was assuming they would tell me in that case, but does this sound like it may have happened here and I have to reapply? 
Do they take into account why I couldn't accept that offer (it was just too little notice) and can they push the start date ahead, or can they only make offers for the next start dates?
Thanks for any info you can provide.  I am sorry to have to bring it to this board, but I am not getting any info from the recruiting office and I need to start making some plans. 
The policy answer is if you refuse your offer without a reason then your file is closed. and you may reapply in six months. However if you say you want to accept the offer but need more time before you start training (BMQ  or BMOQ) for a valid reason, being bound by a contract that requires more than 2 weeks notice would be a valid reason, and request that your file remain active then the CFRC should keep it open. So the key is to accept the offer of employment but negotiate the start date. If you have applied for an occupation that is in demand the CFRC should TRY to accommodate you. The rule is first come first served BUT there are exceptions. The rule is there to allow someone who is available for training to take that position that you can't fill which is very fair.

I would contact the CFRC and ask for your file to be reactivated but give them a firm date then you would be available to start training. It is up to them if they hold you to the six months.  Good luck.   
Since the offer was for ARTY (DEO), and that was my second choice, I was kind of expecting them to be accommodating. I've gathered they are quite short in that department and that is one reason I was going to go with my second choice.  I have been trying to contact them via email (being in Korea and all), but I guess getting them on the phone is the only sure fire way to let them know what I was thinking.  I wish I had known that there was only one offer, not one for each BMOQ.  I hope it isn't too late to fix it.
One other thing: When you say reapply, do you mean the whole security check, aptitude test, etc.  That seems awful wasteful...
Maybe the Canadian defense attache office might be able to help in some way ?
The US DAO does provide limited assistance for those inquiring about joining the US military which is why I brought it up.
If I have to reapply, do they do the entire security check again or just from the end of the current application? Is there anything else from the file that can be saved (ie reference letters,transcripts, etc.) ?
They will use what they can from your previous application. Call them, find out how long you have to wait before reapplying (if you do have to wait) and what items are still valid. The end.

Good luck.
tomahawk6 said:
The US DAO does provide limited assistance for those inquiring about joining the US military which is why I brought it up.

Understood and I am sure that if someone approached a Canadian Defence Attache Office about joining the CF and not to help them with a current file they would be happy to direct that person to the appropriate agency.  Cheers.
The aptitude test will not have to be done over again however you may need an update interview, update medical, and update security clearance.  When your file is closed the physical folder is kept for 3 years but the three abovementioned things are administratively "cancelled" and thus have to be rechecked or even redone altogether.  Refusing an offer for a good reason is not a huge black mark, but make sure you discuss the reasons for it and see if anything can be done to help you out first (i.e. pushing back the enrolment date due to an existing civilian work contract).  If you really don't want your second choice, you shouldn't have written it down.