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regular force infantry, can't wait

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arnold.c said:
With all due respect, you don't know what the**** i've been through, and i know i'm fortunate, but you forced me to say it. And no, i don't know ever thing, i'm actually learning a lot from these great people that are giving me their adivce and stories without being so rude about it. So i'm sorry but don't tell me about unique situations, or proving my wisdom, because by talking like that, i know you are my senior and I should watch what i say, you have no idea.Eeveryone says being a soldier is not a job, its a lifestyle, you see things and challenges you would never concieve in your dreams, its a hard life, but your living it. I and any infanteir can take an obscene amount of crap, after all they are called grunts. But bashing things so personnal to me, things i'm willing to share like that. we'll i apologize if this offends anyone. but its how i feel.

f**k thats funny....thanks
With all due respect arnold.c, you should learn how to communicate better.  Not only is your spelling bad, but your grammar is also, and you really suck at composition.  You would do better in school and life if you did apply yourself more.  Stay in High School.  That way you wouldn't be here learning the hard way "How not to influence people and make enemies in the process."  If you haven't clued in yet as to the hole you have just dug yourself into, you really are not going to succeed at much in life.
arnold.c said:
With all due respect, you don't know what the**** i've been through, and i know i'm fortunate, but you forced me to say it. And no, i don't know ever thing, i'm actually learning a lot from these great people that are giving me their adivce and stories without being so rude about it. So i'm sorry but don't tell me about unique situations, or proving my wisdom, because by talking like that, i know you are my senior and I should watch what i say, you have no idea.Eeveryone says being a soldier is not a job, its a lifestyle, you see things and challenges you would never concieve in your dreams, its a hard life, but your living it. I and any infanteir can take an obscene amount of crap, after all they are called grunts. But bashing things so personnal to me, things i'm willing to share like that. we'll i apologize if this offends anyone. but its how i feel.

You lost the capital "I" thing.  There went your "got the smarts" thang.

CSA 105 is a senior officer in the CF (a quick perusal of his profile and posts will reveal this to you) - I don't always agree with what he says, but he's generally in the right area when he speaks of leadership issues.

The defensive tone of your quoted post tells me that CSA 105 is DEAD ON in his remarks.

Please don't compare yourself with serving "grunts" - you can't BEGIN to understand what a "grunt" does (and just to cut you off at the pass, neither can I - my grunt days were way in the past in the "dinosaur' days of NATO against the Warsaw Pact) - but I HAVE served in several theatres which would blow your socks off.

Breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth - calm down.  You came to an internet forum populated with serving and retired CF members, asking for their opinions.  You got 'em.  Stop for a bit and consider what we've said.  Nobody here has anything to gain or lose by slagging you or yours - your personal circumstances really matter little to us.

WE ARE, however (at least I am - and I believe I can speak generally on behalf of most others), interested in having a soldier available who's done what is necessary to be the best soldier he can be.  And, believe it or not, that includes finishing High School.  You may not like how some of us talk, and you may not like the conclusions some of us reach vis a vis your personal situation - tough.  No one here asked you to like it - just take it in and consider it.

My advice (seeing as how you asked for it)?  Suck back, reload, and reconsider your reaction to the opinions expressed in this thread.
Ok Arnold as you won't listen to us BTDT (including us old Cold War Dinosaurs) try listenting to this kid. He realised he's screwed up and now trying to get on with life.

Lol, i did, meh hard to explain, years of using msn messenger, the whole grammer and sentences idea are out the window in this generation.

Are you familair with eclass? "I" was considering continuing my education that way. The problem with courses you do on your own time, is they are time comsuming, but that can be an advantage as you work at your own pace.

p.s I've had some sh&t spewing moments to lol. Being on the bussiness end of something lol.
for what it matters, Arnold, let me tell you the tale of a 33 years old, who barely made it trough in high school more then a decade ago.

He wanted more then anything to join the CF, and he applied the the day he turned 18 and was accepted... and went to St-Jean. BIG MISTAKE he did, he was in for reality check and well...he did not stay because he was a quitter. The guy left because he tough he knew what he was getting into it.

4 years after he joined the Cadet Instructor Corp. And well..since he had only some "practical" skills, he really sucked being and officer so in 2006 he request and a transfer to Pres as a supply tech.

During his interview, the officer asked about his past career and why should he be given a chance. The guy answered that now he is 32 and have grown more mature, and new what he wanted. so he was accepted. Now he is happy.

It took me 15 years to know were my place should be.

Don't think that the army is the only thing. As other people said, you could injure yourself, and be sent home. Or, you could just simply discover that the army way is not for you after all.

If you want to join, go ahead..but my simple advice...think about getting at least your high school diploma...look at the other way to get it beside going to school...There are ways...and you will be proud to get it, trust me.
How did you truly know you found what you wanted to do?
If you want to know what stage i'm at. My interviewer said I scored well on my apptitude test but have to come back to re-apply because I admited to pot use. I am due back Jan 13, 08 and he told me I can be off to basic in Feb.

I will get my credits. One way or another
arnold.c said:
Lol, i did, meh hard to explain, years of using msn messenger, the whole grammer and sentences idea are out the window in this generation.

BULLSHIT.  I have three sons - the youngest of which is barely older than you.  All three of them are capable of stringing together a few discernible thoughts - even on an internet forum.  ALL of them recognize the necessity of making yourself understood in written form.

arnold.c said:
Are you familair with eclass? "I" was considering continuing my education that way. The problem with courses you do on your own time, is they are time comsuming, but that can be an advantage as you work at your own pace.

No, I'm not familiar with "eclass".  Can you elaborate?

arnold.c said:
p.s I've had some sh&t spewing moments to lol. Being on the bussiness end of something lol.

I'm not sure I follow that last statement.  Does it mean that you're not used to being on the "business end" of honest thought and appraisal?  If so, and you continue your path toward joining the CF - STAND BY.  You ain't seen nothin' yet.
You know why bother with the effort. This kid and yeah I said Kid not Man Arnold, doesn’t want advice or encouragement. He’s made up his mind based on his vast experience and just wants us to rubber stamp his own ill thought, selfish “plan” with approval.

Not going to happen son. I’ll also wager that with your attitude, lack of education, thin skin, and hair trigger temper not only is a future in the CF not in the card but odds are I’ll be seeing you on a professional basis in the next little while. Those who know what I do for a living these days will know how sad that is.

Fellow mods I say we leave this one up as reminder after we lock it. 8)
Or perhaps you can visit these discusions on exactly the same thing you have started to talk about with the creation of this TOPIC:

CF'S Beginner

Education And Joining The CAF

The College Dropout

 If you had tried a Search, you would have found these topics, and more, all about quiting school and being told by everyone on the site that this was a bad idea.  You haven't been the first to have this dilemma, nor will you be the last.
Yeah, I spent to much time on the street. It's not msn's fault. And that means your an awesome father. I tell you that being a father is not something i will not jump into as hasty as this.

Eclass is an internet based course system which allows you to work on courses at home on your own time and be able to communicate with yours teachers that you already know. There is also a mail in course package which costs money. Both of these you will be working at your own pace.

I mean having guns shoved in your face. Knives being put to your throat. But I guess wrong place wrong time. Believe it or not, I have no enemies outside of the computer screen.
arnold.c said:
............the whole grammer and sentences idea are out the window in this generation.

How wrong you are!  Not in the Professional Classes.  And Soldiers are Professionals.  Good clear and concise communication, again covered in other topics, is a "life and death" fact that we live buy.  Good communication skills are a definite requirement on the battlefield.  Good communication skills are also required to do Reports, Demands, and other necessary written communications in the military.  MSN Speak is not an option.

As for your Drug use, we all read your original post and pretty much knew that your "recreational habits" were a 'show stopper', but then once again, we have several topics on that also.  Again, you can use the SEARCH function and find them.

Danjanou said:
You know why bother with the effort. This kid and yeah I said Kid not Man Arnold, doesn’t want advice or encouragement. He’s made up his mind based on his vast experience and just wants us to rubber stamp his own ill thought, selfish “plan” with approval.

Not going to happen son. I’ll also wager that with your attitude, lack of education, thin skin, and hair trigger temper not only is a future in the CF not in the card but odds are I’ll be seeing you on a professional basis in the next little while. Those who know what I do for a living these days will know how sad that is.

Fellow mods I say we leave this one up as reminder after we lock it. 8)

I'm not even in agreement with locking it.

I know there are many other similar threads - but I don't think Arnold is finished being publicly humiliated yet.

It may be instructional for the young fella (and others) to be completely humiliated.

On the other hand - I am personally involved in this particular thread.  If other Mods feel it's worth locking, I won't argue.
George Wallace said:
How wrong you are!  Not in the Professional Classes.  And Soldiers are Professionals.  Good clear and concise communication, again covered in other topics, is a "life and death" fact that we live buy.  Good communication skills are a definite requirement on the battlefield.  Good communication skills are also required to do Reports, Demands, and other necessary written communications in the military.  MSN Speak is not an option.

As for your Drug use, we all read your original post and pretty much knew that your "recreational habits" were a 'show stopper', but then once again, we have several topics on that also.  Again, you can use the SEARCH function and find them.
I've been clean and sober for 2 months. I'll work on my communication skills. I'll make sure its up to par.
arnold.c said:
Yeah, I spent to much time on the street. It's not msn's fault. And that means your an awesome father. I tell you that being a father is not something i will not jump into as hasty as this.

Eclass is an internet based course system which allows you to work on courses at home on your own time and be able to communicate with yours teachers that you already know. There is also a mail in course package which costs money. Both of these you will be working at your own pace.

I mean having guns shoved in your face. Knives being put to your throat. But I guess wrong place wrong time. Believe it or not, I have no enemies outside of the computer screen.

You're not impressing anybody here, son.  I've had guns shoved in my face (by REAL, PROFESSIONAL soldiers - not only street punks), and knives at my throat, held by same.  Your experiences don't impress me.  Nor do they make you desirable material for the CF.

As far as having "enemies outside the computer screen" goes - you don't have any enemies here, either.  Just genuinely concerned folks who've Been There, Done That  - and Know Better.

arnold.c said:
I've been clean and sober for 2 months.

I've been clean for 32 years........

I'm 32 years old

Anything else you want to impress us with ?
Roy Harding said:
You're not impressing anybody here, son.  I've had guns shoved in my face (by REAL, PROFESSIONAL soldiers - not only street punks), and knives at my throat, held by same.  Your experiences don't impress me.  Nor do they make you desirable material for the CF.

As far as having "enemies outside the computer screen" goes - you don't have any enemies here, either.  Just genuinely concerned folks who've Been There, Done That  - and Know Better.


Very true. Do you honestly think that a 17 year old punk kid can impress you lol. Just telling you some of my experiences. I'm thinking about the feeling when your close to death. And i can only imagine what it feels like with trained killers. You have impressed me actually
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