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regular force infantry, can't wait

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CDN Aviator said:
I've been clean for 32 years........

I'm 32 years old

Anything else you want to impress us with ?
nope, but its a good feeling. It must be hard for so many other people that are into alchohol and more potent stuff.
arnold.c said:
Very true. Do you honestly think that a 17 year old punk kid can impress you lol. Just telling you some of my experiences. I'm thinking about the feeling when your close to death. And i can only imagine what it feels like with trained killers. You have impressed me actually

There - you've said it all.  If I've impressed you, you are easily impressed.

STAY IN SCHOOL.  GRAB the intellectual tools they are trying to extend to you, and USE them - you'll be less impressed with someone you know only through an internet forum.

You've been beat up pretty bad on this thread, kid - take a time out, consider what's been said, and THEN commit to a course of action.  Just to reiterate my (and others) main points:

  • You DO NOT owe your Mother a living - no matter how noble it may make you feel.  (Give her my email if she wishes to discuss it - it's in my profile).

  • You NEED at LEAST a basic education to make it in today's CF.

  • Your Cadet experiences, and street experiences DON'T MEAN SQUAT when it comes to being a professional soldier.

  • Your youth implies a certain lack of experience - DON'T try to compare your experience to mine, or anybody else's on these forums - you'll lose, every time.

Now go think about what's been said on this thread.  Then think again.  Then look up your local reserve unit, and get your ass back into school, where it belongs.

Roy Harding said:
Now go think about what's been said on this thread.  Then think again.  Then look up your local reserve unit, and get your *** back into school, where it belongs.

You are right in ever thing you say. I'll get my diploma by means of mail in courses (in the process of research). If worst comes to worst Then i'll have to go back to school. Nah i'll fine, not that big of a beating.
arnold.c said:
You are right in ever thing you say. I'll get my diploma by means of mail in courses (in the process of research). If worst comes to worst Then i'll have to go back to school. Nah i'll fine, not that big of a beating.

You'll be fine - I'm sure of that.

I'd be very happy to hear from you, in these forums, in a few months, when you tell us you've achieved your Diploma, and are looking at either enrolling or CTing to the Reg Force Infantry.

Stop talking about it, and just DO it.
arnold.c said:
Thanks for sticking around.

Hell, son - I'm RETIRED - I can stick around here as long as I want and nothing suffers.

I don't always "stick around" - I do have other things to do, but your case intrigued me - so I "stuck around".

So - what're you going to do?
Arnold C

Stay in school, get your gr 12, and in the meantime join a local Militia infantry unit.

Thats good advice.

"So - what're you going to do?"

Well as of the moment just like you said, I will need some rest. I am still booked for my physical on January the 13th but that can easily be canceled. First things first I'm going to explore the option of self directed learning. If that is not a good option (because of time issues, or because I know I won't be able to handle it because of the big demands of the Army) then to get my credits I will have to go back to school and look into a reserves unit.
arnold.c said:
"So - what're you going to do?"

Well as of the moment just like you said, I will need some rest. I am still booked for my physical on January the 13th but that can easily be canceled. First things first I'm going to explore the option of self directed learning. If that is not a good option (because of time issues, or because I know I won't be able to handle it because of the big demands of the Army) then to get my credits I will have to go back to school and look into a reserves unit.

Don't cancel it - just let the recruiter know that you're looking at Reserves, and in the meantime get your ass back into a school environment.  I imagine at this time of year the earliest opportunity will be in January - that's fine, go for it.

When (and you will) you have "down days" in school - email me - I've been there, recently even.
Go get it buddy,

:) and Remember...When the going gets tough, the tough gets going...You are able to acheive what ever you set your mind to. It wont be easy. but... ho boy...you wont regret it.  :salute:
Just for the record:

I've enjoyed conversing with Arnold here, but he's become "stoopid" on other threads.

I'd lock this up myself, but I'm personally involved.
Once again, "just for the record":

I apologize to my fellow mod(s) who foresaw what was coming, and with whom I publicly disagreed - I didn't see it, and I've been proved (once again), a fool.

This kid played me like I play a Rainbow Trout on my 10lb line - "hooked 'em - can't get away".

For what it's worth, I'll continue to engage young snots with "stupid" questions - I just can't help it, I was a stupid young snot once myself (and according to those in the know, I'm now a stupid OLD snot).

For what it's worth - I was the one who (finally) banned this troll - it's a shame on me that it took me this long to recognize his character.

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