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What is your current relationship status?

  • Single

    Votes: 57 48.7%
  • Have a GF/BF

    Votes: 29 24.8%
  • Married

    Votes: 30 25.6%
  • Divorced

    Votes: 1 0.9%

  • Total voters
Kittenn said:
relationships shouldnt be that hard when youre in the army, like ya u wont see them every second of the day. but if u truely love them and if u are commited. then it shouldnt be a problem, Youll always have something to look forward to when you go home  :)
Relationships in the army really aren't easy. I just had one end quite recently and to be very honest, it wasn't easy. I was committed and it still was a problem. It's one thing for you as a cadet to say something like that, It's another matter when you are living 3000km from home and trying to make something work. Stay in your lane and don't talk about something you have no experience in.
camochick said:
I try to only have relationships with people who can spell things like "you" and generally try to stay away from those who have issues with capitalization, punctuation and well, general intelligence. >:D

Kittenn said:
That's nice to know. Except, no one really asked.

But had you read the guidelines YOU would have known that when YOU use MSN speak here, YOU would have been going against the flow and we don't abide by it. We also don't abide people with two posts sassing senior members. I suggest you read the Guidelines.....then be very careful.
I have dated two guys who were in the US army. It was pretty hard to not be able to see them for long periods. They are both married now :P
I still talk to one of them, though he disappears for months at a time, so I worry a lot. His wife is pretty nice.
Big Foot said:
Relationships in the army really aren't easy. I just had one end quite recently and to be very honest, it wasn't easy. I was committed and it still was a problem. It's one thing for you as a cadet to say something like that, It's another matter when you are living 3000km from home and trying to make something work. Stay in your lane and don't talk about something you have no experience in.

I agree with you on that one. It is a different world for sure. I had the "cadet" relationship with my ex, and sure we missed eachother when we were at different summer camps. But, that didn't come close to when he went to basic training and then moved to Borden (me being in Alberta) for his trades training. That's when things truly got hard, and unfortunately fell apart. Darn right military relationships can be hard. But I still believe if you both want it to work bad enough, it will! Just has to be both wanting it.
I try to only have relationships with people who can spell things like "you" and generally try to stay away from those who have issues with capitalization, punctuation and well, general intelligence. Evil

With you on this one sister. I too have had my share of military relationships and it's a wild ride. Fun, fun, fun...that's all I have to say.  ;D