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Reserves - Kit

Ah, muffin. You know I feel bad for you I really do. Tell you what, I will talk to my buddies at ASU, and have them put you in front of all the people (who are trained and trade qualified by the way) who are still waiting for thier CADPAT, Tac Vest, WWB‘s, not mention those going overseas and have a real operational need for thier kit. As a new recruit you can jump straight to the front of the line.
We had a new recruit who paraded for almost a month in Civvies before he could get his basic kit issue... Now he just needs a haircut.. :D

BTW, as a more general note, this rank:

Is that of private trained, and is something earned after BMQ, SQ, QL3 (or whatever it‘s called).

Private untrained (recruit) is no chevron.
Are you listening Da_man and munner. You guys are NOT Pte. or Private. You are Pte(R) and Private Recruit. So lose the bloody chevrons
Originally posted by Da_man:
[qb] I was sworn in over a month ago and i STILL DONT HAVE MY KIT :mad: [/qb]
Well, you ain‘t the only person with kit problems.

Keep asking your section commander and 2 i/c about it. It‘s basically all you can do.

But yeah, you should have all your kit (at least the essentials) before you start your BMQ, but this isn‘t a perfect world. (Esp. in our military)
for all the new people out their wanting to join the reserves or regular force dont be discouraged by a few people who think they are better then you (if they had common sense they would make a list of kit you would be issued and post it so you could all see) remember everyone in the military have all been were you have going. for you guys that are getting your nose alittle out of joint over some basic questions ,hmmmm i hope you dont teach new recruits. if you blow your gasket here, i can only imagine what you do on a course, not good at all. if you are an instructer then you should maybe rethink about how you deal with new recruits and instead of demeaning them about so called stupid questions and using dumb quotes, you should pass on your info in a more calm and clear manner. i have taught reserve ql2/ ql3 and driver wheel courses and have seen all types of good, ok and crappy instructors. one thing i did notice is that the ones with the attitude that recruits were worth nothing were the first ones to blame their soldiers for their own faliures. lead by example.
SheesshhH! i never though asking such a simple question would lead to this. Anyways, as for me growing thick skin etc. I do have thick skin, I guess I just misunderstood the way this forum works.
Posting something on a forum and getting flamed or getting flamed by an instructor to me is different. Obviously I would not be mouthy or talk back to an instructor, I just thought this forum was more of an open concept where peoples ranks didn‘t mean that what they said is more important, or give them the right to talk down to others.

As requested I have changed my Avatar. Hopefully that will calm this storm!
If it‘s such a big deal to type up the huge list of kit everytime someone asks about it, and it happens a lot, why not type up a list and post it in the FAQ? Isn‘t that what the FAQ‘s there for?
As requested I have changed my Avatar. Hopefully that will calm this storm!
I didn‘t mean to cause a shitstorm, and my comment was a general one, not aimed at anyone specifically.. Lots of new recruits come in putting up PTE trained before they have any training. It‘s kind of incongruous to the questions asked..
CTD, I am curious, you say you have taught courses, but the rank you list in your profile is Pte? Could you please eleborate, because I think you are full of it. I am not an instructor, but some of the best instructors I had were the ones that you describe as be awful ie demeaning, in your face etc. I do not know what your trade is (as you forgot to mention that little part) but if you are joining the combat arms and you can not handle being yelled at and made to fell 2 inches tall because you are asking dumb questions, or can not operate your weapon properly I suggest you find a new trade. Not suggesting people go Sgt Hartman style on recruits, but the instructors have no obligation to be nice to them. They are recruits and have not earned anything at all, the instructors are not there to be their friends and hold their hands. That was the way I was treated on course, and I would not go back and change it.

As for writing the list why don‘t you do it CTD, seeing as how you were an instructor right?

I can understand that you‘re offended quite a bit at the responses you got.

You have to understand though,these forums are to mostly start up conversations and not to provide you with kit lists, that was some one else‘s responsbility.

I can see how people got upset at you and I do understand why things got out of hand, but you need to realize that sometimes on these forums and I‘ve seen it happen, people like Cadets (shudders) and hyper active recruits have more then one occasion started "What kit do you have?forums" which resulted in, mostly Cadets giving, 50 PAGE LONG FORUMS showing off on what crappy non issue outdated gear they had bought at military surpluses and "how they know it‘s good kit from all their time in the field."

You also set off allot of people by "promoting" yourself to a qualified private. You're a recruit have a long way to go before you get that rank, and when you do, I can assure you that you will not be very enthusiastic about new recruits.
Perhaps. Like I said before, just a misunderstanding. I know that I‘m a new recruit and have lots to learn!
Hey Falcon, I spent 8 years in the reserve artillery i was a 6a MBDR for the last few, served as a gun det cmdr for a couple of years and been to Bosnia ROTO 7 as a BDR. i am now in the airforce, why i dont realy know maybe its the money hmmm. any ways if an instructer is demeaning to you, all they are doing is getting you angry. firm fair friendly, is the way to instruct. i have worked beside people who have yelled in recruits faces and five minutes latter did the same to a wo, why cause they were both doing somthing wrong.and needed to be corrected if you for a second think that a recruit is a second class soldier not worthy of your time maybe you need to rethink why you are in the military. recruits have gone through a process and made the cut to that point. and now they need further guidence from skilled and professional soliers to aquire the skills to become a good soldier, regardless if they are a civvy or a recruit or a seasond vetern they all deserve your respect. now saying all this when an instructer yells at a troop its not personnalle its part of the job. when you yell something has gone wrong or you are stressing a point. saying this if all you do is yell all they here is blah blah blah. as an instructor you need to be able to control your opinions and views and get the job done no matter how small or petty the a question or task might be. i will say i am a new member on here and so far i have seen some good posts untill now. You have identified that this question has kept comming up ( what kind of kit do you get issued)maybe as a senior member on this forum you would have taken the initiative and published a list of what you get and put it in the faq section. or something similar. you could then redirect these ? to it. think, you dont have to make a complete list just one that overviews what a new recruit can expect. hmm hard i dont know i am new to this forum and would expect the senior soldiers on here to be a little more mature about the small things. i didnt want to cause any problems here and get off on the wrong foot. cheers
Kids, this is a basic list of what you might get. Keep in mind that the exact quantities of kit you will receive will vary based on location, availability, etc.

Combat Uniform, Complete (Shirt & Pants) x 2 or 3 sets
Combat Boots x 2 pairs
Combat T Shirts x 4
Field Cap
1982 Pattern Webgear x 1 set
1982 Pattern Rucksack, Complete
Sleeping Bag, Complete (Liner, Inner, Outer)
Kevlar Helmet
Duffle Bag
Bath & Hand Towel

Now you know.
is their a way to put that list in the faq section so the new guys can be directed their to see this list.
Putting an equipment list in the FAQ‘s would work and would be a great idea. Unfortunately, I have noticed most people sign up on this site and are gung ho and want their questions answered right now! If the info was posted to the FAQ's, there is no guarantee that a recruit will actually go looking for it.
I can see it now, experienced Canadian Forces professional directing another newbie to the recruiting FAQ's and blowing a gasket around the thousandth time someone asks the same question. I guess what I am saying is, new guys and girls, poke around the site a bit before posting a question. Look in the recruiting section, use the search function. For the first little while keep your ears open and your mouth shut.
Just my civilian (for now) .02
Originally posted by 48Highlander:
There‘s no such thing as a stupid question.

Just a lot of inquisitive idiots. [/qb]
That is FUNNY! finally aa good comeback to teh age old "There is no stupid question"
Originally posted by 48Highlander:
[qb] a) I have no respect for recruits, especially ones asking dumbass questions. pass your course and I might show you some.

b) I get many, MANY questions like yours every day. They‘re always the same, annoying as ****, and totally pointless. If I "pencilled in 3 minutes" for each of them...you get the idea.

c) I‘m not fighting with you. My last post was directed at Kurbo.

d) you‘re not a god**** private, you‘re a recruit. pull that ******* chevron off of your profile, you haven‘t earned it yet.

that‘s it from me. if you have any intelligent questions to ask in the future I‘ll be more than happy to answer them. untill then, go away. [/qb]

All personnel should be treated with respect. Period. Recruits included, and absolutely without argument.

Would you appreciate it if you were told that you were not to be respected because you were "only" a Militia MCpl? By someone who was Reg Force and outranked you?

You probably wouldn‘t appreciate that. That type of comment would be unprofessional, abusive and immature.

That type of attitude is counterproductive to creating a cohesive team.

This does not mean that you should not be strict, demanding, and maintain a very high standard.
I think you‘re mistaking courtesy with respect.

Respect is earned, never given away cheaply.

Courtesy however, well, there is minimum amount of courtesy that everyone should get, even recruits. :)
CTD well all that info is not in your profile. Like what unit you served with, which camp were you at in bosnia, why your profile indicates you are a private but your Avatar info says civillian. I still don‘t believe you. And second did you even read what I posted? My instructors yelled at me yes, but that did not make me angry at them. It meant I screwed up, or someone else screwed up (if someone else screwed up I would take it out on them not the instructor). If you are going to be nice to recruits you will not stress them out, and they need to learn how to deal with stress in order to operate especially in the infantry. If you are under contact manning a C6/C9 and it jams, and you can not get it fixed ASAP, and your superior starts going off on you and you can‘t handle that, get out of the army. Like RHF said you can be courteous, but respect is earned. Instructors are their to make sure the recruit can fight. Not to be their mom, or their friend. They can be friendly was the cornflake is gone.