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Room and board while at BMQ

So, I finally called my recruiter. And here how it sorts out.

They will pay some penalities (2 months) to break my lease.
They will move my stuff to a storage (free, no box to do).

I already spoke with the owner here, and he is fine with it. So again, problem solved. I will have plenty of money to pay the quarter/ration and other expense I have.

Thanks all, don't over stress, just ask your recruiting center.
so i am just wondering, i know there is a $425 fee you have to pay if you are single and going to CFLRS. By the leagal letter of the law yes i am single, but technically im not i have a Girlfriend and a new baby that i will have to send money to take care of. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this.


Lively18 said:
i know there is a $425 fee you have to pay if you are single and going to CFLRS

Lively18 said:
By the legal letter of the law yes i am single

You have answered your own question.

You will need to change your legal status - either marry her or meet the requirements to declare yourself common-law.

Common-Law Partnerships
I'm curious, because I have no idea, if having a dependant (a new baby?) would be something that is considered as well?
The bigger question is: does he provide for the residence for the dependent child? (I.e., rent/mortgage, utilities, etc., with bills and receipts to prove it.) That will determine the entitlement to be exempt from paying rations and quarters - the basic principle is that you maintain the costs of a principal residence in only one location.  If his girlfriend still lives with her mother and he's not paying rent for her and the child (and for himself when he is there), then the situation will have to be examined more closely by the school Orderly Room to establish the exact entitlements. But just saying he has a girlfriend and baby and that he's sending money home is not enough justification.
Michael O'Leary said:
The bigger question is: does he provide for the residence for the dependent child? (I.e., rent/mortgage, utilities, etc., with bills and receipts to prove it.) That will determine the entitlement to be exempt from paying rations and quarters - the basic principle is that you maintain the costs of a principal residence in only one location. If his girlfriend still lives with her mother and he's not paying rent for her and the child (and for himself when he is there), then the situation will have to be examined more closely by the school Orderly Room to establish the exact entitlements. But just saying he has a girlfriend and baby and that he's sending money home is not enough justification.

We actually live in the basement apartment of her mothers house in which we do pay rent i don't know how they will look at it, although it would really suck to have to pay rent their, car payment, insurance, baby necessities, baby sitter, and then have to pay another $425 a month of lodgings there.
Lively18 said:
We actually live in the basement apartment of her mothers house in which we do pay rent i don't know how they will look at it,

Do you have a lease or rental agreement?
no unfourtunatly, thats the thing and only one of us could clain our child as a dependant on tax because we are not married or common-law
OK, so, if you have been following along, you'll notice that each line of inquiry has ended up with whether or not you have documentary proof of the status you claim to hold. That should give you some idea of what you will need to do before you arrive at St Jean and start to tell people why you think you shouldn't have to pay for quarters.

Is the child yours?

If so, I believe you don't have to wait a year before you are entitled to common law benefits if you have a child with a person.
IE..  once the child is born, and you are living as a family you are declared common law.  ( even if that's in your moms basement)

PiperDown said:
Is the child yours?

If so, I believe you don't have to wait a year before you are entitled to common law benefits if you have a child with a person.
IE..  once the child is born, and you are living as a family you are declared common law.  ( even if that's in your moms basement)

I believe this quote is true. I was considered ''automatically'' common-law when the baby came out. They need some things to show this though like all 3 of your birth certificates. I don't really remember since it was a while ago but it was quite the process I had to bring them in to meet my Officer etc. Not quite sure how it is going into basic though. That was when i was in battalion. Either ask your recruiter or when you get to the school and fill out all those papers ask your instructor. Just bring along photocopy's in case.
My girlfriend and I are commonlaw (living together 4 years) and have a 2 year old daughter. We also have a rental agreement, and have been claiming commonlaw on our taxes.

With that said, this is the first Ive heard of any kind of special treatment pay-wise. I was budgeting with the assumption of paying R&Q. Is this exemption something one has to ask for, or is it handled in the first week of BMQ during the administrative paperwork? We'll manage fine without the extra money, but im sure anything extra (whether the full 425 or a partial amount) would make my girlfriends life a little easier. (Not to say it isn't already.)

Is this something I should inquire about if/when I get the call, before I leave for basic, so I know what exactly I would have to bring document-wise, or will this be brought up on its own?
yea i think i am going to go to the CFRC and find out more info on this cause it would be really nice if i didnt have to pay the R&Q. If i have to i will deal with it but if i dont then i would like to know i dont.
EchoHotel06 said:
For BMQ at St. Jean:

Rations - $493.00/month
Quarters - $88.00/month

A married member does not pay rations and quarters.

Hi there, I have a quick question about this... An earlier post (and what I have seen on the CFLRS Website) stated that R and Q is $425 per month... If these numbers you posted are correct, than its cheaper to pay for R and Q than just Rations on their own... Is this the case, or are some of these prices incorrect?

I am common law (living together 2 years) and have filed taxes as such. We own a house and split everything 50/50...however, my two questions are as follows:

1) Are the tax returns enough to prove the common law relationship?

2) The bills and mortgage go out of her account (we do not have a joint account, only a joint CC for groceries, etc.) What would suffice to prove I pay into this residence? House title?

Any insight is greatly appreciated.


I just proved my CLR with a lease in both our name, a receipt of our rent for 2010 and a current bill from both of us.  Bring a copy of your title and a current bill like your joint CC receipt.  In fact bring as much proof that you can to prove you've been living together for a year.  Our Regt just had a bunch of PATs come through that tried to cheat the system and now that our clerks had a chance to check out their paperwork they have to pay back upwards of $4000.  Bring as much as you can.
Cadaren said:
Our Regt just had a bunch of PATs come through that tried to cheat the system and now that our clerks had a chance to check out their paperwork they have to pay back upwards of $4000.  Bring as much as you can.

Maybe one or two did, but that R&Q foulup was the fault of the School, and not the members. They were told that R&Q was covered since they were posted to the school for training, when in fact when attach posted to the Regt they were required to pay R&Q. PAT Ptes didn't know any better, and didn't ask questions when someone in authority told them R&Q was free.
Just did a quick search using google and found this thread:


It answered all of my questions, a good read for anyone concerned about the topics in this thread.
Lare said:
Just did a quick search using google and found this thread:


It answered all of my questions, a good read for anyone concerned about the topics in this thread.

Someone used search! You are a shining example for everyone that's new to the forums. Can we sticky just this post?  ;D
Sorry, i dont know how that happened, must have had something to do with typing on my phone.... I meant to ask.....

Can we bring laptops to basic?
