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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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bms, what does your family doctor know about enrolment criterias of various trades?
Well, there is an infantry unit in the same place and he has a special time period and days of the week for completing medical stuff. So, based on that and what advice I'd recieved from him in the past, I'd say he knows a thing or two.
So far so good, i've done my CFAT and my medical with no problems. I have my interview tomorrow so i'm brushing up on my canadian military history and foreign affairs. Is there anyone else on the forum from Montreal?

Just a hint for your interview, know your trade choices well. Know what they do, who they are, why you want to do it, and all that fun stuff. Also it would be a good idea to know some things about the officer side of the house that you should have looked at already.
yea i'm starting to read about the subjects you mentioned. I just have to say this forum is priceless.
Unless they changed it back again this year, the interview is nothing to worry about. It was a half hour chat, they sat me down and asked me a series of "Yes" or "No" questions to make sure I was suitable, and that was it. This was because they weren't assigning specific trades. They assigned an MOSID trade grouping such as "Air Ops", "Land Support", or "Sea Engineering". Within each category you have a set of trades, and you have another interview down the road to select the one you want.
Its all simple, just simple information a person SHOULD know by this point.
Here is an odd question spawned by another thread I saw on the boards, but are there any travel restriction out of country for RMC applicants?
CEEBEE501 said:
Here is an odd question spawned by another thread I saw on the boards, but are there any travel restriction out of country for RMC applicants?

Well lets see:  if you are finished your processing, you can be contacted when required, and you are not leaving the country for more than 180 days consecutively then no.
So would I have to give them a number they can reach me at and the location and from when till when i will be there, when I go to do my interview med and cfat?
CEEBEE501 said:
So would I have to give them a number they can reach me at and the location and from when till when i will be there, when I go to do my interview med and cfat?

Speaking from my own personal experience I would say yes.
My first time on this "net", I encourage all applicants to go through with their "application". It is a great thing to be selected for ROTP/CEOTP. I myself just retired after a 31 years carreer and without any proding my 2 sons have joined.  One under ROTP and one CEOTP. One is attending his fourth year at RMC and the other one his 3rd year at Civi U. Make a choice, get in and enjoy. Sure there will be some hard work to come but great rewards when you can say "you made it". Be proud it is a great adventure.
A proud Mom. :cdn:
How old are your sons? Did they join out of HS or later in life?

And thats great, 31 years. I hope I can do my career for that long as well. I am very happy I am done my application, I now just wait. heh.
im apply for ROTP next week. i wanna go to UofL, RMC was my second choice. im only applying for Pilot cause thats what i really want to be.  >:D
If you want to be completing a university degree in general, and wanting to get into a competitive trade in the forces such as pilot, then you might want to think about improving your English grammar. Also, don't bring up the argument that "This is the internet and it doesn't matter" because there are regulations on this site that tell you very clearly that proper grammar and spelling are required here.

Good on you for sticking with the trade you desire, but don't be afraid to listen to the recruiting staff when they tell you about some of the alternatives. You might be surprised at some of the other options. For example Air Navigators are changing as of Jan 1st, and will be called Air Combat Systems Officers. Their training and roles will be changing slightly as well, so keep an eye open for that.
Update: Just finishing up getting my Civy U applications done. Recruiter called me a couple days ago and said he had finalized my file and it is done and waiting the next step :)

So does anyone have any numbers on how many are accepted into ROTP (and then into RMC/Civ U) ? I do not usually care about this kind of thing since it usually deters a person. Someone estimated 600 into ROTP (300 RMC 300 CIV). Does this sound correct to anyone?
Marshall said:
So does anyone have any numbers on how many are accepted into ROTP (and then into RMC/Civ U) ? I do not usually care about this kind of thing since it usually deters a person. Someone estimated 600 into ROTP (300 RMC 300 CIV). Does this sound correct to anyone?

750 was the number I saw for my intake. 70 to CMR, 270 to RMC and the rest to CivvieU.
cheeky_monkey said:
750 was the number I saw for my intake. 70 to CMR, 270 to RMC and the rest to CivvieU.

Ah, sounds even better. And from a more creditable source then a rumor. I guess me applying to a couple universities is a good idea since the majority are put into them.

Thank you.
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