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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Intelligent Design said:
If you want to be completing a university degree in general, and wanting to get into a competitive trade in the forces such as pilot, then you might want to think about improving your English grammar. Also, don't bring up the argument that "This is the internet and it doesn't matter" because there are regulations on this site that tell you very clearly that proper grammar and spelling are required here.

Good on you for sticking with the trade you desire, but don't be afraid to listen to the recruiting staff when they tell you about some of the alternatives. You might be surprised at some of the other options. For example Air Navigators are changing as of Jan 1st, and will be called Air Combat Systems Officers. Their training and roles will be changing slightly as well, so keep an eye open for that.
"interwebz is srs biznizz."

OK I'm done haha. I know I should put alternate trades on my application. I thought about MP. In my second lifetime i want to be a cop. Not really sure what the Military Police is about, but I heard rumors about the MPs saying that their wanna be cops. I heard that from a Armour Reservist. Also, I was told don't be an MP from a Calgary Police Officer. Also I would want to try Infantry or the Armoured division. Who doesn't want to drive a tank, eh?  :tank: But if pilot doesn't work out for me, I think I would still want a career in the Air Force. Maybe not AirNav, but something to do with aviation in general of course. Maybe I'll go scout out the forces.ca site....
RyGuy009 said:
"interwebz is srs biznizz."

OK I'm done haha. I know I should put alternate trades on my application. I thought about MP. In my second lifetime i want to be a cop. Not really sure what the Military Police is about, but I heard rumors about the MPs saying that their wanna be cops. I heard that from a Armour Reservist. Also, I was told don't be an MP from a Calgary Police Officer. Also I would want to try Infantry or the Armoured division. Who doesn't want to drive a tank, eh?  :tank: But if pilot doesn't work out for me, I think I would still want a career in the Air Force. Maybe not AirNav, but something to do with aviation in general of course. Maybe I'll go scout out the forces.ca site....

It is for the best.. The more they have to work with the less they want to loose your file probably :p
Another odd question from me  ;D.
So how would getting a drivers licence work because I currently have my BC N(Class7) and can take my Class5 test in December 09.
So would RMC let me take some quick "refresher" lessons from a Driving school in Kingston to get the Ontario Equivalent of a Class5(full licence)  or do they offer their own program for that, or would I have to wait till my Class7 expires in 2013 and wait till I get a posting later that year. Or is there a CF Drivers licence, not just qual on a certain type(i.e. LSVW, Milvarado, etc...)
I'm really puzzled over how obtaining my full Drivers licence if I get accepted would work.
CEEBEE501 said:
Another odd question from me  ;D.
So how would getting a drivers licence work because I currently have my BC N(Class7) and can take my Class5 test in December 09.
So would RMC let me take some quick "refresher" lessons from a Driving school in Kingston to get the Ontario Equivalent of a Class5(full licence)  or do they offer their own program for that, or would I have to wait till my Class7 expires in 2013 and wait till I get a posting later that year. Or is there a CF Drivers licence, not just qual on a certain type(i.e. LSVW, Milvarado, etc...)
I'm really puzzled over how obtaining my full Drivers licence if I get accepted would work.

My only guess is that you would just need to reread and retake the drivers test in the province if you plan on driving there.
As a Student, I am sure you can maintain your current Drivers Lic, with your home address.  Once you get into Training and actually Posted to a Unit, then you have 30 days to transfer your licence over to your new address and Province.  You will have to visit the Provincial Transportation office to do that.  They should have a "conversion scale" by which they can issue a "Class" of licence that will equal what you previously held.

I am sure this topic has been dealt with before.  Search and you may find more info.
GW:  That's actually 90 days!  (I know for sure in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta)


Is it odd if they tell you that they might "ask" you to start training in January?
Also I found out the most interesting thing today, carbonated drinks increase your blood pressure, and well I had 2 liters of carbonated water last night and a medical today, so I have to get the blood pressure test redone other then that it was good, and I found out I'm V1 vision(medical personnel where puzzled why I have glasses when I did the vision test)
CEEBEE501 said:
Is it odd if they tell you that they might "ask" you to start training in January?
Also I found out the most interesting thing today, carbonated drinks increase your blood pressure, and well I had 2 liters of carbonated water last night and a medical today, so I have to get the blood pressure test redone other then that it was good, and I found out I'm V1 vision(medical personnel where puzzled why I have glasses when I did the vision test)

They never told me what I was, They needed me to take eye examination twice because the first time the med did not look into my file and saw that I DID have glasses. So she thought I was like V4 at the time. Then the big med guy was talking to me and I said I had glasses and he redid it and that was that. (I see 20/20 w/ glasses and its not a high correction.. I rarely use glasses.. actually I never wear em and I am fine.. so I am guessing V1/V2)

He noticed my heartbeat was up, but he never went further. He was amazed I did not drink any caffeine before the medical. I am a avid coffee drinker though (just not that morning).

Maybe my medical officer liked me.  ;D

I am unsure what you meant about the start training in January. I thought BMOQ was during the summer, AND January I thought was when selections begin.   :-\
January is when everything HAS to be completely done. February is when the first round of selections is. Or so I gathered  >:D
bms said:
January is when everything HAS to be completely done. February is when the first round of selections is. Or so I gathered  >:D

Thats what I was told. Early January is deadlines (thats why the recruiters URGE you to get medical done ASAP if you need any) and mid-late is selection boards? Then offers for first round in Feb.
Hehe. That's about what they said.

Can't wait... It's less than 3 months to February.
Don't be in too much of a hurry. Enjoy what you may have left of civvie life. :p

The military is a good go, but I assure you there are things you will miss. Enjoy your youth. (wow that makes me sound like an old man)
derael said:
Don't be in too much of a hurry. Enjoy what you may have left of civvie life. :p

The military is a good go, but I assure you there are things you will miss. Enjoy your youth. (wow that makes me sound like an old man)

Eh I pretty much just work and sleep so It cant be too much worse  :p

*Milnet.ca staff edit for site policy*
** Update **
I am going to CFRC on thursday the 11th of Dec. to do my processing....I will post back and let ya'll know how it went!  ;)

-Greg :army:
:cdn: :salute:
Definitely looking forward to see how you do hulan. Good luck.
bms said:
Definitely looking forward to see how you do hulan. Good luck.

You dieing yet BMS? I am. (especially since the CivvieU's are going about my processes TERRIBLY slow haha).
When I had my interview for the ROTP (at the end of October, 08), my interviewer mentioned that there might be a selection board mid-december. Has anyone heard anything to confirming this rumour? I'll be going to the CFRC on the 12th and unless someone has any light to shed, I'll post the response I get.
Marshall said:
You dieing yet BMS? I am. (especially since the CivvieU's are going about my processes TERRIBLY slow haha).

You could say that. I haven't heard anything since I did the whole application process. I am calling in today to get a status report on my file. It's been a few weeks since I sent my medical papers by mail, and hopefully the CFRC has something to tell me.

I never heard anything about this mid-December selection board. Though I am very curious.
dbouls said:
When I had my interview for the ROTP (at the end of October, 08), my interviewer mentioned that there might be a selection board mid-december. Has anyone heard anything to confirming this rumour? I'll be going to the CFRC on the 12th and unless someone has any light to shed, I'll post the response I get.

Never heard of it, but that would be neat seeing as my file is done. (although I'd rather have at least one university accepting me before they do my file).

bms said:
You could say that. I haven't heard anything since I did the whole application process. I am calling in today to get a status report on my file. It's been a few weeks since I sent my medical papers by mail, and hopefully the CFRC has something to tell me.

I never heard anything about this mid-December selection board. Though I am very curious.

Ah, I forgot you still had med files processing. I hope it is going well and is almost done. :)

I've been reading on this forum for a while, lots of great information here.
I'm in the same boat as some of you, waiting for the selection board.

Went to Aircrew Selection in August and passed pilot and air nav, so I guess I wait...last time I talked to the Recruiting Office, it was with someone new and they didn't really have any idea what was going on.

I submitted my application around this time last year, so I'm definitely looking forward to the selection board in the next couple of months...whenever it may be.
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