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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I filled out the backcheck form when I applied, it was part of the package. One of my references was called yesterday, so I'm guessing the others ones have/will be called soon too.
derekreid said:
Marshall, you're from the Valley too? Crazy. I'm from Berwick but I'm going to Dalhousie right now.

Suppose that means we're competition for each other? haha

I guess you could say that ha. Although I do not think they pick people from every county or anything. Pretty sure they would take them all from one place if they are all at the top of the list ha. ^.^

bms said:
Good points guys... We can arrange meetings on the board  ;D. I don't think I'll ditch Milnet... Maybe in a few years, I can actually contribute  :-*.

Maybe you did the BackCheck forms already. If they haven't said anything, don't worry about it.

Plus, once we find out who's accepted where... Pictures? A lot easier than looking for an army.ca tee.

I do not recall it but who knows. No arguments here ha. And yeah pictures could work.
I am in the process of completing a BA degree at UWO (I'm in first year). I had wanted to apply for ROTP for pilot 2009-2010 but wasn't able to. So now I am wondering if I apply for ROTP for pilot 2010-2011 now will it take into account that I will be in the second year of my degree, even though as of my time of application I will still only be in first year? And will this help or hinder my chances of being accepted?

Also, I am unsure if I have done enough to be accepted, so I will give a quick run through of what my "experiences" would be like. I played junior hockey at the age of 15 (I am now 19) and now consider myself a leader on my team. I also was a captain on both the high school soccer team, and high school football team. I was a camp counsellor/leader at a summer camp 3 years ago. I play both drums and guitar frequently (I don't know if that is of importance though  :p)And my average at UWO is around 75-80% as of right now. I am just concerned if that will be enough, so I was just wondering if anyone has any insight on this?

Lastly, I would have posted this on a different topic as it was talking about this, however it has not been posted on for over 100 days, but I noticed someone saying they had turned down 3 previous ROTP offers before receiving the one they wanted. Does this mean they had to reapply each year or what?

Sorry for the long post, but hopefully some answers can be answered here.

Thanks, DY
So now I am wondering if I apply for ROTP for pilot 2010-2011 now will it take into account that I will be in the second year of my degree, even though as of my time of application I will still only be in first year? And will this help or hinder my chances of being accepted?

I started up ROTP after 1st year. They will check before you sign on the line, exactly how many years you need to finish up, regardless of what you have when you first applied.

So I only have 3 years of ROTP, not 4.

No, it wont hinder you chances of being accepted. Just means they don't have to spend as much on you ;)

However, for RMC, you have to start from year one. Which is unfortunate.

but I noticed someone saying they had turned down 3 previous ROTP offers before receiving the one they wanted. Does this mean they had to reapply each year or what?

I think that was me.

I turned down the other offers because the vision standards had not yet changed for pilot, but i had continually heard it was changing "soon"... so rather than accept the second choice, I opted to wait and apply the following year, 3 times lol. Till the 4th time it changed.

Yes, you need to resubmit a new application each time, with new references. Also need to redo all the medicals.  Although they keep everything you submit from each year. So my application file was pretty thick by the 4th year.

Also, I am unsure if I have done enough to be accepted, so I will give a quick run through of what my "experiences" would be like. I played junior hockey at the age of 15 (I am now 19) and now consider myself a leader on my team. I also was a captain on both the high school soccer team, and high school football team. I was a camp counsellor/leader at a summer camp 3 years ago. I play both drums and guitar frequently (I don't know if that is of importance though  Tongue)And my average at UWO is around 75-80% as of right now. I am just concerned if that will be enough, so I was just wondering if anyone has any insight on this?

I think you have a good chance of being accepted, You likely have more on your list than I did when i first applied back when i was 17 or so. But being accepted for ROTP is different from being accepted for Pilot. At present, you are listed under Air Ops, and don't find out your final MOC until the end of the first semester of school.

Hope this helps

Thanks a lot Corey! I was actually hoping you would be the one to reply to my post since you were the one that I had mentioned haha. Your answers helped out a lot! So it was a 4 year process for you? That's dedication!  :eek: Since I'm already in my first year at UWO(this means my first subsidized year would be my third) I don't have a lot of years to try for ROTP, so I'm really hoping on getting Air Ops on my first try, so that's why I just want to make sure of everything before applying. But also, if I submit an application now I won't know until next January if I have been accepted? And also do you do Aircrew Selection only if you are accepted for ROTP?

Thanks again for the answers!

But also, if I submit an application now I won't know until next January if I have been accepted?

Actually, it may be as late as April/May-ish.

The dead line for Aircrew applications is ~ Feb 4th i think, so you just missed it for this year.

And also do you do Aircrew Selection only if you are accepted for ROTP?

I actually can't recall what happened first for me.... I'm pretty sure I received my Air Ops offer before leaving for ASC.

So it was a 4 year process for you? That's dedication!  Shocked

I want pilot  >:D

But it was probably for the best. If i had either been given pilot right off the bat, or accepted their offers, I would not have gained all the valuable life experience I have over the past 4 years.

In that time, I met my girlfriend, bought and imported my first car (then taught my self to disassemble and reassemble said car), got a well paying job at the Nanaimo Airport as a supervisor and refueller for the Fuel farm, and have now moved into my first place with my GF in Victoria. And in the mid term, went to a couple university classes to keep up with it while working full time.

Never would have had any of that if i went straight in after high school. So I'm sure my application looks a bit better now because of it, and I've learned a lot. I've also proved to myself how much i want this.


Glad to hear that everything worked out for you! Dedicated people like you are what the Canadian Forces are all about. :salute: I am pretty dedicated to achieving my goal of becoming a pilot, so hopefully I find myself in your place in a couple years time. I want this bad, and if I want it bad enough hopefully it will happen. So thanks for all the help and insight, and for taking the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate it. Keep me updated with your progress, and I'll do the same.

Take care, and thanks again,

Dou You said:
And also do you do Aircrew Selection only if you are accepted for ROTP?

I went to Aircrew this past summer and I haven't received an offer yet. I don't think any other ROTP applicants that were there the same week as me had either.
Oh ok. Because I'm in sort of a dilemma. I don't know whether to apply right now, which would hopefully help me get to Aircrew Selection quicker, or apply closer to the ROTP deadline to make sure I have all of my summer leadership opportunities on it. Can I add on to a submitted application if I was to apply real soon? For example, if I coach a football or soccer team this upcoming summer, would I be able to add that to my application even if I have already submitted it?

And just out of curiosity, how did aircirew selection go for you?
Who knows...this is the third date I've heard that it's supposed to be on.
More than one CFRC said February 5th. There was another small selection before this one for people RMC didn't want to lose.

If you want to know for certain, call a CFRC. They have the information on when the selections are.
do any of you guys know how many people approximately apply for RMC/ROTP and how many people get accepted?
Eh the 5th is what I heard. It concerns me little though, since we won't know either way until late feb early march most likely.
krkbl said:
do any of you guys know how many people approximately apply for RMC/ROTP and how many people get accepted?

Now I know that question has been asked before and answered.  I really am tired, so I am not going to be a nice guy and do a search to find it for you.

According to this post, there were 5000 applicants for 500 ROTP positions. So probably 250 are for RMC and 250 for CiviU. Which means you have a 10% chance to be chosen for ROTP if you put RMC and two other CiviU choices on your application. Since I'm guessing 3 out of 4 people applying for ROTP are applying for CiviU, it's roughly a 20% chance of being accepted to RMC.


According to this post, there were 750 ROTP positions. 70 to RMCSJ, 270 to RMCC, and 410 CiviU. So that means 340 positions for RMC and 410 for CiviU. So, using the assumptions used above, there is a 27.2% chance of being accepted to RMC.
bms said:

According to this post, there were 5000 applicants for 500 ROTP positions. So probably 250 are for RMC and 250 for CiviU. Which means you have a 10% chance to be chosen for ROTP if you put RMC and two other CiviU choices on your application. Since I'm guessing 3 out of 4 people applying for ROTP are applying for CiviU, it's roughly a 20% chance of being accepted to RMC.


According to this post, there were 750 ROTP positions. 70 to RMCSJ, 270 to RMCC, and 410 CiviU. So that means 340 positions for RMC and 410 for CiviU. So, using the assumptions used above, there is a 27.2% chance of being accepted to RMC.

Those % would only work if it were a random draw, people are picked due to the application process and how they compare. A poor candidate's chance would be considerably less then an achieved candidate. There is really no way to tell your chances other then how many people you are up against  ;D
Marshall said:
A poor candidate's chance would be considerably less then an achieved candidate.

I would hope a poor candidate's chance would be nil compared to an achieved candidate, otherwise the selection board could consist of a monkey spinning a wheel.

The numbers are interesting, but Marshall is right...they're just numbers.
I'm pretty sure you can update your file, but that's a great question for the people at your recruiting centre.

Aircrew went really well, I passed for both Pilot and Air Nav. It was tough though, not many (maybe 10-20% from what they said) pass pilot without any previous flying experience. Doesn't count for much if I don't get accepted for ROTP though, so we'll see.
I wouldn't dismiss the numbers so quickly. The selection board would be a subjective process, leaving some chance. I mean, outside of the numbers you provided to them(transcripts), there are probabilities involved. I mean, if 50 people have the same overall average, who gets ranked #1 and who gets ranked #50? It would be based on who they see has "better" extra cirriculars. And since there is no way to assume one persons life experience is better than another, they go by what they think. What they think is best understood by using probability since there is no way for us to know. However, the median overall average of those accepted to RMC is likely around 80%. The higher your average over 80%, the better your chances. Likewise, the more extracirriculars you were involved in, the higher your chances are, since it does make sense to assume someone who has 10 extra cirriculars has more "life experience" than someone with just 1. Infact, I'd be very interested to see the numbers for the selection. I'm guessing there is a direct correlation to having an average above the median acceptance average and being accepted to RMC. And, for equivalent averages, I'm guessing there is a direct correlation between accepted and well known extracirriculars and acceptance. Also, we'd be placed on kind of like a bellcurve type of deal, where the top judged 27.2% of candidates get the RMC positions and the other 72.8% don't. And since they are comparing everyone to everyone else, there is randomness involved in how we get placed outside of our overall averages because it is a subjective comparison. Then ofcourse there would be outliers that would either raise or diminish your chances for acceptance. The upper-percemtile outliers would be the first selected and at the top of the selection, thus the more of them there are, the lower your chances of acceptance. On the other side, the lower-percentile outliers wouldn't get accepted, and the more of them there are. there higher your chances are.

But yeah... It's just something to think about. It makes some people feel better, and some people feel worse. Gives a little certainty to the uncertainty.
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