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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Ah, okay. Something must have got lost in translation when we got February 5th as the selection board as well as the whole ROTP application process(I was basically told the deadline is Jan. 15th. If you won't make the deadline, don't bother). Good to know what's going on with the process. Thanks for the information.
I was just wondering if anyone knew if being a reservist makes you more competitive in the ROTP selection process. I have heard rumors that if you are already in the military, your almost guaranteed a spot in the ROTP program. Like any military rumors, I am weary of believing it, thats why I am asking it here, hopefully someone who knows what they are talking about can answer my question.
Contact a CFRC or talk with a recruiter online. They know the answers.

However, I will say that being in the PRes adds to your resume and therefore makes you more competitive. But it doesn't guarantee you a spot in ROTP nor does it give you any preference over other candidates. You get assessed based on your merits just like everyone else. If you don't stack up, you don't make it into ROTP. I asked the PRes question before to the online recruiter.

There are topics related to your question around this website. Just use the search function.
i know that when i applied to PRes they asked im my interview if i was planing on going to RMC later on and he said that it would help out there he dident really go into specifics but this might help.
hello everyone :)
I am a female from BC Vancouver praying that I will
get accepted to RMC this year :)
(by the way is there anyone from Vancouver here?? or BC? )

I was reading the content of the forum and I have noticed that
there are a lot of people apply for infrantry, pilot ect..
I was wondering did anyone here apply for Logisitics?
Becuase thats what I hope to do due to the fact that
I signed up for Business Administration in RMC.

Anyways I am writing this post becuase I wanted to ask when did the
selection board sit.. becuase in the earlier posts it said Feb 05 but now its Feb 12..
I am confused.....?? which one is right??

Hoping to meet you all in the future. and also happy valentines day! :)
yuna said:
hello everyone :)
I am a female from BC Vancouver praying that I will
get accepted to RMC this year :)
(by the way is there anyone from Vancouver here?? or BC? )

I was reading the content of the forum and I have noticed that
there are a lot of people apply for infrantry, pilot ect..
I was wondering did anyone here apply for Logisitics?
Becuase thats what I hope to do due to the fact that
I signed up for Business Administration in RMC.

Anyways I am writing this post becuase I wanted to ask when did the
selection board sit.. becuase in the earlier posts it said Feb 05 but now its Feb 12..
I am confused.....?? which one is right??

Hoping to meet you all in the future. and also happy valentines day! :)

It was the 12th. But I believe the earliest anyone will get called is sometime in the last week on February.
According to CFRG Comd(in an earlier post), the earliest would be late this week.

I was actually thinking of doing Logistics when I first started looking into ROTP and officer MOCs. But time passed and my mind changed from 1)Logistics 2)Military Police Officer 3)Signals Officer to 1)Artillery 2)Armour 3)Infantry. This mainly happened when I started reading into the histories of the various regiments and at the career timelines of being a Combat Arms officers. I was intrigued with what I read and I decided to switch.

Hopefully by mid-March we'll know who's going  ;D.
I've heard that you can ever get subsidized for full time graduate studies as long as it's in a field that the military deeps "useful". I guess that rules out me getting my MA in anthropology later on. ;) But for anyone getting a degree in things like engineering I think they do full time subsidization. Just ask your chain of command about it.
Hello everyone,

This is my first post here on milnet, I've been searching the threads for a while and finally found this one on the current group of RMC candidates.  I'm from Halifax, Nova Scotia and am also waiting for the notification of the CFRC with regards to my application to RMC.  I'm a prospective arts student, and am also applying for MOCs; 1-Infantry, 2-Armoured, (even though I'm from an Air Force family ;D).  It's great to see a forum of other RMC hopefuls and I hope we all see each other next year at RMC.

P.S: Has anyone heard anything yet? (other than the 7-9 super-candidates)

I don't believe so. The recruiting centers are probably just received the info from the selection board this last week. I would guess most will get their phone calls in the next couple of weeks?
I sure hope so, I've been done the process since November, and so far no word yet on my application, just some of my references letting me know they were called.  I've already been accepted (conditionally) to Dalhousie University, however RMC would definitely be my first choice.
ACEC said:
Hello everyone,

This is my first post here on milnet, I've been searching the threads for a while and finally found this one on the current group of RMC candidates.  I'm from Halifax, Nova Scotia and am also waiting for the notification of the CFRC with regards to my application to RMC.  I'm a prospective arts student, and am also applying for MOCs; 1-Infantry, 2-Armoured, (even though I'm from an Air Force family ;D).  It's great to see a forum of other RMC hopefuls and I hope we all see each other next year at RMC.

P.S: Has anyone heard anything yet? (other than the 7-9 super-candidates)


I went to the same CFRC :)

I believe the CFRC's get the calls early next week and start calling the applicants. Not 100% tho.
Does anyone know when the next board will be held? I missed the one this month, but in a previous post the commander of the CFRC said it was not the last for the 2009/2010 year, even though some recruiters say otherwise. Just wondering if someone had a date.
BMackenzie said:
Does anyone know when the next board will be held? I missed the one this month, but in a previous post the commander of the CFRC said it was not the last for the 2009/2010 year, even though some recruiters say otherwise. Just wondering if someone had a date.

As far as I've ever heard there is one main board a year. But I am sure he/she will explain if they see your post.
I don't know the dates, but when I was getting the ROTP selection process explained to me, I believe I saw 3, possibly 4, dates for the selection boards for the previous year. But the way it was explained to me was that if you don't make the first selection, you get put in the next and so on. Of course open spots depend on how many declined the offer given to them for ROTP or whatever else.

I guess the next two weeks will be the most important weeks so far for most of us. It's pretty exciting.

bms said:
I guess the next two weeks will be the most important weeks so far for most of us. It's pretty exciting.

I'd say :nod:.  I also thought I saw a couple of selection dates, but I suppose we just have to play the waiting game.  Hopefully we get a call soon though.
bms said:
I don't know the dates, but when I was getting the ROTP selection process explained to me, I believe I saw 3, possibly 4, dates for the selection boards for the previous year. But the way it was explained to me was that if you don't make the first selection, you get put in the next and so on. Of course open spots depend on how many declined the offer given to them for ROTP or whatever else.

I guess the next two weeks will be the most important weeks so far for most of us. It's pretty exciting.

I remember seeing several selection times, But I just can not remember if they accept any more applications for the following selections after this one.
I'm no expert, but I imagine their selection process is probably similar to civilian universities.  I think it was BMS who said that they have to take into account those who turn down the offers.  I imagine that those individuals play a large role in who (and how many) are offered ROTP the second round.

(if someone knows for sure please feel free to correct me)
Marshall said:
I remember seeing several selection times, But I just can not remember if they accept any more applications for the following selections after this one.

This is EXACTLY what I'm wondering...I just submitted the online application right now with my service number (i am a reservist right now). No one at my unit or the CFRC really knew where and how i apply since i was a reservist but i was finally told that i had to apply like everyone else, except when i include my SN, they will know that i am military. But yeah, if anyone knows if they accept applications past the 15 of Jan, thats what i need to know. I mean, I would hope they would be able to make an exception, because in the end, I am already coursed for BOTC this summer with the reserves, so if I didnt hear my acceptance till July, I would have still completed my BASIC by the end of the summer...

If anyone can help me, that would be great
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