I wasn't, no. If I recall, when you sign your contracts, you are given dates by which time you should contact your assigned ULO.
If you don't contact them, then the Clear-in procedure will not start, and you certainly won't get paid.
Your ULO likely wont call you until way past the suggested date to see if you fell off the earth.
So, you have to make the initiative and call to make appointments with the ULO, who will help you get ready with the Clear-in procedure at the base to get set up with payroll and records.
With payroll/records, you will deal with setting up your Direct Deposit, your Will, who you want your death benefits to go to, your PLD, etc.
This can take a couple days.
So, you want this taken care of at least 1-2 weeks before September starts or you will likely end up missing Pay periods while the documents get processed.
The sooner you call your ULO to set an appointment, the sooner you get paid when September comes along.
If it's left until a few days before Sept, the first pay period will likely be missed.
Hope this helps
EDIT: I just remembered while typing this why, in my case, the PLD didn't kick in with my first paychecks. It was because the date of Move-in on my Rental Agreement wasn't for another few weeks (october 1st). And the PLD wont officially start until the date on the agreement.
Unfortunatly, the 1st of october (when rent was due and I moved in) was AFTER the previous paycheck on Sept 30th just a day or two before. So I had to wait until the next check on the 15th to get my first PLD amount tacked onto my pay.
So out came the credit card
Just incase your wondering: Pay periods are every 2 weeks, on the 15th, and 30th of the month.
If those days fall on a weekend or holiday, then the pay will come early.
Sorry for all the Edits: Running on 2 hours of sleep. Homework :threat: