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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Don't worry about age. I'm 23, a graduate of a 3 year college program and I've been accepted into RMC. On my aircrew last week, there were 3 others my age that are going into University and there was a 32 year old as well.

Just make your application as competitive and well rounded as you can, and you'll do fine.
As the last reply stated, don't worry about your age...under the RO program the oldest is about 35. the oldest in RMC which she is under different program is 47.

As for your grades, if you make it for the RMC ROTP and if your grades are not good enough, you will end up doing Prep year at CMR for a year. It is not easy to get into RMC, no matter what your age is... they don't look at your age at all. if you have GPA of A  or higher and you done nothing else beside studying. your chances will be low. however, if you have a C or B and volunteer you have a better chance making it into RMC.

Just member one thing RMC is fun but it is a Hard. 

Best of luck to all.
oldandgrey said:
Just member one thing RMC is fun but it is a Hard. 

Hard?  I wouldn't say so.  One can coast along and do just fine.

Fun?  I guess I missed that part.
I appreciate the motivational word from all. Glad to see I am not an abstract applicant due to age. And SupersonicMax - that doesn't particularly seem like the appropriate mentality for an individual attending RMC. No inspiration?
anthonyfrancis said:
I appreciate the motivational word from all. Glad to see I am not an abstract applicant due to age. And SupersonicMax - that doesn't particularly seem like the appropriate mentality for an individual attending RMC. No inspiration?

I'm not at RMC anymore, I graduated 3 years ago.

Believe me, I had motivation when I got there.  Ask any of my peers in my squadron and year.  At first, I thought "It must be because we're first years.  I will improve with time."  Then, after the first year, into the second, third and thank god, finally the fourth, I realized that it wasn't going to get better and we kept being treated like 6 year old childs.  For a place that is supposed to educated future leader of the military, I was disapointed to say the least.

I'll give you an example. We were stressed by some people that Academics are the number 1 priority during the academic year, yet we were not given the time for them.  On a busy week, I would stay up until 4AM to finish up homeworks, labs, projects, etc.  Yet, I had to get up at 6, even though I didn't have class until 9 in case my chain of command came into my room to make sure my recycling bin didn't have paper in it (ie: a "walkthrough").  And I would get in trouble for leaving a sheet of paper in the recycling bin...  In the mean time, some people would not give a rat's ass about anything and get the in the same trouble...  Yes, I lost inspiration after a little bit...
anthonyfrancis said:
that doesn't particularly seem like the appropriate mentality for an individual attending RMC. No inspiration?

He was there so he knows how it was for him.

Were you there ?
SupersonicMax said:
I'll give you an example. We were stressed by some people that Academics are the number 1 priority during the academic year, yet we were not given the time for them.  On a busy week, I would stay up until 4AM to finish up homeworks, labs, projects, etc.  Yet, I had to get up at 6, even though I didn't have class until 9 in case my chain of command came into my room to make sure my recycling bin didn't have paper in it (ie: a "walkthrough").  And I would get in trouble for leaving a sheet of paper in the recycling bin...  In the mean time, some people would not give a rat's *** about anything and get the in the same trouble...  Yes, I lost inspiration after a little bit...

That being said, I think it depends on the individual squadrons and leaders. This semester the CWC suspended all morning activities (parades and squadron events) during mid terms. It was a nice reprieve and allowed us to get some time to ourselves to study or do whatever.

From what I hear from the current 4th years, things have changed and are changing at the College and it is a better time to be here. More decisions are being given to the Cadet COC, and a lot more is expected of them. I don't know how much more they get to do, but from what I hear the COC has a really big say in what happens here.

However, there are still those who coast and it is frustrating to see a lot of people get by on the bare minimum. You can coast and get by, but from what I've seen you get out what you put in.
Question for RMC Students and Alumni
How many 1st yrs are admitted each year & how many students Graduate at the end of 4 yrs approx
In other words what percentage VR after 1st yr..........Do ex Reserve fair better ??  because of their past experiences ?
I don't know about each year, as I can only speak about my year. As a current first year, we entered under a different system than other years of the college. As such we have a much higher VR rate at RMC because we didn't attend training prior to getting here.

We started with about 277 first years in August, and we are down to 250 and dropping. A large number are leaving due to being unhappy or because their freebie year is coming to an end. I know of 10 or more people pursuing VRs at the moment. As far as ex reservists, I'm not entirely sure;but, there were 4 that I know of who VRd pretty early.
Thats interesting
There are also quite a few people who drop out of Civvie Uni ( not ROTP ) even from my high school last year 2 dropped out before they had slept one night in UBC residence.
From what Supersonic Max said its nothing like anyone can describe or experience

A bit late for this post.

I'm going for DEO as Infantry. I'm pumped about this and I was told I'd hear back April 1st.
I've already got an undergrad from Ryerson, but I'm hoping to get into RMC for a graduate degree in the future.

Hope to see everyone at training! (If I get in that is...)
I am also going to be applying for ROTP 2010/2011. I am going to be at UFV for two classes in the summer semester and full time in the fall. Hopefully in that time I can achieve an acceptable GPA. It is great to hear of all the non-traditional applicants making the grade for ROTP. I have always assumed that ROTP was reserved for super high achievers straight out of high school (i.e. not me). I am 24, was in the reserves (R031) in high school and first year of college (2.5 yrs) and am in the last two months of my 4 year 3 month contract with the British Army. I am Infantry and have done two op tours; Iraq '06 (Al Amarah, Basra) and Afghan '07/'08 (Helmand). I have yet to decide on a trade or whether I will be applying for Civvy U or RMC, but will be looking into it over the next few months. I believe my main hurdle to be academic, but will work hard to change that. If anyone else is in the same boat PM me and we can compare notes on the process. Thanks to all the posters for all the excellent information that the CF website does not supply.
Hey, I have searched high and low for an answer to my question but had no luck finding one. I just got selected for ROTP at University of Victoria starting in September '09. I have not been sworn in yet. My question is: while I am attending class at UVIC, do I have to keep a certain GPA to stay in the ROTP program? Or, do I just need to pass everything and get a degree?

just wondering if there was anyone who got in through the first board and are doing a CT. I am doing one now, made it for the second board (according to CRFC everything went smoothly and I made it in time to be considered, so everything process wise is 100% for me, just have to wait on a response now)

Im just wondering if anyone knew who contacted you with the info. I heard that its not the CFRC that does it because its a CT, that I would hear from someone else. Also, for anyone that did do the CT for the first board, how long after it did you hear back???
CT is done by NDHQ and if you talk to the guys doing the CT and let them know the circumstances, they can get it done fairly quickly. I had to get one done before I finished my application for ROTP, so I just made (I think) the second review board.
It's too bad you didn't get a contact name of the officer handling your file. They have it in the system, at your CFRC so you can always ask for it. My experience is you are probably going to have to hound them . Should only be another couple of weeks now . Good luck.
i was just told again today that everything with my file went through 100%, that the decision was made, but they will not release the results yet. Its annoying waiting but the CFRC is being very helpful and told me that I should hear back from the CT unit as to if I got in and then to begin the CT process full force from the reserve to reg.

Anyone hear from them yet?
wondering if anyone has heard back from the second board yet, the one on March 24th...
Well, I just heard that my offer has been changed from RMC to Civi U. Now I have to find out if I've been accepted to any of the Civi U's I applied to. Bah. That was a curveball.
o thats gotta suck...well you can tell them to give me your civi u and you can go to RMC hahaha
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