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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I just want to know if I can use my Grade 12 English instead of my grade 11 mark and if my MCF3M1 math counts as a university math.

The best person to answer that is the registrar at RMC.  Give them a call, you should be able to find their number on the RMC website.

Having said that; A historian with weak math skills may not make the best LogO (Most of the LogOs that I have met have had a Bussiness Admin background).  Are you dead set on being a LogO or are you dead set on taking history?  It may work out that you can do both, but it may not.  You might want to do a bit more digging on which MOSIDs and academic programs are available.
I 100% want to take history. I am open to any trait. Logistics was one that was proposed to me and that is why I put it down on my application. But I also selected Training Development Officer.
MuddyCross said:
Hi there,

I am a 17 years old female grade 12 student who applied to the forces on September 29, 2014. I selected the ROTP option and am intending to study history at RMC to become a logistics officer (preferably in the army). My grade 11 overall average was 85%. My English mark however was lower than 75% (it was 73%). Also, I took mixed math (MCF3M1) and I got an 85% in that course. My questions are, can I use my grade 12 English mark over my grade 11 one, and does my math credit count. That is my only M credit, everything else is university.

I have put all my eggs in one basket, so I need this to work out  :(


Here you go ---->  http://army.ca/forums/threads/115702/post-1319118.html#msg1319118

Also. a BA in History, is NOT an acceptable undergrad degree to become a Logistics Officer.
Bradford_Maxwell said:
I actually have a bit of a special situation and despite talking with recruiters more and more things keep popping up on me which I will likely have to do if I get selected to move on with the application process.

Currently, I am in High School in the greater Houston area of Texas and have submitted an application for ROTP via the Forces.ca website. I am a Canadian citizen, although I am living in Texas and going to High School on a Visa. I have taken my SAT reasoning and discovered recently that I need Math I and Literature subject tests taken as well. I have signed up to take these two in October and will have my scores rushed if needed. I also heard that if I send in my transcript I have to have it essentially "converted" before I give it to the forces.

So, I have two questions.

a.) What other requirements do I need to know about as an international student applying for ROTP?
b.) Just how competitive will I be amongst other applicants based on grades (or marks)/ extra-curricular activities/ fitness?

MOS's applied for
1.)Pilot 2.) Infantry 3.) Armored Officer

Currently in Texas, I go to an incredibly competitive high school and am actually in the bottom quarter among my peers (I'm not sure if class ranking is even relevant for the application, excuse me if it isn't). I currently have grades which range from 85-95% and have taken quite a few AP classes, which are on par with IB I believe. I am in NJROTC, which is a US Navy military program and am part of the Command Staff (5 Cadets) and have been to numerous state competitions, etc for the program. I am also in DECA, which is a business club and have competed for Finance competitions at the national/ international level. I do tons of volunteering for the school and community, I believe I went over 200 hours recently.
I can give a letters of recommendation as well I believe, one being from a recently retired US Navy Captain (0-6, just below Rear Admiral Lower Half) and from a US Congressman who is also retired from the Navy. My physical fitness is also very good, I can do 80+ pushups before beginning to lose form and 80+ situps in 60 seconds. I run 1.5 miles (2.4 KM) close to 9 minutes and can do 18 full extension pullups (palms facing outward).

So, with all these, how competitive will I be? and what other requirements will I need to fulfill once receiving the call from the recruiters? I am aware of the interview, medical exam, CFAT, and fitness test. I also have spoken to the recruiters in Calgary, so I am not completely blind on what to do, but I can't see them most of the time as I am at school in Texas.

Thank you in advance for any constructive comments and information.

Okay, here are answers to the "highlighted" portions of your question above.

1.  If you are applying for ROTP, there is NO requirement for you to obtain an Academic Credential Assessment prior to submitting your high school transcripts;  and

2.  ROTP applicants, who are currently attending high school in the US, MUST complete their SAT's and these results must be included when you upload your documents to the RMC Portal.
MuddyCross said:
What could I do with a history degree than? I was told that would be my best option..  ???

Who told you that?

Students and professor where?

And by "trait", do you mean "trade"?

The correct term is "Occupation". Prior to that all-rank term, Officers had "classifications" and NCMs had trades.
Hi everyone,

I'm currently in my second year at the University of Western Ontario. I'm in the Commercial Aviation Management flight program.

I just recently applied for the ROTP program (Pilot). I was planning on applying earlier but I was convinced not to by my family as they're willing to pay for my schooling and don't want me to commit to such a long term in the forces. However, now I'm pretty much certain that this is the path I want to take.

I had a 90+ average in high school, lots of extra curriculars, peak physical condition. Currently Vice-President of one of the largest student groups on campus.

I did my Type 1 air medical and my medical examiner said that I'm exactly what the forces look for in a candidate (20-13 vision, above average hearing, etc.)

The only problem is that I completely bombed first year university and had like a 70% overall average. Will my university grades have a huge impact on my chances of getting accepted?

soccerplayer131 said:
The following trades are available to applicants with a BA in History - MARS, Arty, Inf, Armd, Pilot, AEC, and MPO. All of these occupations' specific education requirement is "Most degree programmes". There are no occupations which specifically list a History degree as an acceptable program.

Reference: http://www.kingsown.ca/Old%20Site/ROTP%20Quest%20Part%201_en.pdf

I would caution against using that document as reference since it was put out 9 YEARS ago.  Recruiting regularly updates their documents...Webmasters for Reserve unit websites....not so much.

And since the OP asked for and received a reply in the Ask a Recruiter section, this thread is redundant and shall be locked now.
How has the application progress for ROTP been going for you so far? For an application submitted mid September an email has been received to confirm that a suitability review is underway. Has anyone had their aptitude test, medical exam or interview yet?
I have seen from last years postings that many September-October applications did not proceed to the follow up tests for many months due to the transition to the online application system. It has also been encouraging to see that most officer trades have recently been listed as "now hiring" on the forces.ca web site, but I'm not sure if that impacts the ROTP allocations.
Same as you. I sent my application to CMR Saint-Jean in September and since, nothing. But, I am not worry, they must have a lot of applications.

EDIT:But, is it normal that I didn't receive a confirmation Email/letter? When I check the statue of my application on forces.ca, there is absolutely nothing when I click on "View Confirmation Letter".
HeyJhon said:
But, is it normal that I didn't receive a confirmation Email/letter?

Not sure how you applied? This is how my process has gone so far. It has been done all on-line.
Shortly after the original application was filled out at the forces.ca application page, a link was received with a copy of the ROTP/RETP academic questionnaire and information how to upload the completed questionnaire and school transcript. Then an acknowledgment page was displayed confirming that the questionnaire and transcript were uploaded successfully to the Royal Military College of Canada. A second confirmation came a couple of days later to say that the file has been opened and review had begun. I hope that this helps you.
sky888 said:
HI, I'm new to this forum. I have a question about ROTP nursing officer positions for the year of 2014-2015. On the CF website, it shows  hiring but not in demand. My aptitude test score is average for the officer rank, but the lady who did my interview ended up gave me a good score over all. I'm female, 26, I don't drink, don't smoke, never did any drugs in my life, wear glasses, my medical exam went smooth ( the lady called me boring, because I never had any broken bones). I speak three languages fluently. I'm in my second year of Nursing (Sciences infirmière) in a civil university. My grade average in university is 77, average of B+. Does anyone know how many are they hiring this year (2014) for that position  ?

Thanks everyone. :cdn:

how is your application going? im a registered nurse looking for support :)
OK, I just didn't receive yet the second confirmation message. I hope I did all right.
HeyJhon said:
OK, I just didn't receive yet the second confirmation message. I hope I did all right.

If you didn't receive the 2nd email, which provides both the link to the RMC Portal and your Applicant ID #, then you may have done something wrong.

The RMC Portal Link and information can be found here, under "ROTP"  ----->  http://www.forces.ca/en/page/paideducation-96#tab2

The link is of NO use, unless you have your Applicant ID number.
DAA said:
If you didn't receive the 2nd email, which provides both the link to the RMC Portal and your Applicant ID #, then you may have done something wrong.

The RMC Portal Link and information can be found here, under "ROTP"  ----->  http://www.forces.ca/en/page/paideducation-96#tab2

The link is of NO use, unless you have your Applicant ID number.

No, I receive this one,completed the form on this link and sent my school reports cards, I get to the page where they say that I sent all the documents successfully, then nothing. I didn't receive anything else at this point, so I don't know if my application has been look at, denied or whatever could have happen to it. When I look at my profile on Forces.ca, I don't have any confirmation letter for my application.

By the way, I tried hard to be understandable on this post but I understand you may have difficult, in that case, sorry.
HeyJhon said:
No, I receive this one,completed the form on this link and sent my school reports cards, I get to the page where they say that I sent all the documents successfully, then nothing. I didn't receive anything else at this point, so I don't know if my application has been look at, denied or whatever could have happen to it. When I look at my profile on Forces.ca, I don't have any confirmation letter for my application.

By the way, I tried hard to be understandable on this post but I understand you may have difficult, in that case, sorry.

Okay then, so if you did receive the email with the link, completed the questionnaire, uploaded your transcripts/questionnaire and have confirmation of the successful upload, then now you wait until your uploads have been reviewed.  At this point in time, if you haven't been contacted within 30 days of a confirmed upload, then you need to contact your local CFRC.

Seems like you're on the right track so far.
HeyJhon said:
No, I receive this one,completed the form on this link and sent my school reports cards, I get to the page where they say that I sent all the documents successfully, then nothing. I didn't receive anything else at this point, so I don't know if my application has been look at, denied or whatever could have happen to it. When I look at my profile on Forces.ca, I don't have any confirmation letter for my application.

By the way, I tried hard to be understandable on this post but I understand you may have difficult, in that case, sorry.

You will receive the decision when it is made. Until then, just keep your fingers crossed. At the most, you can call and find out it has been received.
vaprisk said:
At the most, you can call and find out it has been received.

Call who, his CFRC?  The CFRC is not even involved in the process yet.
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