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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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All members of the forces are eligible for $25,000 for continuing education. Now this does need to approved by your chain of command, but generally as long as you are taking courses with aim of completing a program that has relevances to your trade or future within the CF (bachelors, or post grad level) it is approved. Note though that this for many trades is on your own time. Some trades have post-grads as a posting option but not all, also relevance is important. Ie a Log O - HR wants to do an MBA, not a problem, vs a Log -O -HR wanting to do a second bachelors in basket weaving...not so relevant.
Does this mean $25,000 without owing the CF more time?  I'm interested in applying for a part-time MA at RMC next year (to start 2011), but was trying to budget this at my own expense so as not to incur more service (not that I don't plan on serving for some time, I just don't want my hands tied for too long).
trentonmilwife said:
All members of the forces are eligible for $25,000 for continuing education. Now this does need to approved by your chain of command, but generally as long as you are taking courses with aim of completing a program that has relevances to your trade or future within the CF (bachelors, or post grad level) it is approved. Note though that this for many trades is on your own time. Some trades have post-grads as a posting option but not all, also relevance is important. Ie a Log O - HR wants to do an MBA, not a problem, vs a Log -O -HR wanting to do a second bachelors in basket weaving...not so relevant.

25 grand? You're sure it's not $2500? Wow.

Would you happen to have the ref for that? Not that I don't believe you, I'd just like to have that on hand as I've been pondering some post-grad studies (shudder).
Corps of Guides said:
Does this mean $25,000 without owing the CF more time?  I'm interested in applying for a part-time MA at RMC next year (to start 2011), but was trying to budget this at my own expense so as not to incur more service (not that I don't plan on serving for some time, I just don't want my hands tied for too long).

Perhaps you should read some of the instructions that apply, such as this:
CF Military Personnel Instructions 18/04  Advanced Degree - Part-Time Programme for Regular force Officers
Hey, I'm so glad I found this thread. I applied for ROTP Pilot and Logistics in december.  I was told by the recruiting officer if I didnt hear from the military by the third or fouth week of feb. then I probably was not accepted!  It is now Feb. 24th and I havent heard anything.  A few of my references said they had got calls from the military earlier this week.

Atleast I know there looking into it.  Has anyone else been accepted for ROTP this year?????There is only a few more days in febuary.

Thanks, tell me whats going on with you guys and ladies.
Hi Logan,

I'm also applying for ROTP and additionally acceptance at RMC.  I haven't received word of my...predicament ;D yet either.  I think that someone would have announced it on this thread if they heard it, but so far I'm waiting on the phone call too.

I spoke to CFRC Edmonton today. According to them they have not received anything from the last selection board as of yet.
It was recently though right? I believe the user CmdrCFRG (and if anyone they would know) said the boards were on the 12th of this month, and we would hear back at the earliest last week.
Fingers crossed...I'm just glad that I'm not the only one awaiting the call.
I feel the same way, atleast I'm not the only one!

Good luck to you all, hope to hear the second anyone finds out! 
As soon as someone gets a call I'm sure they'll post here.

I would hope you get a call even if you don't get selected, but I'm not sure if that happens or not.

Haven't heard anything from the Halifax CFRC yet either.  I spoke with someone this past Monday.  I really hope we hear soon as well.  I appied for ROTP nursing.  Good luck and I really hope we all get good news!
Just a short update to my post of a couple of weeks ago.

The selection board was held and I have just been briefed on the staffing that was required post board.  This is being completed today/tomorrow and sent to the Centres so that they can call the successful candidates and mail letters to everyone, selected or not, on their status.  This should be done for them to start making calls Monday.

Yes, you can continue to apply - time is of the essence in order to be considered for the next selection board towards the end of March.  From there, it will be any selections required due to individuals not accepting offers, so onsies and twosies at best.

ComdCFRG said:
Just a short update to my post of a couple of weeks ago.

The selection board was held and I have just been briefed on the staffing that was required post board.  This is being completed today/tomorrow and sent to the Centres so that they can call the successful candidates and mail letters to everyone, selected or not, on their status.  This should be done for them to start making calls Monday.

Yes, you can continue to apply - time is of the essence in order to be considered for the next selection board towards the end of March.  From there, it will be any selections required due to individuals not accepting offers, so onsies and twosies at best.


Thank you very much !!

I am very excited for next week. I am merit listed for Pilot with ANav and AEC as my other choices.

Good luck to all, hope to hear word next week !
My first one is that last year I have never needed to see a doctor while I was in university so that is why I do not know the answer to this.  My question is if I wanted to go see a doctor regarding some health issues how do I go abouts doing this?  Since there are no CFBs around here, I do not believe that there are any MIRs around here either.  Would I just go to a civilian doctor and give them my blue cross card?

Why would you need a blue cross card? You should be able to walk in with your provincial health care card and ask for service. You will need to notify the closest MIR after you have recieved health care on the economy though.

My second question is I was wondering if it is possible or if other ROTP students have done an international exchange before while going through the program?  Because if it is not possible then I would like to know then I wont even bother asking my ULO or SEM how to go abouts doing it.  I know I am an officer and that is my job but I would like to do an exchange to another country for a semester for spring or fall and if it was not going to affect finishing my degree in four years and if I paid for it myself, would I be able to do an exchange?

The bottom line on this has already been stated, but if you can make the case that this is somehow in the CF's benifit and your sponsor will pay for it, you can make it happen.

Rules change all the time...exceptions often become the rule.  Ask and you should be rewarded.

My two cents...
If this person is a member of the military, they should have a Blue Cross card and not a provincial health card.
SpyGuy101 said:
My first one is that last year I have never needed to see a doctor while I was in university so that is why I do not know the answer to this.  My question is if I wanted to go see a doctor regarding some health issues how do I go abouts doing this?  Since there are no CFBs around here, I do not believe that there are any MIRs around here either.  Would I just go to a civilian doctor and give them my blue cross card?

Why would you need a blue cross card? You should be able to walk in with your provincial health care card and ask for service. You will need to notify the closest MIR after you have recieved health care on the economy though.

As per the order I was given I cut up and disposed of my provincial health care card, as did most of the other people when we got our Blue Cross Cards.

I know lots of guys keep their provincial cards so they can go to walk-ins and such without a hassle when the MIR is closed, but I believe you're not supposed to.
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