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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Under no circumstances you should use your provincial medical insurance card.

This is definitely the bottom line.  When I was enrolled about 2 years ago, I had broken my wrist prior to receiving my bluecross card.  Not really knowing how the military process worked at the time being I went to me nearest base hospital.  My ULO (I'm in the ROTP civi U program) at the time was surprised that I did that as I was never 'officially' told that that was the proper thing to do in the case.  After this happened I was told how the military medical system worked and was informed that if I was to use my provincial health care card it would have been committing insurance fraud because CF members are not covered under provincial health insurance.
Sorry for the double post, but I noticed that the poster of the oringinal question has stated that they do have their bluecross card.

My fiancee works at a civilian medical clinic (in Halifax) and I know their clinic sees many CF members.  They just have different paperwork to do on "us", all you need is your bluecross card.  I sespect the same goes for clinics in your area.
Wow, Im a late joiner to this thread! Glad i found it, Im an ROTP applicant for next year as well, im in the reserves right now as a Com Researcher, and my trades i chose for ROTP are Pilot, Aero Eng.  and AirNav.  Im thinking of going Carleton for Aerospace engineering if i get in Air Force, very exciting! Hope you guys start hearing soon, Good luck to you all!

Oh, btw, someone from the base phoned my house today, but i wasn't home. This makes me wonder, it may be a stupid question, but does anyone know what happens if you're simply not home when they call? Will they just call back at a different time the next day?
The smart thing to do is usually to try calling them back; if they left their contact information that is.
That's right; with the bluecross card the civilian clinic will get you to fill out a CF claim form for medical services rendered. That is then sent to the nearest medical unit for processing after your treatment. I have run into problems though, not all clinics carry the forms or know what to do with them where I live. Being in BC there aren't a lot of clinics that see military members with the blue cross cards. They would generally see reservists who still have their provincial health cards.

I have had to pay for a clinic visit before because the staff couldn't be bothered to put the effort into figuring out the military paperwork, so they just went "Here's a bill!"  :-\
Intelligent Design said:
That's right; with the bluecross card the civilian clinic will get you to fill out a CF claim form for medical services rendered. That is then sent to the nearest medical unit for processing after your treatment. I have run into problems though, not all clinics carry the forms or know what to do with them where I live. Being in BC there aren't a lot of clinics that see military members with the blue cross cards. They would generally see reservists who still have their provincial health cards.

I have had to pay for a clinic visit before because the staff couldn't be bothered to put the effort into figuring out the military paperwork, so they just went "Here's a bill!"  :-\

If you have to pay out of pocket, call your MIR and they'll tell you to bring in the bill and you'll get re-imbursed. I do it all the time (it's not worth my while to drive 1.5 hours at oh-dark-crappy to make it for sick parade).
Yeah, just call them back during buisness hours. They don't usually call for no reason.

And welcome to the group.
Yeah I know I can do it, but it was 20$ so I wasn't really inclined to make the effort in mailing the receipt in and all. See that's an issue, they pay me anyways, and I don't have any real expenses, so each time I have to spend the effort to get a reimbursement (Unless it's for tuition) I just shrug and go "It's only 20$".
Intelligent Design said:
Yeah I know I can do it, but it was 20$ so I wasn't really inclined to make the effort in mailing the receipt in and all. See that's an issue, they pay me anyways, and I don't have any real expenses, so each time I have to spend the effort to get a reimbursement (Unless it's for tuition) I just shrug and go "It's only 20$".

All you've got to do is mail them the receipt you get from the civvie doc and they'll do the paperwork up, send it back to sign if need be and then you'll get reimbursed.

It's your money, so claim it. I claim mileage for every trip down to my ASU and anything else I spend that's CF related and  you can claim for. All those little expenses add up over time.
Piper, you need to relax.  Talking down someone is not going to do any good, to you or to the other person.  Treat people like you want to be treated.

On the "exchange" topic, yes, RMC does offer some exchanges. USAFA and Westpoint come to mind.  Australia used to be one as well, back in the 90s.  It's very competitive and only a few get to go.  But it is possible.

Piper, you don't go to RMC, therefore you cannot comment on what's happenning there, right?
SupersonicMax said:
Piper, you need to relax.  Talking down someone is not going to do any good, to you or to the other person.  Treat people like you want to be treated.

On the "exchange" topic, yes, RMC does offer some exchanges. USAFA and Westpoint come to mind.  Australia used to be one as well, back in the 90s.  It's very competitive and only a few get to go.  But it is possible.

Piper, you don't go to RMC, therefore you cannot comment on what's happenning there, right?


I was merely advising him to claim what he is entitled to claim. If you think that was 'talking down' then you must have a rough time come PER season eh?

As for the exchanges thing, holy necro batman. That was a while ago, and I WAS right as the question was about academic exchanges like you would find at a civvy-u. I had also clarified that RMC types DO have access to military exchange-like activities such as the Sandhurst competitions at el. I don't go there, and I don't need to to know about ROTP policies on exchanges and such.

But good job on keeping me honest and all that jazz.  ::)
Piper said:
Your screen name is rather appropriate at this moment. Back to your corner.

I was referring to that comment...  Nobody ever told me to go back to my corner, or made fun of my name on my PER. 

As far as exchanges go, the exanges I'm talking about are semester-long exchanges where we send 2 guys to USAFA, 2 Guys to Westpoint, they send guys as well and they study for 1 whole semester.  Not the Sandhurst competition or week end at westpoint....

You really need to work on your social skills dude
SupersonicMax said:
I was referring to that comment...  Nobody ever told me to go back to my corner, or made fun of my name on my PER. 

As far as exchanges go, the exanges I'm talking about are semester-long exchanges where we send 2 guys to USAFA, 2 Guys to Westpoint, they send guys as well and they study for 1 whole semester.  Not the Sandhurst competition or week end at westpoint....

You really need to work on your social skills dude

Like I said, holy necro batman. But I'm glad you got your two cents in. Feel better now?

As per your exchanges comment, I said that RMC does indeed send folks down to USMA for longer periods of time and they are treated like your traditional military exchange. I was referring to the original question (did you read that far) that asked if civvy-u students could go on ACADEMIC exchanges of the type that you see advertised on campus.

Yes, RMC sends people on exchanges for 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, whatever. These exchanges, from a CF unit to a US unit are like a military exchange and are not like an academic exchange that a civvy-u student would see advertised (again, just for you, the subject of the OP's question). I'm sorry I didn't address the unwashed masses at RMC when I answered the OP's original question that applied to civvy-u students.

Get a life. 
If you two have some kind of issue, take it to PMs.

EVERYONE - Keep the digs, jabs and other snide comments to yourselves. Remember your Mom's advice: "If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything"

Back on track, please.

Army.ca Staff
I'm sure once someone receives an offer, they will post that info...
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