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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Haha. I hadn't applied to RMC in the first place, so when I got the offer, I had to scramble to pick a program then.

Now it's back to the original plan, c'mon Civi U acceptance letters!
hahahah yeah good luck on that, i hear ya on the whole flip flop thing...its kind of annoying...

i'm doing a component transfer and i contacted my file manager at NDHQ in ottawa friday after somoene at the recruiting center told me that my results may be in, that i made it to the board, so contact my manager to see the results. When i emailed him, he emailed me back at the end of the day and quickly told me he briefly looked over my file and told me I never made it in on time to make the second board.

I was upset all weekend and emailed him back explaining how someone was able to confirm with me that I made it to the board and then now I did not. I pressed him to look into it again, and today he sent me an email saying that I did make it to the board and now all we're waiting on is the results. And then after he sent more info, that i was a little confused about so I called him and he got angry with ME for calling him after I just emailed him....I explained to him that it was him who screwed up the first place and that I really just wanted clarification because online communication can be difficult and misleading sometimes....the phone call ended quickly at the end, I was just shocked that he was angry with me lol
Heff18 said:
Haha. I hadn't applied to RMC in the first place, so when I got the offer, I had to scramble to pick a program then.

Now it's back to the original plan, c'mon Civi U acceptance letters!

This is very funny because I was originally accepted for Civi U and I had applied to go to RMC so I had to scramble for an internal transfer within my University and to other Universities so that I would be in an appropriate program. Then, just last Tuesday, I got a call from my file manager saying that they screwed my file up with someone else's and that I was supposed to be accepted at RMC.  So I guess they screwed up your file with mine. I'm glad everything got worked out and I wish you the best of luck Heff18.

$160 gone with ouac applications. I still can't help but be happy though ;D
Okay. So there is a Facebook group going for those who are accepted into ROTP at RMC. It is a closed group, but if you were accepted, just PM one of the admins with your Milnet screen name and a request to join the group.

The idea behind the group is so the interested individuals can get to know a bit about the people they may spend the next 4 years of their life around.

Drop us a line.
bms said:
there is a Facebook group going for those who are accepted into ROTP at RMC
Drop us a line.

It may be a small group now, but it would be great to get to know some other students attending next year. :)
Yes, the more the merrier. Right now, we have 6 members.

And it's not all about meeting each other. It's also a place where we can post various specifics about what's coming up, such as the dates and times we are leaving and also when the planes are stopping and such. I mean, let's say for example I take a plane from Deer Lake to Montreal and arrive at Montreal at 1330. And then let's say ACEC and oliver.smith both arrive in Montreal for the plane to Ottawa at 1345 and 1400 respectively. We'd all be there at the same time, and we could then meet up and have some people to talk to and hang with instead of just going around by yourself. Travelling alone is pretty dull.

ha, you might have more members if the results would come back from the second board...lol i just talked to someone at the recruiting center today and they said it could be as long as 3 weeks from now.....its already been 2 weeks....
I figured as much. Not only are they making you guys wait, they're slowing down the growth of our Facebook group. Grrr...  ;D

Just hope and pray for the results ASAP. If you do that everynight, one day you'll know, and your faith in God may be strengthened. 

In all seriousness though it's a very exciting experience when the phone rings with DND or CFRC on the display. It's great when you pick up and they give you the news or some extra information. Though it's more fulfilling when you get good news, bad news atleast means you can move forward.

Good luck and hang in there  :).
And here I am questioning whether or not recruiting had forgotten about me.
I also called the C.F.R.C. today, receiving the same response: " Don't worry, it will probably only be another three weeks before you receive a reply on your status :nod:"
Wow! I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas to come, and not knowing if I'm going to end up with a lump of coal or a x-box under the tree.
Well, I hope that I end up in that Facebook group someday about 3 weeks from now ;D

Question: Has anyone been accepted as an Electrical and Mechanical Engineering officer?

P.S. Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted into the ROTP! I look forward to hopfully working alongside you some day!
Just keep your spirits up. It's a long wait, but hopefully it's worth it.
J.Johnson said:
And here I am questioning whether or not recruiting had forgotten about me.
I also called the C.F.R.C. today, receiving the same response: " Don't worry, it will probably only be another three weeks before you receive a reply on your status

Wow, three weeks?!! did they say that was the max, that it should not take any longer than three weeks, or that it wont come untill at least three weeks? this sucks for me because I have a  reserve course I have to attend at the end of the month and there is a chance it wont switch over to reg force so I dont plan on going if I get into ROTP, but I'm afraid that i will get a response while im already on course lol

If you are already loaded on a NAVRES course at the end of this month, as your last post appears to indicate, and you are thinking that you are not going to attend, then you need to tell your DivO TODAY.  As in get off this forum now and call/email your DivO.  I assume you are loaded on a MARS or BOTP course.  There are waiting lists for both right now.  For you to decide at the last minute that you don't plan to attend for anything other than a serious family issue (like death or divorce) then that will screw over someone who plans to stay with the Reserves and is waiting for that course!  What are you thinking guy?  It will piss of HQ and will reflect poorly on Cdr Oland and HMCS SCOTIAN - and you don't need any of that because things will be messy and not a whole lot of fun for you until you actually are accepted to ROTP.

I understand you are just trying to hedge your bets, but I you can't do that Brandon - not while I have officers on waiting lists for both.  Thats not not cool.  How would you feel if you were desperately waiting to get on course while someone at another unit was dithering about whether or not they were going to show up on course?  Please take a moment to consider this and bring your divisional system into the loop.
J.Johnson said:
Question: Has anyone been accepted as an Electrical and Mechanical Engineering officer?

Just a note, first year you are put into an occupational grouping and your occupation within that grouping can be changed. EME falls under Land Eng.  I applied for EME at RMC and was accepted but since my eyes are bad EME is the only occupation in Land Eng that I'm allowed to do.
Anyone get any more acceptances? I'm still waiting for mine  ???  Does anyone know when the last round of selections is/was?
it really cant be much longer...i mean, the board was held almost a month ago....and if you look back to when the first board was held, and when ppl started hearing responses, it is around this time. I would imagine it follows a pretty similar time frame...

I hope it comes back soon, I have been so nervous for weeks
i just called the recruiting center today and they said i got accepted, i will find out the details next week. i missed the first deadline so i applied to the second round of selections. i applied for Aerospace ENG at RMC  i hope that's what i got but I'm just happy i got accepted.
excellent!!! cograts.

that should mean that the results are in....I will have to contact my file manager in Ottawa and find out the status for myself.
WHOOT!!! got in to ROTP at my civi University (VIU Nanaimo) today. I was so excited I almost threw my phone in to some rock because I was outside. I scared the crap out of my friends when I did that  ;D
umm .. this is been a while.
BUT.. I thought I should post up here (because a lot of people have already  :) )
that I got accepted to ROTP RMC this year for logisitics

and yes, so very excited :)
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