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running: treadmill or outside?

I am confused...
Is any one else confused?

To restate what every one else has said, but with my twist on it:  Running outside is quite different, and better than running on a treadmill, or even on an indoor track.  I remember high school Phys. Ed, I could run forever on the track inside, no sweat.  But once the weather cleared up, got warm and we ran outside, I was a useless knob.  Running maybe 1.5 kilometers at most.

No substitute for the real thing.
Take it outside.  I started on the treadmill toget the ball rolling and build up my cardio.  But I switched now to only outdoors.  Initially I wasn't getting anywhere the same performance.  Maybe todo with the fact that when you're on a treadmill, your body can just get in a very specific cycle pattern.  But outdoors with varying terrain, obstacles, turns, other people etc. It then took a while to catch up to what I was doing on the treadmill.  But now I'm at the point where I'd much rather go outdoors, and now doing way better then when I was on the treadmill.

Also, when you go outside, mix up what routes you take.  If you have a bunch of different routes, then you can keep it interesting.  One great tool to use is Google Earth.  It has the ability to measure out a path and how far it is.  So you can either plan out your route before you run it, or you can just start running (remember the route) then measure it later.  Practive for land navigation? :)