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Sailors to Wear CADPAT?

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I'm not against any other service I just really really see no point in me wearing CADPAT to go down in a machinery space and cover it in oil/paint/dirt/feces.  There is no reason at all for us to do this.  Coveralls For MSE/CSE to sail in and give the OPS a revamped NCD that can keep some buttons on long enough to get it out of the bag.  Or forget NCD's all together and go coveralls and Salt and peppers.

To much talk of CADPAT make Navy_Blue something something 


Navy_Blue said:
I'm not against any other service I just really really see no point in me wearing CADPAT to go down in a machinery space and cover it in oil/paint/dirt/feces.  There is no reason at all for us to do this.  Coveralls For MSE/CSE to sail in and give the OPS a revamped NCD that can keep some buttons on long enough to get it out of the bag.  Or forget NCD's all together and go coveralls and Salt and peppers.

To much talk of CADPAT make Navy_Blue something something  :dontpanic:

You don't think other trades don't do the same.  Coverals are an 'order' of Dress in most workplaces in the CF. 

The Armour Corps wore coverals almost exclusively in the Field. 

Oh!  But CADPAT does hide those oil stains quite well.  ;D
Nomex Coveralls makes too much sense guys, the Navy would never go for those.
George Wallace said:
Lots of disgruntled Army personnel are pulling the plug also.  No points for you there.

I suppose you have another means in mind to transport the Army into Theatre, something other than the Air Force or Navy?  I guess you are still lost in some other happy place, that never existed at any time.  Wasn't it the Navy and Merchant Marine who moved the Army to Europe in both World Wars?  I don't think we had a Navy capable of moving the Little Army to the Boer War, so they had to do the 'Rental' thing.....but that was then, this is now.  Time to open up to the fact that you are in the CF.

Thanks for your lecture friend. I'm not looking for points but a good discussion. I have served for almost 30 years myself...first with the Navy as a Line officer (MARS) and then as a Chaplain where I served with all three elements ...my whole time has been as CF so don't need to be lectured by you about the reality. I also served with the RCD when the present CDS as the CO and General Nytynchuk (sp) was the Admin Sqn OC (90-92).
I am quite aware of the present situation...I have no problem with the idea of the Navy transporting the Army around but there are other uses for a Navy which don't involve being bus drivers.
As you are well aware as a Dragoon there are things which service people take great pride in and build esprit de corps. One of them is the uniforms we wear, the language we talk and the things that make our individual regiments and services distinct. I suspect that if someone suggested that all you guys drive tanks and go in the field in Naval Combats you'd all be a little upset too.

PS That Jordanian uniform is absolutely ugly...IMHO
Why are you army guys in this thread defending this??  No one is asking you guys to wear something that will look completely ridiculous.  I know..I know Green CADPAT in Astan.  But at least you guys still looked like GI-JOE.  We're Sailors here!!! 

No one's "defending" anything.  IN HOC SIGNO posted accusations that were completely unfounded and inflamatory - completely unrelated to a (comparatively) trivial issue such as uniforms.  As I said in my first post, it is almost entirely up to the NAVY as to what the Navy wears - full stop.  If you end up in CADPAT, to blame the CDS (and the Armour Corps) is to launch your torpedoes at the wrong target.
Navy_Blue said:
Why are you army guys in this thread defending this??  No one is asking you guys to wear something that will look completely ridiculous.  I know..I know Green CADPAT in Astan.  But at least you guys still looked like GI-JOE.  We're Sailors here!!! 



..... but you have to remember that the Army is in charge right now....read the Armour Corps is in charge. They think CADPAT is the cat's pajamas and can't really get their minds around why the rest of us think it's a bad idea...look what they did to the Air Force!


Someone accusing Black Hats of screwing over Black Hats (N).

Good enough?

Not at all. I'm not one who believes in conspiracies. I'm observing what's going on. Check out the number of senior Navy officers pulling the pin up in Ottawa right now. There are a lot of disgruntled folks...why do you think that is? It's not over CADPAT. The current administration believes that the Navy and the Air Force are the means to transport the Army into theatre to do the real work. The CADPAT issue is a symptom of the overall plan...one big happy JARMY.

Man you really gotta pull your head out of your ass. That is so simplistic and naive it doesn't even bear discussion.
Now this Black Hat can identify with you Black Hat (N) types, espeically if this is what you are thinking of as CANPAT (Cdn Naval Pattern):

Kirkhill said:

The Jordanians appear to be ahead of the game

Must be fun finding someone who's gone over the side dressed in that...
Can anyone on here confirm that the yanks wear their naval pattern at sea?  I was always under the impression that it was a base side dress only?  As for seagoing uniforms, we should adapt what the Kiwi's, Aussie's wear.

I seriously doubt that they are considering a naval pattern as a sea going dress.  Also our current NCD's are blue and black, even if you fell over the side with our current rig it would still be almost impossible to see you.

If they decide that our base side dress is NAVPAT, then so be it.  I don't like wearing my NCD's alongside working at NRS anyway.  At the end of the day my paycheck still gets deposited in the bank, if I change uniforms I am not going to be any less dedicated.

Sub_Guy said:
I seriously doubt that they are considering a naval pattern as a sea going dress.  Also our current NCD's are blue and black, even if you fell over the side with our current rig it would still be almost impossible to see you.

If they decide that our base side dress is NAVPAT, then so be it.  I don't like wearing my NCD's alongside working at NRS anyway.  At the end of the day my paycheck still gets deposited in the bank, if I change uniforms I am not going to be any less dedicated.

I agree fully.  Despite the fact that to the old guard (pre unification) we all look like Sr NCO in our DEU tunics,  the Navy survived a uniform change.  Pay still comes at mid and end month, and life goes on.  As for walking out in NCDs? An earlier comment on walking in with one rig and dressing to work in another is probably prudent, as many sailors look terrible in their working NCDs with their paint spatters, grease stains and ripped a$$ cheeks where their monster key chain has torn the belt loop or worn a hole right thru.  Complicate the matter with the fact that Nomex is not the most eye-pleasing material, and you get a pretty ugly uniform. 
As for being hard to find in a MOB, everything is hard to find. The average floater has about 8 inches of freeboard (top of head to chin) and most of the uniform is covered in water, so even if the floater was in neon pink or electric green, it wont matter much.  Besides, most material looks a lot darker when wet.

The army went thru similar angst in the late 80s early 90s with Garrison Dress. While OD combats didnt make much sense in general, camo rig on base was even more mystifying.  YET, they survived, and the problem eventually went away with time. 
Will we see NAVPAT or CANPAT (pick your nick)? Im not sure, but none of my sup techs have told me about yet.  More importantly, I have not heard it from the official source of correct gossip, the ubiquitous and omniscient Naval Cook.
I believe I mentioned it earlier in this thread.  We will be going to Nomex Coveralls with zippered boots, (some personnel with Orthodox are already wearing what we will see here already) as shipboard dress in the next year or so.  Apparently the CADPAT shit is true and will be walking out dress,(baseside) also within the next year or so.  Also new long johns of similar quality as the clothe the soldier issue, in white, (friggin stupid colour for a greasy shipboard life) and Helly Hansen(? sp) quality rain gear to replace the useless Canary suits.

The above was briefed to the Supply guys on this coast earlier this year.  Also the CADPATs were briefed to the PLQ's earlier this year as well.  As the USMC new pattern is very close to our own in style, I would expect the Jordanian sets displayed there will be close to what we can expect ours to look like.  (One of the 911's does claim to have actually seen a set and he thinks they look great, and will be happy to wear them.  Silly bastard...)

From some of the Bos'n who are employed at the Bedford Range on the Green CADPAT.  They were wearing them until fairly recently but were told to return them to stores and return to the old combats.  The reason being that when they were adopted by the CF the Army and the AF chipped into the pot, but the Navy (God Bless em) said they would not go for it.  So, the Range guys were told "You didn't want to pay for them so take them off".  SO maybe there is some truth to Adm Buck saving our collective honour by putting his foot down.  

And from what I have seen with the Yanks, they keep the Cammo BDU's for along side as I have never seen them displayed on sailors during RAS's.  Although I would expect their Marine personnel will have their BDU's as dress, but as they would not be involved in RAS's I can't say I've seen them at sea.

And just who, exactly, are all you sailor types hiding from while on base?  >:D

Kirkhill said:
And just who, exactly, are all you sailor types hiding from while on base?  >:D

The Base Chief and his dress patrol of course.  ;D

And sailor "types"?  As opposed to real sailors?  LOL
The CPO1 From the PLQ school is a man to hide from, his daily trips to Nelles for lunch are something else!  Army fellas, just don't call him sir

Ah come on.... I love calling RSM's, Chief!  It's fun to watch the old guys turn all purpley red......  Why spoil the fun for the Army guys. >:D
In my experience, nothing guarantees a good show like;

"Hey Sea Warrant, where's the mess?"

I've never seen an NCO turn that color before!  ;D
Sub_Guy said:
  As for seagoing uniforms, we should adapt what the Kiwi's, Aussie's wear.

I honestly cannot understand why all Navies havn't gone down that route.
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