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SAR Tech

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roko
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Hey guys,
This thread has answered lots of questions and been a good resource for information. I have a question I'm hoping someone may have an answer to. I have an application for this year that is complete and simply needs to be emailed in by my OR. With the application due date being 30 November, does anyone know when you can expect to hear if you're invited to selection?
NT019 said:
Hey guys,
This thread has answered lots of questions and been a good resource for information. I have a question I'm hoping someone may have an answer to. I have an application for this year that is complete and simply needs to be emailed in by my OR. With the application due date being 30 November, does anyone know when you can expect to hear if you're invited to selection?

Not until the new year anyways. It's  been to long for me to remember the exactly when our messages came out but you can probably count on 1 to 2 months....ish prior to selection. Sorry I can't  be more helpful.
Little behind the times here but good on MCpl Oliver Willich.  Former Forester and a good guy, congrats to all the new SAR techs.


oops, I mean, RESCUE!
HappyWithYourHacky said:
Not until the new year anyways. It's  been to long for me to remember the exactly when our messages came out but you can probably count on 1 to 2 months....ish prior to selection. Sorry I can't  be more helpful.

FYI, messages are starting to show up....I didn't realize selection was in January. I seem to remember mine bring much later.
So, DE requires PCP but it's not required for remuster? Just wondering how a guy would obtain PCP training whilst  serving reg forces 40 hours a week with field ex and etc. even part time night school or online would take over a year right. Remuster=don't need PCP cert?
D!V3R-13 said:
So, DE requires PCP but it's not required for remuster? Just wondering how a guy would obtain PCP training whilst  serving reg forces 40 hours a week with field ex and etc. even part time night school or online would take over a year right. Remuster=don't need PCP cert?

Remusters do not require PCP. Direct Entry does not exist anymore. It may used in the future if warranted.
HappyWithYourHacky said:
Remusters do not require PCP. Direct Entry does not exist anymore. It may used in the future if warranted.

Hmmm, seems to still exists on forces.ca with requirements of PT and the PCP cert so I just figured that meant it was available for DE, as things like clearance diver aren't listed as they aren't direct entry. Any reason why?

Anyway thanks for the clarification. So PCP is of no use in regards to a potential Sar Tec remuster is what I gather.

D!V3R-13 said:
Hmmm, seems to still exists on forces.ca with requirements of PT and the PCP cert so I just figured that meant it was available for DE, as things like clearance diver aren't listed as they aren't direct entry. Any reason why?

Anyway thanks for the clarification. So PCP is of no use in regards to a potential Sar Tec remuster is what I gather.


Some Trades are listed that you can aspire to change over to after you have been trained in a Trade that is open to recruitment off of the street
I am looking into the SAR tech trade in the long term and after going through this whole thread I am very confused about the current situation of SAR tech and the process it takes to get into the program. Is there anyone following this thread who could answer some of my questions?
To start, how long would it take for a civilian to enter the military and be eligible to apply to the SAR tech program?
What sort of things (courses, experience, training) can a civilian do to improve an eventual application to SAR tech? (beyond being very fit)
Is there currently a direct entry program for paramedics and if so what are the requirements?

Thank you to anyone who can help me with this. I am very interested in the program as it seems to fit my skill set and interests.

ElgieC said:
I am looking into the SAR tech trade in the long term and after going through this whole thread I am very confused about the current situation of SAR tech and the process it takes to get into the program. Is there anyone following this thread who could answer some of my questions?
To start, how long would it take for a civilian to enter the military and be eligible to apply to the SAR tech program?
What sort of things (courses, experience, training) can a civilian do to improve an eventual application to SAR tech? (beyond being very fit)
Is there currently a direct entry program for paramedics and if so what are the requirements?

Thank you to anyone who can help me with this. I am very interested in the program as it seems to fit my skill set and interests.


I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned a few times but no, there is no longer a direct entry program. Any courses you take as a civilian will not aid you unless you join the military. I don't believe that there is a waiting period for military members at the moment however, there has been a four year period in the past. Courses such as dive, medical, climbing etc are taken into consideration among many other factors and makes up approximately 25% of your overall suitability. The other 75% comes from ones performance on selection out in Alberta(if one gets on it). Getting selected to go on the SAR Tech course depends on an individuals total performance/admin combination VS that of the other candidates on selection and how many spots there are available. There are usually around 30 individuals on selection. Course sizes vary and have been as small a six, but are usually larger.

Hope this helps
Hey guys, i've read through this thread. I've been planning to join the military. I have not decided on a trade yet, but I have decided that I want to become an officer. Something along Pilot, Pharmacist Officer, or Social Work Officer.

SAR has been one of my dream jobs since I was a child, for a long time I thought that Canada's SAR team was made out of volunteers. I thought that you couldn't make a living on it. Just this week I realized its possible to make a living out of it through the military.

In the first few pages it was posted that officers cannot apply to become a SAR tech. And then in these last few pages, someone posted that you can apply to be a SAR tech as an officer but, be prepared to be decommissioned, i'm not so clear on what that means. Does that mean you just go down in rank?

SAR Techs aren't officers is what they mean -essentially, if an officer were to apply and be accepted, they would become a Cpl.

Nevermore093 said:
Does that mean you just go down in rank?

Basically, yes.

Are there any active members on the forum that are currently SAR Techs? I have been trying to find one to ask a question to but they all haven't posted on here in a few years.
Eye In The Sky said:
Hacky is, last post in this thread was just in Jan.

Jan 2014, 13 months ago. He is the most recently active I've found and he's one of the guys I sent a message to, but unsure if he's still checking the site as his profile says "last active June 2014." Hoping he gets an email notification or something.
I'm still around but more of a lurker then an active participant these days. I did get your message ballz and will get back to you tonight or tomorrow. We have a complicated work schedule that is not the easiest to explain.

Nevermore, Officers can apply. We have four former commissioned members at the moment though I am unsure how the application process differs than that of a NCM.

I am not in the CF but I am very interested in becoming a SAR Tech. I know you have to be with the Forces for a number of years before you can apply for this position, which is why Im trying to find out as much info on it as I can. Its my understanding that this is something very difficult to get into, but how difficult? Through my research I could not find what the selection process entails other than the physical aspect (1.5 mile run under 10 min, 675m swim in 20 min, 8 pull ups etc.). I believe I read somewhere you have to be in the Forces for at least 5 years before you can apply for SAR Tech. Which means I would be 31 before I can even apply. Is that too old?

I am trying to find out as much info on this as the position of SAR Tech would be my reason for joining the Forces, and if I have to wait 5 years before applying, that is a very big commitment for something I may not even get into.

If you could please answer the following questions it would be much appreciated:

1. Approximately how many applicants do they take per year?
2. What is the age preference?
3. What is the best route to take? What will prepare me/increase my chances best for SAR Tech? I was told either infantry or medic.
4. How many years in the CF before you can apply?
5. What does the selection process consist of?

And any other information you can think of would be great.

Thank you, your time is much appreciated.

You'd be better off to worry about finding a trade that you are willing to do for your whole CAF career; applying for SAR Tech and making the cut are two different things.  19 pages of info above.
Thanks for the response eye in the sky, but that post seems to be out of date and full of a lot of hear say. If anyone could answer my questions in a more specific manner that would be great.
