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SAR Tech

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kj_gully said:
It is possible, we have recently had a(n?) MOC qualified officer re-muster to SAR Tech, and there is one on selection this year.

Out of curiosity, what rank would an officer receive if he or she gave up their commission to re-muster to SAR tech? Would they receive the rank of untrained Private, but still receive pay in the officer rank that they were before re-muster?
Correct. Voluntary remuster relinquishes pay. I am pretty sure he was a corporal during training. By now a MCpl, if not Sgt, earning spec 2 pay and rescue allowance. Maybe not quite captain incentive 11 or however far it goes, but OK for an NCO. ;D
Right now i am currently a Marine Engineer for the Navy with 3 years time in.
Not something i want to do but it sounded nice just comming out of highschool.
I've done 4 tours and think i've had my fill of seeing the rest of the world for now.
Im in a sticky situation here because i know ill be offered my QL5's course in around
a year to a year and a half. I DO NOT want to have to take this 2 year course if I
do not have to! If i did then i would have to hold that position for another year as i get qualified...
Sure you get the spec pay but it is something that i hate doing, it does not interest me.
Im always exempt for PT and just an all round fitness freak, im not worried about that.

What i would like to know is:

1. What are the duties like? -- Being navy i spent one 24 hour day on the ship around once a week
Or is it just "On call"

2. The work week? -- Mon-Fri what can i expect to be doing during a "normal" work week

3. Are you required to have a PCP(Primary Care Paramedic) comming from another trade?
I cant really just take this course while being my trade. Its not offered.

4. I am currently 21, will my age reflect on me being chosen for course?
If so.. how old would you recommend i join?

5. What are the allowance amounts for PLD(Post living Diferential) and Rescue allowances?
Right now i make $849/month for PLD and $297/month for "Sea Pay" living in Victoria BC

6. If I asked to be Posted in Comox would i likely get to choose?
-- I do own a house in Victoria and have family here

Thank you for the help! Im looking at taking my dive course, jump course and as many medical
ones i can before applying for SAR Tech To boost my porfolio.
Pretty much all covered in the previous 21 pages of the thread... a couple times. Once you look thru that, if you still want some answers or clarification, PM me.


I have been going through the requirements for direct entry applicants and am curious about one thing I found.  The forces.ca website lists PCP as a requirement but lists  EMT-P, the Advanced Care Paramedic program, as required for Alberta.  Does anyone have any idea as to why there is a requirement for the Advanced Care Paramedic in Alberta and why a PCP program (accredited by the Canadian Medical Association) would not be accepted?  I've briefly checked through the Mutual Recognition document for Paramedics and noted that the PCP programs for Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC are very similar.  Does anyone have any insight or information about this? 

Thank you
custom172 said:
The forces.ca website lists PCP as a requirement but lists  EMT-P, the Advanced Care Paramedic program, as required for Alberta.  Does anyone have any idea as to why there is a requirement for the Advanced Care Paramedic in Alberta and why a PCP program (accredited by the Canadian Medical Association) would not be accepted?  I've briefly checked through the Mutual Recognition document for Paramedics and noted that the PCP programs for Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC are very similar.  Does anyone have any insight or information about this? 

You are correct.
You have to compare Paramedic academic requirements province by province.

For example:
Ontario Primary Care Paramedic ( PCP ) is 104 credits:

Alberta Emergency Medical Technologist – Paramedic ( EMT-P ) is 58.5 credits:

Alberta Emergency Medical Technician - Ambulance ( EMT-A) is 34.5 credits.

British Columbia PCP is 33 credits:

British Columbia ACP is 61.5 credits:

Note: Ontario PCP and Alberta EMT-P are both Diploma ( two-year, four-semester, full-time ) programs.

Reference: Fact Sheet / Qualification Requirements:
"To be selected for SAR TECH training, the applicant must possess a Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) Certificate from one of the following provincial programmes: B.C. (PCP), Alb. (EMT-P), Sask. (PCP), Ont. (PCP) , N.S. (PCP), P.E.I.":

PCP is a Certificate program:

ACP is a Diploma program:

Emergency Medical Technologist - Paramedic ( EMT-P ) is a Diploma program.
Emergency Medical Technician - Ambulance ( EMT-A ) is a Certificate program.
More regarding Alberta:

PCP is a Certificate program: 54 credits

PCP is a Certificate program:
46 credits.

PCP is a Diploma program:

"Paramedic Regulators from every province except Quebec met in Toronto December 2 and 3, 2008, to consider how to meet the requirements of the amended provincial-territorial agreement on Labour Mobility under the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT).":

Nova Scotia:
PCP is a Diploma program:

New Brunswick;
PCP ( Certificate? ):

PCP is a Certificate program:

PCP is a Certificate program:
43 credits.


Thank you for taking the time to reply! 

I think I understand what you have said but please correct me if I have it wrong-- The requirement on the forces.ca: "To be selected for SAR TECH training, the applicant must possess a Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) Certificate" refers to what the province considers a paramedic (EMT-P in Alberta) rather than what the Canadian Medical Association considers a Primary Care Paramedic (which is EMT-A in Alberta). 

I think I was initially confused by the use of the term 'Primary Care Paramedic' which I understood to be the accreditation term for a (somewhat) standard level of care as set out by the CMA.

Thank you again  :)
custom172 said:
the Canadian Medical Association considers a Primary Care Paramedic (which is EMT-A in Alberta). 

I believe the province of Alberta also considers EMT-A to be PCP:

"The Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services is a leader in providing outstanding integrated Fire and EMS in Alberta.  To be considered for employment you must have successfully completed a EMT-A or Paramedic program and be a registered member with the Alberta College of Paramedics as an EMT-A (PCP) or EMT-P (ACP).":

in AB the title EMT-A and Paramedic are a protected title and are the only one used in the province, however the college of Paramedics in AB does show that the PCP, ACP as per PAC is under the respective title mentioned above.


that should give you more incite to AB requirements
Any SAR techs (or otherwise) out there know what the rough average age is of the members? Or any knowledge of official stats of this nature?

I ask becasue I'm currently 28 years old with zero military experience, no PCP qualifications and a keen interest in SAR tech.

I can roughly guess that I'd probably be at least 30 years old after obtaining my PCP (in BC, to be expeditious ;)) if I was to make it all the way. So i'm just curious as to what I could expect. Earlier in this thread there was some mention to a 40 year old who made it through. But is this common or an exception? 

Any help is appreciated.


there are SAR Techs starting out from twenties to forties. Thirties is perfect, mature, but with lots of useful miles left on the chassis. Go for it. Waiting won't help.

Really enjoyed reading the years of questions and answers, with some good laughs along the way like… “no life experience? Don’t worry the divorce will help” or the survival manual based around a CIA sex trade ring. I guess in the end it's all about survival. 

I will make a personal note here as most of my questions have been answered.  I got out of the Navy ten years ago after six years, and have thought about getting back in at lest twice a year.  Now on the other end of some "life experience" I'm waiting to get back in and am not going to rest till I fill my dream of becoming a SAR Tech.

As a young teenager my good friend and spent every waking hour talking and dreaming of or respective dreams. Mine being a SAR tech and his being a fighter pilot.  Last I hear, thanks to face book, he is an accountant at a bridge crossing in Ontario.  Me?  I'm a washed up (once successful) real estate agent with a son every other weekend. 

I’m pushing 40 and chomping at the bit to go though basic and start it all again.  I did it when I was 18 last time.  It was still at Cornwallis then.  Couldn’t do 20 push ups when I got there.  I’m looking forward to doing it all again and this time NOT taking my eye off the ball.  And like you said Gully… Lots of life left on the chassis.
I had heard some rumors that the direct entry candidate program that started a few years ago was part of a trial and that the trial period may be coming to an end. Anyone hear anything like this or have any inside info on this front?

I am hoping that direct entry candidates will still be able to apply for the next few years as I am currently about 2/3rd the way through my PCP program now :-\
  I to have heard rumour that the Direct Entry SAR Tech program will be ending soon.  Most of what I have heard is grumblings from SAR Techs who just graduated CFSSAR.  That being said I have also heard from a reliable source that the program was hear to stay for the foreseeable future.  Also there is a job description at forces.ca for the Direct Entry SAR Tech program.  It is my experience that once government goes to the trouble of updating a website they are usually quite serious or permanent on the issue.

  If anyone could clear this matter up it would be greatly appreciated.  zc881373, pm me and we can discuss the Direct Entry SAR Tech program.
I've almost finished my pcp course in ontario. I have a via ferrata guide certification, an expired scuba diving certification (wich I plan getting back). I do a lot of survival during my spare time, a lot of rock climbing BUT I'm only 20. I'll still be 20 when I'll start my application process for SAR Tech. Is this way too young or do I still stand a chance compared to all those who have more "life experience" than me?
Do the people that pick applicants for the pre selection favour any specific trades or branches of the military? For example, if I was a med tech would I have a better chance at being selected for pre selection than if I were a signal operator or something? Or does it just all have to do with your file/experience/.
I'll try and answer both questions above with this one post. Part of the reason the SAR Tech trade went with direct entry was to reduce the age of the trade. It takes quite a while in the military, and longer when you are deploying overseas all the time, to get to a place where you think about transferring. So my course was all over 30 when we started our training. So being young (different from being immature) is a plus. Maturity is identified during the selection course in Jarvis Lake.  Apply. As for trades within the military, there are SAR Techs from many trades. Mostly infantry and combat engineers, with lots of medics too, but the first two trades just have a lot of remusters to any trade. There are Navy Bos'ns, Dental Assistants, Storesman, Weapons techs. So It isn't your trade, but what training you pursue that influences your selection. that being said, i hope they consider medics a bit more than the rest (I was never a medic) Any more questions, post or PM.

That Others May live
Thanks for the reply!

As a direct entry applicant, do you get to do your BMQ before the motivation camp or after, and if before, what can you do if you're not motived enough? Do you have to stay in the army or are you free to go?
BMQ first, then Selection. I believe that you are offered a transfer or release if not selected for SAR Tech.