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Second Language Training ( SLT )

Actually, I'm pretty sure it was the reverse with 4 representing fluent and a 1 for basic.  I remember everybody striving for 4s across the board.  I'm not sure, but there may have even been a 5 for the highest level of fluency.


Hey there,

I am entering pres as ncm infantry, and I was wondering what types of programs or training opportunities the military provides to assist me in learning French.

Thank you.
As a PRes Infantryman(I assume you are still in BC?), you're probably better off taking a French course on your own dime, than waiting for your unit to send you on a French course - Not sure how many Reserve units would be willing to pay to send a member on that course, or what if any positions would be available to PRes units. The online course, if still available would probably be the most realistic(at least as a jr rank).

At the beginning of your Reserve career, your unit is going to be more focused on getting you through BMQ and DP1. After that, it'll be DP2A(Weapons Det Member), driver courses, PLQ, etc.

As for what second language training is available through the CAF,  there is the year long French course as well as classes(not sure how long, or often they run) at some bases, plus the online course(if still available).

*edited to add,  here is a thread about SLT from a few years ago

Info about the online course - the allies.forces.gc.ca link no longer works though
ALLIES Web: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/training-elearning/second-language-allies.page?
ALLIES Web is an online second language training program for CAF members that:

•Has content and is organized according to the competency levels of the Canadian Armed Forces Second Language evaluation. You can even prepare for your language test.
•Allows you to practise reading, writing, listening, and speaking and maintain your language skills.
•Allows you to focus on the skills you need and skip the rest.
•Enables your progress and success to be tracked automatically, which means you can measure your own achievement.

Also, as a CF member you can register for free online second language training through the Canada School of Public Service: http://csps-efpc.gc.ca/BrowseCoursesBySubject/languageacquisition-eng.aspx#fsl
The MFRC (Military Family Resource Centre) also offers free access to the Rosetta Stone language training software. Contact the Centre closest to you to be placed on a waiting list. As a reservist, presumably a private and Class A, you will be given lowest priority after others who are higher ranked/in Reg Force, though I don't believe there are a lot of people who request this service so you could easily be at the top of the waiting list.

Here is the link to their website http://www.familyforce.ca/EN/Pages/default.aspx

Would a student who has DELF (Diplome d'études en langue française) level B2 be eligible to bypass French training? I've  phoned around and haven't  got an answer. Asking on behalf of some of my high school students.

Thanks in advance.
French training really isnt a requirement...just helps. But in saying that, there is no bypass. If they want to be considered bilingual then they will complete the goverenment of Canada's 2nd language testing. From that they will receive a score of a, b, c, or exempt on reading writing and oral interaction.
I have moved this thread from the "Ask a CAF Recruiter" forum and merged it with this already-existing thread so that others can comment.
My intent was to ask a recruiter. I will make contact with one or contact  CFLS St Jean.  Thanks.
Alright, I'm baffled.

Your profile indicates that you are currently serving, so I do not see how Recruiters factor into this.

Are you asking on behalf of somebody else?

If so, is French required for that person's chosen occupation(s)?
Loachman said:
Alright, I'm baffled.

Your profile indicates that you are currently serving, so I do not see how Recruiters factor into this.

Are you asking on behalf of somebody else?

If so, is French required for that person's chosen occupation(s)?

PM  inbound.
Good Morning,

If your intent is to ask a Recruiter Specifically I'm not sure what French Training you're talking about.
The only "French training" I'm aware of is the training that is required once you reach a point in your career that you need to be bilingual.
At that point in time if someone is already bilingual in their life they can do the placement tests (oral, written, reading) to get a Language Profile.

If you are talking about something else please do not hesitate to get in touch with me,
Sgt Laen
Hello everyone,

Wondering if anyone has any info on the potential availability of SLT for PRes officers? I am looking at applying to be a Legal Officer, and while being functionally bilingual would be highly valuable in that profession, I also recognize the hesitation that the CF may have in providing such training to reservists (costs, slots available, etc).

To clarify: I am already hooked up with AlliesWeb and today learned the Canada School of Public Service also has an online language module (thanks, handy search button!), so I am not seeking info on self-study opportunities (unless someone knows of something better than the aforementioned).

Thanks in advance!
If you're near a major base they have half day courses as well as some drop in stuff. You'd have to get your unit to sign off on paying you all those half days to take it. Anything more than that, and it's extremely competitive for the RegF members, which likely means next to impossible for Cl A types.
PuckChaser said:
If you're near a major base they have half day courses as well as some drop in stuff. You'd have to get your unit to sign off on paying you all those half days to take it. Anything more than that, and it's extremely competitive for the RegF members, which likely means next to impossible for Cl A types.

Gotcha, thanks!
Recently had my placement interview and am heading off on year-long french training in Saint-Jean.  I am still in the dark a bit regarding the course structure.  I have the dates but that's about it.

Questions that come to mind are class sizes, course structure, how much leave I should burn heading into it / will there be Christmas / march break block.  I figure most of what I am looking for is on the CFLS SharePoint site just have not had the time to locate it.

Anyone completed year-long SLT in the last couple years (since '13 we will say) that might be able to help me out?
Is language testing only available in Ottawa?  I'm currently out of country and I'm wondering if there's a way to do it remotely, with an invigilator if necessary?
Received this question via PM.

I'll post it here for the members,

I was hoping to ask you a quick question about BMQ. How helpful would it be to be able to speak a solid amount of french. Also would you recommend me becoming fully fluent in French eventually?