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Selection Dates 2013-2018

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ssrb653 said:
Hi Buck

I have been following this thread for awhile now and seems like you are very quick in replying and great help. I wanted to share my situation with you and see if you would be able to give me some input.

I am applying for AEC and I had submitted all my medical reports to my local recruiting centre last month. They had told me that my file has been send to Ottawa for air factor evaluation before Christmas. Until my air factor is awarded I wouldn't be put on the competition list.

I was wondering if there are still available positions for AEC for year 17/18? Given that I do not yet have my air factor awarded would I be selected for year 17/18 or I would have to wait for 18/19 recruitment?
There is still AEC for 17/18 but being that your medical was just sent to the RMO (Ottawa) before Christmas you may not be selected for 17/18.  Files have come back quickly in the past, but based on what I'm hearing applicants state about the length of time their files are in Ottawa I want to manage your expectations on the side of safety which is likely not getting it back for 17/18.
Again this is purely based on my observations of the wait time of other applicants at the moment.  Your best source of information on this sort of question is your respective CFRC.
Hi Buck,

Is it safe to assume that the next DEO MARS selection process will be near the end of January. Also is their any news about how many positions are still open for this fiscal year? last I heard it was about 50%.


Hi Buck, hope you had a good holiday. I applied in July and was merit listed mid~October for DEO infantry. I was told I had a strong application. I'm wondering what the status on selections / positions open is and if BMOQ is still backlogged ? Thanks in advance.
Paynetrain said:
Hi Buck, hope you had a good holiday. I applied in July and was merit listed mid~October for DEO infantry. I was told I had a strong application. I'm wondering what the status on selections / positions open is and if BMOQ is still backlogged ? Thanks in advance.

Same boat here.

I Initially applied for Infantry DEO in July 2016 but because of pre-sec did not get to do my interview and medical till November 2017. My interviewer told me to expect to hear back in Jan/Feb 2018, and I was competition listed within the same month.

According to Buck and my local RC around 20% is still open for Infantry DEO for the remaining fiscal year, so between 15 to 18 spots left I guess (accurate as of late-December 2017).
Apparently there will be selections around Jan 17/18 (dates not year lol). Considering the number of spots left I'd say there will likely be a selection for Infantry DEO at some point this month, which means a mid-March BMOQ. At least that is what I'm hoping for. Anyone with a better knowledge of how things are gonna go down please enlighten Paynetrain and I - should help to ease our anxiety a bit. Many thanks.

I am applying as DEO into the Regular Force (Army) and top choices are Intelligence Officer and Training Development Officer. I'm currently a teacher and curious what the timeline is for the whole process, specifically if there are certain blocks when BMOQ happens so that I would have an idea when I'd need to be ready to leave my current job?

If anyone has any experience in either field would they mind answering some questions??

Thank you!
Jelly_Bean said:

I am applying as DEO into the Regular Force (Army) and top choices are Intelligence Officer and Training Development Officer. I'm currently a teacher and curious what the timeline is for the whole process, specifically if there are certain blocks when BMOQ happens so that I would have an idea when I'd need to be ready to leave my current job?

If anyone has any experience in either field would they mind answering some questions??

Thank you!

hey jellybean,  the positions you are applying for are very limited in space and therefore it is unlikely you will get an offer unless your CFAT score is extremely high (more likely for training dev officer, unlikely for intelligence officer). If you offered a position the timeline is usually 6 to 12 months from the start of your application. But I wouldn't get your hopes up too much to be honest.
[quote author=Paynetrain]
hey jellybean,  the positions you are applying for are very limited in space and therefore it is unlikely you will get an offer unless your CFAT score is extremely high (more likely for training dev officer, unlikely for intelligence officer). If you offered a position the timeline is usually 6 to 12 months from the start of your application. But I wouldn't get your hopes up too much to be honest.


What is your recruiter / CM experience?
Feel free to offer advice on topics you have experience in.
To all that have posted recently - currently out of office, should have time next Tuesday/Wednesday to give updated stats.
kratz said:

What is your recruiter / CM experience?
Feel free to offer advice on topics you have experience in.

I've been going off what I've read from other recruiters on these boards but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
simplysecond said:
Hi Buck,

Is it safe to assume that the next DEO MARS selection process will be near the end of January. Also is their any news about how many positions are still open for this fiscal year? last I heard it was about 50%.

Selections for DEO are planned for beginning-mid month right now; not end Month.
Please note that "MARS" no longer exists, it has been replaced by Naval Warfare Officer (NWO) - same MOSID
As of today's date there are approx. 40% positions remaining for NWO DEO for FY 17/18.

Paynetrain said:
Hi Buck, hope you had a good holiday. I applied in July and was merit listed mid~October for DEO infantry. I was told I had a strong application. I'm wondering what the status on selections / positions open is and if BMOQ is still backlogged ? Thanks in advance.
Yes BMOQ is still backlogged (i.e. there are more people who require the course than positions available on the course at the moment).
As of today's date there are approx. 20% positions remaining for INF DEO for FY 17/18.

LegioXEquestris said:
Apparently there will be selections around Jan 17/18 (dates not year lol).

Please keep in mind this is a projected selection date; many factors can occur to change that date, also please pay attention to the Note on the following thread: https://navy.ca/forums/threads/125930.0
Buck_HRA said:
Time Frame: After a selection it can take 3-5 business days for a CFRC to be informed of who was selected, from there it can take another 5-7 business for an applicant to be informed (depending on the workload of a CFRC, and when the applicant is set to do BMQ/BMOQ).  This translates to a total of 8-12 business days from when a selection occurs to when the applicant is informed of the offer.

Jelly_Bean said:

I am applying as DEO into the Regular Force (Army) and top choices are Intelligence Officer and Training Development Officer. I'm currently a teacher and curious what the timeline is for the whole process, specifically if there are certain blocks when BMOQ happens so that I would have an idea when I'd need to be ready to leave my current job?

If anyone has any experience in either field would they mind answering some questions??

Thank you!
There are droves of topics on here about timelines; mariomike has a tendency of posting them because he's nicer than I am :-)
In reality everyone's timeline is different base on many factors including your medical, security check and if you're applying to an occupation that has limited spots.
For FY 17/18 there is still 1 spot for INT and 1 spot for TDO; the numbers are small for 18/19 but that can be said for the majority of DEO occupations - please see the following link for a forcast of SIP for 18/19: https://navy.ca/forums/threads/127069.0

Paynetrain said:
I've been going off what I've read from other recruiters on these boards but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

The "advice" that you gave is very generic and is true for most DEO occupations.
There are only 8 occupations with a SIP bigger than 15 and only 2 with a SIP larger than 50.
Buck_HRA said:
Selections for DEO are planned for beginning-mid month right now; not end Month.

Please keep in mind this is a projected selection date; many factors can occur to change that date...the numbers are small for 18/19 but that can be said for the majority of DEO occupations - please see the following link for a forcast of SIP for 18/19: https://navy.ca/forums/threads/127069.0

Just wanted to say thanks for the information. It is much appreciated during the application process and eases the waiting period.
Buck_HRA said:
For FY 17/18 there is still 1 spot for INT ...

Now I'm disappointed at the recruiter who told me back in late Spring of last year that there were no more positions available for DEO Int (which my degree is well suited for) and I settled for DEO Log.
Thanks for the link. I am very happy INF has 80 available seats for 2018-19. Just a question, I am in merit list for Infantry DEO since Sept 2017. Do you think as I am naturalized citizen ( although security clearances were all done fine) or I am in early thirties or My education from outside ( I also provide equivalent certificate and successfully accepted) will be deciding factors in competition list for my selection?
It is my understanding that the interview and medical expire after one year and have to be redone. Is that something that the recruiting office should contact me about doing, or is that something that I am supposed to contact them about?
Thanks for all your help
Falles said:
It is my understanding that the interview and medical expire after one year and have to be redone. Is that something that the recruiting office should contact me about doing, or is that something that I am supposed to contact them about?
Thanks for all your help

When in doubt, contact the recruiter.
Hello Buck_HRA & all,

Has there been a selection for DEO CELE officer and if so how many were selected?

Also, does the recruitment year overlap (beyond April) and if so do the intake numbers as well? There were 14 available positions for DEO CELE during 2017/2018 and now there are 12 for 2018/2019, however according to you (as per a post in early December) about 75% or approximately 10 positions were left for 2017/2018. With BMOQ backlogged I do not understand how 10 positions could possibly be filled by April 2018.

Thanks much for all your answers.
Swan227 said:
Hello Buck_HRA & all,

Has there been a selection for DEO CELE officer and if so how many were selected?

Also, does the recruitment year overlap (beyond April) and if so do the intake numbers as well? There were 14 available positions for DEO CELE during 2017/2018 and now there are 12 for 2018/2019, however according to you (as per a post in early December) about 75% or approximately 10 positions were left for 2017/2018. With BMOQ backlogged I do not understand how 10 positions could possibly be filled by April 2018.

Thanks much for all your answers.
As of today's date there are approx 85% positions remaining for DEO CELE for FY 17/18.
In regards to your next comment about BMOQ being backfilled, my expertise is in Recruiting.  Once someone is enrolled and leaves for BMOQ they are part of the training system which is not my expertise so I'm not able to provide insight on the ability to process all applicants through BMOQ.

One comment I will make that is within my arc's of knowledge.  Someone can be enrolled on say 31-March-2018 for example and be part of the 17/18 intake numbers, be placed on Leave Without Pay for the next several weeks and leave in May (as an example) for their BMOQ.  Pay for the person starts when they leave on course but they were "enrolled" into the CAF during 2017/2018 Fiscal Year.
Good Day Buck_HRA & all,

I have been notified that there is a selection happening today from my recruiting office. As such, if I were to be selected for my selected trade (Pilot) should I anticipate receiving a call/e-mail today or sometime in the near future?

Rip10793 said:
Good Day Buck_HRA & all,

I have been notified that there is a selection happening today from my recruiting office. As such, if I were to be selected for my selected trade (Pilot) should I anticipate receiving a call/e-mail today or sometime in the near future?

Your answer:  https://navy.ca/forums/threads/125930.0.html

I was merit listed about a month ago and am hoping to be selected this selection as well, give it a couple weeks.
Bbmoveup said:
Your answer:  https://navy.ca/forums/threads/125930.0.html

I was merit listed about a month ago and am hoping to be selected this selection as well, give it a couple weeks.

Thank you for the clarification. It is truly appreciated. I've been on that page before but kept focusing on the bolded information, I should have looked further down.
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