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Sharia Law in Canada?

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paracowboy said:
truly, but you can hunt donkeys and kangaroos!

Yip no semi-auto rifles unless you are a primary producer. The gun laws do suck, but the most liberal laws are of course are in Queensland. Yes one can not only hunt donkeys, but camels, goats, pigs, anad water buffalo too, plus a host of other non-native beasts of all shape and sizes.

In general mainstream Aussies have become increasingly LESS tolerant with muslims, and trying not to play the race card here, seems the muslims overall are what we can call muslims living in Australia, not Australians, that being putting their faith before their new adopted country, and that has the mainstreamers blood boiling.

Yes, we are afraid of what will happen here on day, and many attacks have been stopped before they could be carried out, but one day they'll get our weakest link.

The pure unalulterated contempt and outright hatred expresssed by some (not all) muslims not only against the Aussie government, but its people is right out in the public. They they hate us, and they know we know they hate us. Its a chilling fact, and being honest, Nancy and I are so happy to be out of Sydney now.

Some of the most disgusting looks I have got from these people is really freaky. My crime, walking with my GF who is wearing a two piece swimsuit. Nothing too revealing by our standards, but the looks were so bad we had to leave for our own safety. Also muslim crime committed against primarily whites is on the increase. Rape, murder, extortion, home invasions, robberies, etc. So much for living by the koran. Anyways, folks, don't get me wrong, I am not stirring the pot here, but facts are simply that, and should the mods think this is too extreme, please delete this post.

For in the past going on 10 months, I have only seen 4 muslims up here in Brisbane, and it is the Australia of 30 yrs ago in Queensland, and not so much of a nation of tribes of separate cultures, like say down in Sydney, where in some of the muslim ghettos, being   non-muslim (noit necessarily white), can get you beaten and/or killed (such as a 14 yr old asian boy on the way to his friends birthday party found out - stabbed and killed for walking thru a muslim neighbourhood, and murderd for not being one of them).

Good on the Australian government for fronting up, facing the public, and telling it like it is. Sadly, its only going to get worse. Mainstream Aussies have told the government that future immigration by muslims should be halted. Call that what you wish, but we are realising here pretty fast, we'd would be a more safe country if there were none of them here. Its pretty sad that we cannot all SIMPLY get along, but what can you do. The muslims have brought this on themselves,a nd only lately have some of the clerics have made anti-extremist statements, but even those are vaige. Generally the islamic 'communities' have kept their mouths shut and turned a blind eye to it, and that alone is nothing but bad press. what ever happend to just being Australian (never forget where you come from of course), but we don't seem to have Irish communities, or Canadian communities, or RC, C of E communities do we. The days of 'one' nation are long gone.



Anyways, its to the shower, its after 0600 Wed am, and I gotta get ready for work
Wes is quite right, the situation in the UK is also out of control, with Muslim enclaves and entire "Parallel Systems" of rule (I hesitate to call it government). Many other countries in Western Europe are also facing the same problem of unassimilated Muslims, who, quite in difiance of multiculturalism, display open contempt for their host societies, refuse to abide by social norms and act out by attacking the home society in similar ways to the ones described by Wes.

I havn't seen any indications that the situation has gone as far in Canada, but there could be any number of explanations (including a refusal by the press to report such outrages, as being bad for the prevailing multicultural ethos). Call me an assimilationist, but if you are living in a nation, then you are part of that nation, and no hyphens either. Canada's "Cultural mossaic" seems to be the logical place for fractures along the lines discussed here; lets hope common sense sets in before it is too late.
After doing a bit of reading on this and chatting with others, the common concern from more conservative minded lawyers is that slowly but surely bits and pieces of Sharia law will graft into our legal system- generally through the small number Muslim judges and human rights tribunal members who are appointed into those positions along with the growing political clout of that religion in the policy making process- i.e. elected persons and those who fail to stand up to them.  The result being a bit of a hybrid model where traditional Christian values are much diminished and discouraged, secular values dominant and Muslim/Islamic values influential depending on the circumsatnces. I think that is a bit of a strecth in the medium term, but perhaps 5 or 6 generations down the road it is quite likely. [if Canada survives that long].

Sharia law, like almost all law and all religion, is about property- in this case a form of property in women. It has to be stopped right now, along with arranged marriages and dowry's.

I personally think the more immediate effects are going to emerge not in family law areas, but rather commercial contract law. I understand there is now an international Islamic bank which may gain national charter status in Canada. The governing law for private commercial contracts with that bank will be Islamic law- a perfectly legal development under our current system of recognition of foreign law.

Islamic banking is an interesting institution, and I don't see what the big concern is, conventional contract law would (of course) still apply.  Where Islamic banking gets its niche is from the fact that it works around the fact that Qu'ran proscribes the charging of interest (rifa).  You might not know that several major banking companies (including Citigroup) have Islamic "divisions" which operate in the Middle East because the business potential is massive.

If you really study anything about Islam, most of the basic legal principles are the same, and those that differ and are culturally incompatible with western customs I doubt will ever take hold in this country - in our lifetimes, or beyond.  No one in Canada will ever accept the concept of treating women as chattels, that's simply never going to happen.
Problem is, lots of people in business still fail to read the contracts they sign. Attornment to the jurisdiction of Iran or Saudi Arabia is not a palatable proposition, IMO. That being said, Canadian companies probably wouldn't be treated with less bias and hostilty there than in other supposedly more friendly jurisdictions.... 

whiskey601 said:
Sharia law, like almost all law and all religion, is about property- in this case a form of property in women. It has to be stopped right now, along with arranged marriages and dowry's.

Bingo!  Thank you whiskey601; I have been living so long in my nice, tidy secular-liberal world, with my nice tidy secular-liberal friends and neighbours that I had forgotten about the big, wild world.  Yes, indeed: people as property; 900 years of English history, etc, etc.

I also agree that Sharia is unacceptable in a modern, Western liberal, secular democracy.
whiskey601 said:
Problem is, lots of people in business still fail to read the contracts they sign. Attornment to the jurisdiction of Iran or Saudi Arabia is not a palatable proposition, IMO. That being said, Canadian companies probably wouldn't be treated with less bias and hostilty there than in other supposedly more friendly jurisdictions....  


I would be stunned if anyone actually ended up doing business with an Islamic bank if they weren't Muslim, or at least well read, and knew exactly what was going on.  I haven't actually heard of an Islamic bank setting up in Canada (although many foreign banks are entering the market, ICICI of India being the most successful thus far.  Anyone who enters into any contract without reading it, all the same, deserves what they get, but this sounds a little xenophobic without any backing.
Redeye said:
I would be stunned if anyone actually ended up doing business with an Islamic bank if they weren't Muslim, or at least well read, and knew exactly what was going on.   I haven't actually heard of an Islamic bank setting up in Canada (although many foreign banks are entering the market, ICICI of India being the most successful thus far.   Anyone who enters into any contract without reading it, all the same, deserves what they get, but this sounds a little xenophobic without any backing.

A year or so ago, I read an article in the Ottawa Citizen on the fact that the Muslim faith didn't believe in paying interest, and several well off Muslims in Toronto and Ottawa had set up a 'bank' for those of their faith who required loans for the purchase of homes.   How it all works, is beyond me....but it appears that they have already set up their own 'financial institutions' in Canada.
I don't understand how it works, either, but it works, man! I've seen it in action, and it is amazing. Most of it seems to be done by handshake and word of mouth, too! You loan money in Kabul, and get it back in say, Kuwait or Dubai - Bang! Done deal. And it doesn't matter that the "banker" in Kabul was squatting in human/animal feces in an alley, 2 feet from an unexploded shell, and the dude in Dubai works out of a skyrise with a view of the Persian Gulf and the German tourists in bikinis, or maybe a back street in London, England.

Weird. One of those "Man, this job is so cool!" moments.
I know throughout the muslim ghettos of Sydney (yes, thats exactly what they are), there is a lot of advertising for the instituion called The Arab Bank. I have only seen these billboards in those areas and no where else ever. Also adds for Zam-Zam Cola, because they dont by Coke because as they say, its owned by the Jews. wanna know more go to www.islamicsydney.com, and navigate yourself to the 'do not shop at' list, and of course their forums too! You'll be shocked, but not suprised.


Did I miss a rather glaring shift in the focus of this thread? Somehow it went from debating the need for a source of arbitors for the Islamic communities to rantings about Sharia law? What does Sharia Law have to do with private aribtration or any of this?  Why all this screaming about "I came to Canada so I conform to Canadian law ra ra ra"? No one is arguing that you or anyone else should do otherwise.

I'm lost.  ???
C'mon Brit. You know that if you leave a thread for more than twenty minutes the whole focus changes so that you'll never understand what you even wrote yourself! :D ;)
One thing I've learned from haunting Internet BB's is that you can never fight the shift of focus in a forum - just go with the flow man!  8)
Infanteer said:
One thing I've learned from haunting Internet BB's is that you can never fight the shift of focus in a forum - just go with the flow man!   8)

?? ??? ??...

Who are you and what have you done with Infanteer?!
Britney: 'twas me.

"Law never is, but is always about to be"

Oops, I did it again.
Sharia Law=Bad in my books. Anything that makes us step back in history and lose all progress that we have achieved is just plain dumb.
It's quite frankly like deciding hey why not use arsenic as make up? Or hey what about bathing once a month? Watch out I think that the 20's are comming back...the 1520's!
back to the subject.
The Islamists who live among us will be so emboldened that I am not at all confident our secular democracies will not be balkanised and dismantled.
Merely holding a world view that resists Islam, can hardly, by any sense of justice, be considered the cause of the conflict.
Islam is not allowing us the luxury of a life free of ideology.
The cool-eyed rationalist try to overlok this, it just reminds them they are not in the driver's seat when it comes to cultural development and cultural conflicts.

The province of Ontario has authorized the use of sharia law in civil arbitrations, if both parties consent.
In theory, their decisions aren't supposed to conflict w/ Canadian civil law.
With no third-party oversight, and no duty to report decisions, no outsider will ever know if they do...

You reject sharia-- you're a bad Muslim.

how bout' them apples?

The province of Ontario has authorized the use of sharia law in civil arbitrations, if both parties consent.
In theory, their decisions aren't supposed to conflict w/ Canadian civil law.
With no third-party oversight, and no duty to report decisions, no outsider will ever know if they do...


Arbitrators cannot pass binding judgements which are illegal. If your arbitrator tells you not to pay taxes for next year, you think the gummint is going to stand by idle?

Are you even vaguely familiar with the due proccess leading up to an agreement to arbitration?
with all due respect, I'd suggest you dig a little deeper ;)
Sapper Bloggins said:
In theory, their decisions aren't supposed to conflict w/ Canadian civil law.

In theory or not, I don't want it allowed period. All they need is a toe hold (maybe its too late now??), and once this happens, given an inch they'll take a mile. If any of 'them' want Sharia law, they can go back to where they bloody well came from.

I am sick and tired of our countries being raped and robbed of our own customs and traditions. Sharia law is nothing but pure savagery backed by fear, and retribution, and belongs in the dark ages, or at least in the ME shitholes where it belongs in the culture of violence and hatred beyond our belief.

Sorry, but thats how I see it, and aside from not being PC about facts, and hiding behind an excuse of 'wishing not to offend', many will agree here.

