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Sharia Law in Canada?

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You still have my vote.  I may disagree with some of your positions, but you invariably check them out and back them up, which I respect.  It raises the bar in debate.  It also whups the heck out of my daily time appreciations when I have to glue myself to he devil machine (computer) for an extra few minutes and actually come up with reasonable posts, rather than the sarcastic one liners I prefer tossing off.

Perhaps people fear not the effect this initiative has had so far, but the unintended  (by us) consequences of all this down the road.  At least one man who wasa Provincial Premier has stated that when they repatriated the constitution and enshrined the charter, they certainly did NOT intend for sexual preference to be eventually listed as a factor of predjudice.  Yet now, here we are.

So, who knows what this will do to enable another supreme court 25 years from now? 

I could care less, how the arbitration side of things go, whether it's Sharia, Hebrew, or Canadian standards. As long as the plantiffs\ defendants have the option of saying "FUCK YOU" and taking it to an independant, non partisan, and binding court (read Provincial\Federal Court) of law, who really cares? If religious arbitration and it's decisions become binding, it's time to pack it in and call "End Ex" restow the bug out gear and wait for the call.
I believe THAT phase of conflict is known as "Voting From The Rooftops."

If religious arbitration and it's decisions become binding, it's time to pack it in and call "End Ex" restow the bug out gear and wait for the call.

It IS binding, just like any other form of arbitration, and always has been. Whether the arbiter is  a mullah or priest or you neighbourhood mechanic or anyone else. As long as you both  AGREE TO BE BOUND by it first. That's the whole point of having arbitration, so you can both save money and time and NOT go to court!
Britney Spears said:
It IS binding, just like any other form of arbitration, and always has been. Whether the arbiter is   a mullah or priest or you neighbourhood mechanic or anyone else. As long as you both   AGREE TO BE BOUND by it first. That's the whole point of having arbitration, so you can both save money and time and NOT go to court!

So you simply state you won't be bound, or agree with the decision of the mediator. " I will not accept arbitration or medaition, take me to court"
So you simply state you won't be bound, or agree with the decision of the mediator. " I will not accept arbitration or medaition, take me to court"


Mediation: You and buddy agree to sit down in front of a neutral third party, and discuss the issue. Neutral third party gives ADVICE on how to settle it, but neither you or buddy is bound to do anything.

Most civil cases go through a mandatory mediation session. I'm not sure of the specific regulations, i think it varies by province.

Arbitration: You and buddy agree before hand that if there is a conflict, you will take it to a neutral third party for arbitration. When that happenes, the arbitrator (neutral third party) listens to both cases, and then makes a ruling, by which you are both CONTRACTUALLY bound. The contract being the original agreement to Arbitration.

In both cases,  the third party is usually someone who commands a little respect. For us, the CO or RSM come to mind. For two oil companies, maybe a respected Oilfield Engineer. For a hubby and wife, the priest who married them.

The issue at hand here is whether the gummint should have the ability to step in on arbitrations, if one of the parties feels that the arbitrator was discriminating against them, or in our case, if one of the parties was LIKELY to be at a disadvantage: i.e. if the arbitrator was a Mullah and you were a woman. Currently arbitrators have no obligation to abide by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Or the Ontario provincial charter, in our case).

Do you think the gummint should have this power? Do you think Arbitrators' decisions should be open to review by the court against the Charter? Boyd says no, arbitrations are private matters and should remain so. LEAF and others say that Muslim women can be coerced into unfair arbitrations and arbitrations should comply with The Ontario Family Law Act. That was their Point Number One, and a big part of their disagreeemnt with Boyd.

The report explains it in much greater detail.  :)
a_majoor said:
Wes is quite right, the situation in the UK is also out of control, with Muslim enclaves and entire "Parallel Systems" of rule (I hesitate to call it government). Many other countries in Western Europe are also facing the same problem of unassimilated Muslims, who, quite in difiance of multiculturalism, display open contempt for their host societies, refuse to abide by social norms and act out by attacking the home society in similar ways to the ones described by Wes.

I havn't seen any indications that the situation has gone as far in Canada, but there could be any number of explanations (including a refusal by the press to report such outrages, as being bad for the prevailing multicultural ethos). Call me an assimilationist, but if you are living in a nation, then you are part of that nation, and no hyphens either. Canada's "Cultural mossaic" seems to be the logical place for fractures along the lines discussed here; lets hope common sense sets in before it is too late.

I hope I'm not derailing an interesting and informative discussion.  I had to go back a few pages to find to hook upon which to hang this article.  This issues, it seems to me, are related: I wonder if our desire to be inclusive drives us to moral and intellectual pabulum.

See for yourself, for The Times at: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-1775068,00.html

Ditch Holocaust day, advisers urge Blair

Abul Taher

ADVISERS appointed by Tony Blair after the London bombings are proposing to scrap the Jewish Holocaust Memorial Day because it is regarded as offensive to Muslims.

They want to replace it with a Genocide Day that would recognise the mass murder of Muslims in Palestine, Chechnya and Bosnia as well as people of other faiths.

The draft proposals have been prepared by committees appointed by Blair to tackle extremism. He has promised to respond to the plans, but the threat to the Holocaust Day has provoked a fierce backlash from the Jewish community.

Holocaust Day was established by Blair in 2001 after a sustained campaign by Jewish leaders to create a lasting memorial to the 6m victims of Hitler. It is marked each year on January 27.

The Queen is patron of the charity that organises the event and the Home Office pays £500,000 a year to fund it. The committees argue that the special status of Holocaust Memorial Day fuels extremists' sense of alienation because it "excludes" Muslims.

A member of one of the committees, made up of Muslims, said it gave the impression that "western lives have more value than non-western lives". That perception needed to be changed. "One way of doing that is if the government were to sponsor a national Genocide Memorial Day.

"The very name Holocaust Memorial Day sounds too exclusive to many young Muslims. It sends out the wrong signals: that the lives of one people are to be remembered more than others. It's a grievance that extremists are able to exploit."

The recommendation, drawn up by four committees including those dealing with imams and mosques, and Islamaphobia and policing, has the backing of Sir Iqbal Sacranie, secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain.

He said: "The message of the Holocaust was 'never again', and for that message to have practical effect on the world community it has to be inclusive. We can never have double standards in terms of human life. Muslims feel hurt and excluded that their lives are not equally valuable to those lives lost in the Holocaust time."

Ibrahim Hewitt, chairman of the charity Interpal, said: "There are 500 Palestinian towns and villages that have been wiped out over the years. That's pretty genocidal to me."

The committees are also set to clash with Blair on his proposal to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir, the radical Islamic group. Government sources say they will argue that a ban is unjustified because the group, which is proscribed in much of the Middle East, neither advocates nor perpetrates violence in the UK.

A Home Office spokesman said it would consider the proposals for a separate Genocide Day for all faiths but emphasised that it regarded the Holocaust as a "defining tragedy in European history".

Mike Whine, a director of the British Board of Deputies, said: "Of course we will oppose this move. The whole point is to remember the darkest day of modern history."

Louise Ellman, Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside and a Holocaust Memorial trustee, said: "These Muslim groups should stop trying to evade the enormity of the Holocaust."

The seven committees finalise their recommendations today at St George's House, Windsor, and will submit them to Blair and Charles Clarke, the home secretary, on September 22.

It is worth noting that Holocaust Day is a recent invention, designed, as Mike Whine, a director of the British Board of Deputies* said, "... to remember the darkest day of modern history."  Whose history?  That's the issue.

An unnamed Home Office spokesman said the Holocaust needs memorializing because it was a "defining tragedy in European history."  Since Britain is part of Europe I suppose it makes perfect sense to emphasize this particular "defining tragedy" because it does, indeed, need sufficient memorializing to guarantee Never again!

How is this related to using Islamic arbitrators in Ontario?

Two issues, for me:

"¢ Is it, indeed, fair or even justifiable to exclude one religious group from privileges enjoyed by others or another?  Why not Islamic arbitrators?  Rabbis have been doing it for years?  Are Jews morally superior or Muslims?  Why not Jewish schools?  There are, in Ontario, Catholic schools - fully funded by Islamic, Jewish and Protestant taxpayers, alike.  Why a Holocaust Memorial Day and not one for Armenians or to commemorate the Rape of Nanking?  Why is Good Friday a statutory holiday?

"¢ How far can multiculturalism and inclusivity be allowed to go?  Do nations, even highly multicultural states like Canada, have some sort of core values - based upon the shared history of the majority?  How far should Denmark submerge those things which make it Danish in an effort to accommodate immigrants?  Does Ontario still have a dominant culture?  What about Ontario outside of Greater Toronto?  How multicultural are Almonte, Bancroft, Fergus, Orangeville, Peterborough, St Catherines and Welland?  Is there anything quintessentially 'Ontario' about Elora or Sarnia or does Toronto equal Ontario?  Does it matter?

Now, personally, I would prefer as truly secular society but I realize that cannot be achieved without diluting, to the point of nonsense, 2,000 years of history - some of it brutal and evil but most of it, throughout the West, consisting of small steps out of darkness and into a 'world' a civilization (in Huntington's sense of the word) in which liberty is a measurable, practical reality for hundreds of millions, maybe even a billion people.  I, personally, think it is important that we preserve that historic base because I don't think history is over and I don't think our, Western, contributions to it are all in the past.  It may sound odd but I do believe in a better world for my great-grandchildren's children and I believe that that we, in the West, people living right now, are most likely to provide an important part of the base upon which that better world will be built.  If our culture, our ideals, our values, our civilization, and its history, are diluted or washed away then, I believe the world those far off great-great-grandchildren inhabit will be a worse place.

I tend to the view that humanity and human history are both accidental.  I believe human life and thought is the result of a thousand trillion mostly random mutations, 995 trillion of which went nowhere or resulted in slimy, scaly, egg laying forms of life.  I do not think there is anything special - no 'special providence' as Victor Davis Hanson might say - about the West; nothing except more random chances related to climate and rivers and the like which meant that we, rather than, say, the Central Asians, gave the world modern, secular liberalism.  Epictetus could, just as easily, have been a black slave.

I, personally, see a connection between aggressive, all inclusive multiculturalism and an apparent decline in values.  It is as though we race to the bottom to ensure that none are left behind.  I believe this is am equally bad practice is army physical training and Western politics.

* The Board of Deputies is a Jewish advocacy group, see: http://www.bod.org.uk/bod/

The topic of multiculturalism is perhaps a related area of interest to this thread, however it may force the topic into areas which would better be discussed elsewhere.  That being said, in response to a number of your points (and not arguing "The Vertical Mosaic") multiculturalism has to walk the fine line between balkanizing Canada on one hand and the problems associated with assimilation on the other.  Generally, in my opinion the fact that a practical level Canadians accept immigration policy and levels (Angus Reid 1996-1998 amalgamated: only 20% of Ontarians believe immigration is having a negative effect, and a lower percentage than even that in all other provinces with the exception of B.C) combined with our constitution provide the necessary ingredients for a safe and economically successful country.  Our culture and traditions are bound to change in some respects, that does not mean it must necessarily be for the worse.  We can see from statistics that for seven years in a row China and India have topped the immigration numbers coming into Canada.  More interestingly I believe is in the provincial nominees, Manitoba (I use this province because they take advantage of this right more than any of the others) exercised their power to nominate just over 4000 persons, and who did they want in their province? People from the Philippines, immigrants from the U.K were in a distant fourth.  We should not fear the coming change to our society because it is here now and has been for 50+ years since we removed barriers restricting immigrant elements from southern and eastern Europe amongst others and have seen the positive effects these people have had on us and the country.
Well, we don't have to worry about it anymore, it's not going to happen;

In a telephone interview with the national news agency, McGuinty announced his government would move quickly to outlaw existing religious tribunals used for years by Christians and Jews under Ontario's Arbitration Act.

Yeah, better to outlaw it for everyone than let the brown people have it too. You tax dollars at work.  ::)
Bitter, are we.... ???

Perhaps he is outlawing it for all, other than the brown folk?    :o

Anyway, from the CTV report, it appears like someone hit ole Dalton with a Smart Stick...."There will be no Shariah law in Ontario. There will be no religious arbitration in Ontario. There will be one law for all Ontarians.''

I see nothing wrong with that. Everyone is equal.

Smart stick George? More like a 12', 6"x 6" for him.
Perhaps he is outlawing it for all, other than the brown folk?  Shocked

I'm afraid you've lost me again.

Anyway, from the CTV report, it appears like someone hit ole Dalton with a Smart Stick...."There will be no Shariah law in Ontario. There will be no religious arbitration in Ontario. There will be one law for all Ontarians.''

Parse that sentence through what we've been discussing in this thread. It appears that he's been hit with the "Make-a-meaningless-announcement-to-placate-the-pitchfork-wielding--mob" stick. Is anyone privy as to exactly how this is going to be applied? So the tribunal's out, will there also be a blanket prohibition on all religious figures from acting as arbitrators in family law? Is marrigae and inheritance arbitration still covered by The Arbitration Act and beyond judicial scrutiny?  What about people who are not priests or mullahs, but who are strongly religious, will they also be barred from being arbiters? How do you tell?

Listening to stuff like this, ignorance truly is bliss.....
Someone must have already whispered in his ear that Quebec had the same debate, and said: Non.

Still, if you and I decide we want our religious community to arbitrate for us, who is going to stop us?  The fact that it falls under no act is irrelevant.  Binding?  well, if we volunteer to arbitrate, we can volunteer to make it binding.  Failing that, there are the courts.

Still, if you and I decide we want our religious community to arbitrate for us, who is going to stop us?

Didn't the man just say "No Faith Based Arbitration"?

Binding?  well, if we volunteer to arbitrate, we can volunteer to make it binding.

Not anymore you can't. That's exactly what they DON'T want you to do. If you're a Muslim woman who's to say that you weren't coerced into "volunteering"? So, because we're afraid that the brown men might browbeat the brown women into "volunteering"  NO ONE is allowed to volunteer. Rest easy, the goverment is here for your protection.

Failing that, there are the courts.

Well, yeah, if it goes to the courts, then we've failed, because that defeats the whole purpose of arbitration.

Look at this from the perspective of a Muslim:  In 1991, Arbitration Act passed. Jews set up arbitration tribunals, no problem. Catholics do the same, GTG. 2003, Muslims try to set up their own tribunal. Goverment(At least, when the mob shows up) says WHOA, never mind, no more faith based arbitrations for anyone, because, you know, those dirty Ay-rabs will use it for no good. What? It's been working for 15 years already? Nope, don't let facts get in the way here, Sharia Law baaaaad, must pass MORE LEGISLATION!!

Sure makes you feel welcomed and loved, doesn't it?

Ah well, I suppose we can only wait to see how exactly this is going to be implemented before we break out the pitchforks again.
I suppose I was unclear. 

Why does arbitration have to be under the auspices of ANY govmint? We decide to let our tribe arbitrate, is the black helicopter then going to land in the back yard?

If this is about our ability to allow our own self defined communities solve our problems at the lowest level, why the big stick of guvmint?

I still can't understand why Islam is such a boogie man in the west.  The faith does preach some great things.  However, like most faiths it can and has been hijacked by men.  Christ centred states account for hundreds of thousands deaths a year; there are dark dark places in the world where Christ is supreme.

I sometimes think how much of this debate relates to Islam and how much of it is race/colour/language/ethnic based.

(I'm not Muslim by the way)
Brittany, Why don't you take your fucking racist accusations and shove them right up your ass.
It takes a long and determined wind-up to make me use profanity but you managed it.

I have no racist bones in my body and I resent your implications that I do. I, for one, didn't even know that we had them for any religious beliefs and I'm glad they will be all gone.

However, Mr Brush Painter, I have one question that I believe does belong here,...When was the last time any other religious "court" sentenced a women to get raped or stoned/killed because she was ,oh say, doing something horrible like being seen in public with a man?
This isn't racism talking here, but a realist looking at the way things are right now.
Why does arbitration have to be under the auspices of ANY govmint?

Sorry, I think you're still not clear on the difference between arbitration and mediation.
Arbitrations are BINDING and around here the goverment has a monopoly on the use of force, since we no longer live by "tribal" law. So Arbitration rulings are ultimately enforced by the goverment and court. If you owe me a goat and we go to arbitration(and by default, have agreed to be bound by the ruling), the arbitration upholds my claim, and you change your mind and refuse to give it up, the authorities will force you to.

I think Britney was alluding to some of that.

Now that the decision has been made, the WHY articles in the paper may prove to be very interesting.

While we are at it, why did Quebec say no to this?


So if we agree to arbitrate, why must it be under the rules of the guvmint?
