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Shirts... yeah shirts... let's talk about them could we?  Am I a mutant?  Do I have a weird morphology???

Let me explain.  My neck size is somewhere between 15½ and 16, I choose to wear 15½ for reasons mentionned below.  My sleeves size would be 34, but 15½ is only offered in 33 or 35 so I wear a 15½-35.

Now here's the problem, 15½-35 shirts are ONLY offered with a breast size of 43!!! (...from Logistik Unicorps)  That's the equivalent of an average "Large" shirt.  I'd really like to wear 16-34 shirts but the breast size is 45, that's "X-Large" for normal shirts.  I normally wear a size 38 which means I would need a neck size of 14/14½!

I don't have an oversized neck and I'm quite slim.  Also, I don't think anyone wearing X-Large would have a 15½/16 sized neck.  Last time I checked in the Dress Instructions, i saw drawings of people wearing properly sized shirts that were well adjusted to their body size.  I know I'm just complaining, but I find it hard to "proudly wear the uniform" when I feel like an idiot with my baggy shirts  :-\
Wow, that's quite the pickle you're in.  I have the same type of problem with some civvie clothes - The shirt fits my chest properly, but the length (top-to-bottom) is too short.

The only solution I could possibly think of is (when wearing the DEU jacket) pin the access fabric together on the back of your shirt with safety pins. Of course you would only be able to use this when you're wearing the jacket. This way you can have a taught and nice fitting dress shirt visibly from the front, and all the extra fabric in the back, where nobody can see.

I understand this is not a very elegant solution and can't be used in all cases. You should probably get a shirt that fits around the neck, and a good length so that I can be tucked in your pants very nicely, then take your shirts to the tailor who can measure you and make the adjustments.

These are the only two solutions I can think of, unless Logistik takes special orders.

Hope this helps
Well... I figured it out for the tailorshop but it seems that my CF clothing store's tailor doesn't do shirts... So now it's a matter of finding a civilian tailor who won't charge me a ridiculous price for 4 shirts...
Do you wear your shirt without the tunic (3b) on a regular basis?

If so spend the money and take care of the shirts....

If not, why do you want to fix something that's going to be covered by a tunic most of the time...
If you cannot get a shirt to fit you properly off the rack or with alterations by the Base Tailor, supply regulations provide for you to have custom shirts made for you.  See A-LM-007-014/AG-001 (CF Supply Manual) Vol. 3, Chapt 13, Section G, Art. 3-13G-002.
I have the identical problem (sizes and everything), except I'm a 42 chest.  As a result, when I'm in 3b, I use a 15.5" neck that I could never wear so that the shirt hangs properly.  I use a 16" short sleeve for under my tunic, but the shirt is very baggy.  Annoying, but I think it's designed for people with extra large bellies (mine's only a medium  :P).
ekpiper said:
I have the identical problem (sizes and everything), except I'm a 42 chest.  As a result, when I'm in 3b, I use a 15.5" neck that I could never wear so that the shirt hangs properly.  I use a 16" short sleeve for under my tunic, but the shirt is very baggy.  Annoying, but I think it's designed for people with extra large bellies (mine's only a medium  :P).

Same post at this link applies. You want the ref at the second quote in the post: CFSM 3-13G-002 (and they'll know you've been speaking with a Sup tech because that is the proper format for quoting the CFSM). Take into clothing stores with you; ask them to take your measurements and forward via the special sized clothing roll to Logisitik-Unicorp. They'll charge you the same number of points that it takes someone else to get an "off the rack" shirt from Logistik.

Wow. I just searched ... that's the 7th time that I've posted and quoted the refs on this site for uniforms/boots that don't fit ... and what to do about it ... usually in a thread about uniforms or boots not fitting. Ironic that.  8)
ArmyVern said:
Wow. I just searched ... that's the 7th time that I've posted and quoted the refs on this site for uniforms/boots that don't fit ... and what to do about it ... usually in a thread about uniforms or boots not fitting. Ironic that.  8)

No different than my posting the proper push up position numerous times in the PT threads.  ;)  People can't be bothered to look. 

I'm going to wait until I get to Kingston to utilize the "I don't fit in the issued boots" bit.  Ottawa makes you wear them for at least a week to prove they don't fit.  ::)  Wouldn't it be great if shoe stores allowed that?  ;D
Maybe the new RQMS at the Regt could help you out Moe.  But I doubt it, I hear she is a bit of a bear. ;)
211RadOp said:
Maybe the new RQMS at the Regt could help you out Moe.  But I doubt it, I hear she is a bit of a bear. ;)

That's okay, I won't belong to JSR anyway.  ;)
211RadOp said:
Maybe the new RQMS at the Regt could help you out Moe.  But I doubt it, I hear she is a bit of a bear. ;)

Hearing is one thing.

Seeing is another.

Oh!  How reputations preceed people at times.  :camo:
211RadOp said:
I've known her for 27 years.  Her reputation has long preceeded her.

And I've known you for forty years. And here you are, the junior warrant officer in NATO!
Old Sweat said:
And I've known you for forty years. And here you are, the junior warrant officer in NATO!

Well, I know you both!! So stop with the duel over who knows me better!!

I already know the answer to that question; everyone else doesn't need to know.

I am an angel!! Dammit.
