Thanks for putting the ATI info back into my Sept 16 post.
Besides this info being
"Italicized", keep in mind that MGS SOR is (still in formulation stage) - even though we will be putting the Cart before the Horse (before TB EPA approval) and purchasing 16 LRIP MGS (in basic US config with minimal mods) by Dec 2004 for amazing price of just C$30M (under MND purchase authority) once US LRIP of 1st 72 MGS occurs. :

For a bargain! like this we should be able to acquire all 66 MGS for just C$123.75M ?, plus ILS, Cdn mods and ammo.
Also, in my post in 'Leo C2 not a tank' thread,
In pro-MGS CAJ Vol7.1 PR mouthpiece - LCol Petit also indirectly trashes the argument for MGS as he attempts to trash 120mm SP mortar acquisition by noting that,
"The acquisition of 120mm turreted SP mortars would be very expensive and time consuming as vehicle/ammunition development and full type qualification must be completed prior to production."
Acquisition of a 120mm turreted mortar system is discounted by LCol Petit, even though MGS is being acquired under same circumstances - MGS still developmental! until completion of LRIP build and testing by US Army!

Yet some 72x AMS is in Saudi service on LAV-II 8x8 chassis (sounds like type qualified to me), while twin-120mm AMOS, capable of 14 MRSI, is on order for Finnish Army (x24), and has already been integrated on: 6x6 XA-203 PC; Swedish CV-90 (with a couple dozen CV-90 chassis pre-ordered for AMOS integration; and combat boat 90.
Not to mention all the HE/WP/Smoke/ILLUM/Cargo (AFV top-attack) ammo currently available for these mortars, incl: Strix PGMM - precision IF capable of knocking out MBTs through use of Precision top-attack munitions from 1,500m to 7,500m.
Maybe DLR office just doesn't follow current developments?? ???