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So....the leafs have fired Quinn, yet another great move


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Another great move by a once great franchise.  :(  I do really love the leafs, ever since I  was a child, and I will still love them. However, I rarely watched a game this year, and I couldn't care less anymore. This organisation is a joke, and as long as Pedie is running things it will probably continue. The board should fire Pedie instead. IMHO I don't think their poor effort this season can be attributed to Quinn alone. What a pathetic organisation they are. They care more about building Maple Leafs condos and charging $200 plus for a seat than actually winning. For all that Quinn has done during his tenure with the Leafs, they just go and fire him after one dismal season. This year's poor effort should fall on upper management's shoulders, seeing as how they totally screwed up restructuring the team for the post lockout NHL, not to mention the last 40 years. (It must be the curse of Ballard!) And next year's our 40th anniversary of not winning anything. People are angry and fed up in TO. And just because the place sells out is no indication of the mood in this city. Remember the whole arena is filled with suits who  give tix to their clients and buddy's. And you know what, when a few tickets come my way I'll go watch, simply because I know that I may never have a chance to watch an NHL game in Toronto. So don't blame the average fan for still attending....blame should be directed squarely on the suits who continue to buy seasons tickets so they can entertain their friends and clients...because in the end, they don't care about the team or hockey, they care about entertaining  clients.

Gawd, I could rant about the leafs for ever....so I'm going to open the floor up  because I'm not going to make much sense soon.
I think if the leafs want to be a real contender for the cup  they need to start fresh get rid of uper management and get rid of those aging player and start with some young blood maybe keep one or two veterans for experience but that's about it . My self I am a habs fan but I still wouldn't mind seeing the leafs win one again just so leafs fans could stop saying this year is the year if i had nickle for every time I have heard that I wouldn't have to work any more lol  ;) But in all seriousness  the leafs have got to be do up for a break soon
I understand the leafs need to clean house, but by firing the only productive member in management  (rick lee included) is wrong. Upper management has always been the problem with this "organisation". Firing the coach is always the answer I guess though isn't it. Quinn's credentials are impressive, but leaf management isn't.  I was listening to the press conference at 1pm, and the way Fergie made it sound was as if Quinn was a hindrance to winning. It was fun listening to the media rip him apart though. P.S. I would rather not see Montreal win yet another cup , but better them than an American team, or Ottawa, especially Ottawa. Go Calgary, and Montreal I guess.
Pat Burns had the Leafs make the Conference finals twice and his tenure only lasted 4 years.  Perhaps Richard Peddie, Larry Tanenbaum and John Ferguson need to go as well, but no coach, especially one with no Stanley Cups, is safe. 

Quinn had the chance to get it done as GM and coach, but couldn't (Lets not forget Jonus Hoglund and Mikeal Renberg were Quinn moves).  Team defence has never been stellar under the Quinn years.  He did lead the Leafs to good seaons, but that is not the same as a Stanley Cup.  Yes, the Leafs went on an 9-0-2 tear in the last weeks of the season, but that doesn't make up for a inconsistent season.

Change is good. 

The Leafs will rebuild hopefully with younger and stronger club .Even though I am habs fan it would still be neat to see the Leafs the cup again .
karl28 said:
it would still be neat to see the Leafs the cup again .

If my math is correct you would be in your late 40's to early 50's......1967 is a long time ago.

Also, as someone that is subjected to Hockey Night In Canada (aka Leafs TV) on a regular basis, damn you CBC...he says shaking his fist, we would never hear the end of it........
Pat Quinn was an icon with the Leafs...get rid of the G.M. and some or most of those has been, injury prone vets. Too bad indeed. :'(
Let's hope that the firing of Quinn is just the start of good things. Let's not forget, Quinn played Tie Domi all year who contributed absolutely nothing, he played Eddie Belfour time and time again with an ailing back and a horrible record ever growing. He also set up Sundin beside guys like Antropov who may be a hot shot in Khazakstan, but let's face it...he sucks in the NHL. Pat Quinn did a lot of good things for the leafs, but he has also been a contributor to their detrimental season. He's old school, hockey has changed drastically as of late and I don't think he's in the market for changing his ways. I wish him all the luck in the future and enjoyed his presence as coach, but it's time to clean house as from all angles. Hopefully they start dropping some of the dead weight and embrace all their young talent for what it's worth. So  I guess i'm a habs fan now...I was really hoping to see them put out the Sens first round, but I'm sure Tampa will get the job done! :threat:
Ouch man way to hurt my feelings LOL William Webb Ellis  I am only 30 an just turned thirty at that lol  that is also stated on my profile . I was speaking from historic point of view  not that I was there when the leafs one the last  cup  sorry if I wasn't clear enough  in that last post .Just think how neat it would be to see Leafs win again just . That and as a Hab fan myself I could finally stop hearing leafs fan famous quote for each hockey season "next year is the year"LOL
A once great franchise???? They won all their cups when it was a 6 team league! Edmonton, NYI, Detroit and NJ have had the most success in the past 25 years than pretty much than the entire league.  I'm a die hard Sens fan, but I honestly feel bad for Leaf fans...... they pay brutally high ticket prices and get sh!t in return for their dedication & loyalty. The best, most loyal fans in professional sport and this is the thanks they get.......... But I suppose management realizes this and knows that the ACC is going to be sold out regardless, so getting better talent to ice the best possible team and cut into the bottom line is bad business, right? Leaf fans should just stop paying to see a losing team for the first 5 games of the season and send management a message.......... but they won't, poor foolish, loyal saps.

Like was said by someone earlier. The ACC isn't filled with fans, the seats are bought out by yuppies for schmoozing purposes. But all in all, we'll still be behind our team win or lose. Unlike some fans...wearing red ;D
I resent that comment Gerrycan!  >:(  Ya I know - for the most part you're right with Sens fans, but I will say this, it ain't true with me. Everybody that I know in my unit knows I bleed Senators red......... yes, even when they lose.  I felt like going to the UMS every time the hated Leafs sent my beloved Sens packing each spring rather than face the barrage of ribbing that I knew was coming, but I always went and faced the music, but wouldn't for anything jump on the Leaf bandwagon. Each year after my team gets knocked out, I just follow the ticker scores to see who wins games, but there's no bandwagon to jump on - when the wheels fall of the Sens Express, my cheering ends.
