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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Yeah i agree with NiTz....shirt and tie would be the best bet.....not to show offy (if thats a word) but still smart enough.....
I don't think that a shirt and tie is necessary for the interview, I spoke with the LS again today and he said it was more of a briefing about ASC, but I'll dress nicer than my usual jeans and T-shirt anyway.  I'm going to be at ASC from April 18 to 22, anyone else have those dates?
Does anyone know if there is a maximum quota for how many people can pass per course of aircrew selection?  Also, I've heard that boards sit the last week of April.  CFRC told me that sometimes you can be given an offer even if your results aren't back from ASC yet. Is this common?
april said:
Does anyone know if there is a maximum quota for how many people can pass per course of aircrew selection?   Also, I've heard that boards sit the last week of April.   CFRC told me that sometimes you can be given an offer even if your results aren't back from ASC yet. Is this common?

There is no quota.
Selection boards are 20/21 Apr 05 with results after 30 Apr 05.
They may tell you have been selected but they won't give you an offer until they have the ASC results.
kincanucks said:
Selection boards are 20/21 Apr 05 with results after 30 Apr 05.

Is this for DEO as well?  If not, do you know when the next board might be sitting for DEO-Pilot?  ;D

Thanks in advance ...
I_am_John_Galt said:
Is this for DEO as well?   If not, do you know when the next board might be sitting for DEO-Pilot?   ;D

Thanks in advance ...

The next board is 13-17 Jun 05 with files to be in Borden by 12 May 05.
Muchos Gracias, kincanucks!

Will have to find something to take up my time until then ...

Hi everyone

Im an ROTP pilot applicant

I heard/read/got some wierd idea in my head, that pilots on ROTP must go to RMC....not that it would bother me one way or the onther, id just like for someone to either dismiss or confirm this "rumour"

Completely wrong. I know a few ROTP civvy U guys who are going to be pilots and are not here at RMC.
[i posted this under "Air Force"...sorry for the repeat]

So i got accepted for ROTP at RMC campus....however, not for either of my 1st or 2nd choices (pilot and air nav...i guess they are kinad one in the the same selection wise).....i did get CELE(air) but am still trying to figure out if there is any way of getting pilot at some point.....

1) a brother of a friend of mine got in for ATC a couple years ago but then got pilot because many ppl failed CFACS....is this common?
2) has this happened to anyone in the past and has is it advisable to do the 4 years rmc...4 years CELE and then reapply?
3)or.....is it better to go civy U and try as DEO...

i pasted all my eyes/medical etc and from what i understand we are short on pilots :p so its kinda puzzling....maybe they dont want a back log

anyways, some info would be great, thanks.
Why did you put the other choices down if you are having second thoughts now?   Not everyone gets what they want however, if all you wanted was pilot then that is all you should have asked for.   Turn down the offer and go to Civ U and reapply.

Note: you were suppose to pass all your tests not paste them.
FSGT Lampkin, I was in the same situation as you last year. I applied for a Pilot position, however I got into RMC and got a position as a MARE (which wasn't even one of my choices!!). Nevertheless, I rejected the offer, went to Civi U this year, reapplied, passed ACS and got an offer for a pilot position. So I honestly recommend that you would do the same, especially if you truly want to be a pilot. Don't take the CELE position away from someone who actually wants it.
You know now that i think about it, the initial recruiter that i met said to me "if you want pilot, dont put anything else....cause alot of the time even if you are going to get pilot, they'll give you say infantry if you had that as one of your choices, cause they need them"....then my recruiting officer advised otherwise....eitherway, im not sure that CELE would really be motivation for me to stick out the tougher life and training at RMC if its not something i had my heart set on....

thanks for all your input
Kincanucks or ROTP Civi U, if i reapply next year, am i going to have to redo everything all over? incluiding, medical CFAT and my 2 eye tests?


Please remember that when the CFRC offers you a position, they are making a forecast into the future as to what trades they might need.  We need pilots now, not 4-6 years from now.

Did you go to Aircrew Selection in Trenton?  Your results from ACS will be valid for up to 5 years, along with any medicals done at DCIEM (aircrew intensive medicals only). 
FSGT Lampkin said:
Kincanucks or ROTP Civi U, if i reapply next year, am i going to have to redo everything all over? incluiding, medical CFAT and my 2 eye tests?


CFAT- no
Pt test - yes if after six months
Medical - yes if after one year
ERC - yes if after six months.
Interview - normally just an update but may be a full interview if it is has been more than six months.

Thanks to ROTP Civ U for his valuable input.
Hello....(yay my first post)

i hear that alot of people get rejected for RMC as pilots...can anyone conifirm this? i was thinking of applying next year, but i was wondering if its better to go to usiversity for a bit and then apply as some people seem to have better luck with this... is there like a limit on the number of RMC pilots that they take? and if so, is DEO a better choice?


Welcome to army.ca!

I must ask though; have you searched through the previous posts? There are numerous threads related to your question. There are some individuals who will become invaluable to your research but they prefer that you complete the initial leg work before opening a new post on a related subject. I am not trying to discourage you at all but your question may have already been answered.

Each application the Recruiters receive for ROTP as a Pilot must be unique and I would not base my decision on statistics if I were you. I am sure numerous individuals have been rejected when applying for ROTP as a pilot however, they could have been rejected for any number of reasons of which may not pertain to your particular situation. If you received replies to this post stating that a certain percentage are rejected annually, would that stop you? What have you got to lose?

Keep in mind that having a degree is NOT a ticket to sitting in a CF cockpit so you may be limiting youself by not applying to ROTP. I am not speaking on behalf of the CF but you need more than a degree to be accepted as a Pilot.

An example of an individual who had previously applied for ROTP and was offered an alternate position in place of his desired Pilot occupation is contained in this post:


He later re-applied and was accepted as a Pilot in ROTP.

I say apply to ROTP, provided you meet the requirements. Just don't put down that you are going to "Usiversity" though in your application. ;)

Good Luck!
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