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So you're posted to a NAVY base and you're ARMY.

Mud Recce Man said:
Well, I am just lost.   ;D

Good go there CdnAviator, HoM and NM.  Who's serve is it now though??

its my serve......and it will be at the time and place of MY choosing.
Mud Recce Man said:
Well, I am just lost.   ;D

Next time tell us something we didn't already know. ;)

cdnaviator said:
its my serve......and it will be at the time and place of MY choosing.

Sure, and you'll pick Hawaii or something just because you're there and expect us to find our own way.  ::)
navymich said:
Sure, and you'll pick Hawaii or something just because you're there and expect us to find our own way.  ::)
Knowing the Navy it would take them a couple of months to figure out the directions anyway
Man, this thread has not only been hijacked but the hostage negotiators have arrived and pizza has been delivered ;D
rmacqueen said:
Here's one for you, how about being Army posted from Pet to an Air Force unit on a Navy base.  Talk about culture shock :blotto:
How about being presented with the ''Ship's sailor of the year award'' while wearing an Air Force uniform with an army engineer cap badge??
How about being presented with the ''Ship's sailor of the year award'' while wearing an Air Force uniform with an army engineer cap badge??

Now that would be funny  ;D
I'd like to see a photo of that one with the Old Man.
Engineers are mostly army anyways. Except , of course, plummers, electricians and construct techs.

By definition:
Cock of the walk, a chief or master; the hero of the hour;
      one who has overcrowed, or got the better of, rivals or

Not sure where or how it originated, but I'll keep looking for that.  Basically it is some (not always very) friendly competition between units and ships to crow about being the overall best.  Throughout the year or season, there are various tournaments arranged.  Points are kept throughout the year with the highest scoring unit being awarded "COTW".  Mostly bragging rights, but also a trophy too.
BYT Driver said:
I'd like to see a photo of that one with the Old Man.
Engineers are mostly army anyways. Except , of course, plummers, electricians and construct techs.
Firefighters are also part of the engineers family...... Why?? Not sure about that one ??? ???
buddyhfx said:
Firefighters are also part of the engineers family...... Why?? Not sure about that one ??? ???

due to the fire engineering....

P.S. I was an Army Guy in an Airforce trade, and posted to a Navy base..... No wonder I was confused...... ;D
airmich said:
Don't forget, you go down the flats to a space, lift your feet and duck your head walking through a hatch, learn your navy drill, dinner is lunch, the XO can also be called Jimmy and the coxswain can be called Swain. 

And forward is the pointy end, aft is the flat end, port/starboard is your left and right etc.

The CBM (Chief Bosn Mate) is known as Buffer which stands for Big Ugly Fat F***er Easily Replaced....(how many of you knew that?)

Sounds like you miss your 'Buffer', airmitch.  :-X
fear-acfhuinn luinge said:
Sounds like you miss your 'Buffer', airmitch.  :-X

Just need some more range time...THEN I won't miss him.  ;)