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Soldiers of Fitness

Wonderbread said:
Lets get down to the real issue here:

Who's the chick? She looks like way more fun than the better then the bitter NCOs I normally PT with. 8-9 with her in the morning, then shower, back at work for 10. Every day, without exceptions. I'll do it for Queen and Country. Pro Patria.



From the staff photos:

Mamma and Pappa were layin in bed
Mamma rolled over this is what she said:
I'll give you some
Good for you
Good for me

Thats funny, you just earned yourself some mil-points!

Everyone else, stop pretending like you weren't thinking the same thing!
Anyone wondering how long these guys have been around? 

Well, I went and merged some of the discusions on them into this one; now in Physical Training & Standards......under the original title Soldiers of Fitness       

ANY Questions?
I know this thread is old. But just having found this workout system I have a couple questions? Has anyone on here recently completed one of their courses? Has their system changed much from when it was originally launched? And has anyone done the program prior to leaving for BMQ and gained positively from it?
Well if you look at the link in earlier posts you can find more info on their official website:


Hope that helps
Has their system changed much from when it was originally launched? And has anyone done the program prior to leaving for BMQ and gained positively from it?

For myself, I went through this program about four years ago, when it first started.

Through the physical conditioning I got through this program, I showed up for basic fit and had no problems on course. I remember how some people were dreading the morning runs and it was not a concern for me....I was more concerned about inspection and other things. So, all the hard work I put into that course paid off.

I know the Calgary chapter changed a lot. At first it was run by  military instructors. Then they hired a exceptionally fit guy to run the program. He is an excellent instructor, and still there. But, the franchise changed from a military atmosphere into something else. So I eventually lost interest and stopped going.

However, I am sure it is still a fantastic work out.

This sounds like an awesome program to get in shape. The down side I face is I cannot find anything even close to this kind of training in small town Nova Scotia! The best I have is a not so super YMCA a few clicks away.

anyone know a good website with routines listed that you can do on your own in a local area?
anyone know a good website with routines listed that you can do on your own in a local area?


Your YMCA should have most of the required equipment...
And there is Wonderbread pushing the alter of crossfit  ::)

You want results lad try a simple weight lifting routine with cardio interspaced. Do weights in the morning then a run in the afternoon, Yeah that includes the days you do legs. If you only have a hour out of the day then do interval training sprint 100m then do a series of arm exercises, sprint 100m and then do squats rinse and repeat.....

You could do crossfit or you could do some old fashion regular work outs and have the same or in just about any case I personally know of better results!

Sorry Wonderbread Crossfit is not the way to go nor is it as popular as you think it is in the community.

Edit: I also want to add if this is same Collin Reid I think I know him personally and if you are looking for a work out he will give it to you.
If you only have a hour out of the day then do interval training sprint 100m then do a series of arm exercises, sprint 100m and then do squats rinse and repeat.....

Are you kidding me? Dude, that is a typical Crossfit-style work capacity workout.

BM, you're quick to trash Crossfit without providing any reasons to back it up - other then to say "It's not as popular in the community as you think it is."  As if that is what makes a program effective or not. ::)

For what it's worth, I am NOT currently doing Crossfit right now.  I recognise the limitations of the program, the inherent strengths of weaknesses of my body type, and in response I've switched to a pure strength training program.  My plan is to carry on this program until May, then switch back to Crossfit with a stronger strength base.

Is Crossfit a one size fits all? No, or at least not for me at this stage of my life (see above).  Is it the super coolest ninja training program out there for wannabe TanSOF beret wearers? How the fuck should I know?  Is Crossfit optimized for Infantry training? In my opinion, no.

But that's not what we're talking about here. Buddy asked for a website with routines listed, presumably so he could increase his military-style fitness. Crossfit fits the bill. In my opinion, he's much better off doing Crossfit, then your so called "simple weight-lifting routine", if only for the fact that "simple weightlifting routine" is such a vague term.  Do you really want the guy to walk into the gym and start doing "simple" exercises like bodybuilders do?  You and I both know that's ass backwards for military fitness.

Bottom line: for guys wanting to increase their overall level of fitness for general military tasks, following the workouts on crossfit.com is a pretty straightforward way of accomplishing that goal.

I admit I did not explain my point fully and for that I apologise you of all people deserve better.

The last bit on the interval training is more weight specific I should have elaborated on it more for the interval training I am also not a huge fan as it works more cardio then strength which IMO is what is needed long term strength/endurance something crossfit does not work on it works on IMO short term max output whereas most soldiers require long term max output. I will admit that if you want to improve your cardio while maintaining some strength crossfit does the job.

As for simple weight routine being backwards I disagree other then to add in Ruck marches. If he could get a small weight lifting book and do 3-4 exercises per body part from that book for a month I truly believe he would see better strength and fitness results adding in cardio in the afternoon if he did weights in the morning.

I think honestly my staunch resistance to Crossfit is the cult like following of those who fall into it. Does it work, Yeah for something but does it for people like us my answer from my experience and those I have seen is simply no.

WB I hope I have elaborated on my point and given you the answer you deserve not the dismissive I had before. I apologise for the rudeness.
What? Was I frothing at the mouth?  Like some sort of rabid fanatical X-Fitter? ;D

I think we agree on more then we disagree on.

As for simple weight routine being backwards I disagree other then to add in Ruck marches. If he could get a small weight lifting book and do 3-4 exercises per body part from that book for a month I truly believe he would see better strength and fitness results adding in cardio in the afternoon if he did weights in the morning.

I actually said "weight training" is too vague a term for this discussion, and it could give the impression that you're advocating bodybuilding.  The bodybuilding method, in my opinion, is not conducive to the goal of military fitness.

Strength training, on the other hand, does have it's place in military fitness.  In hindsight, I think this is the kind of training you're talking about. This is the kind of stuff that, when combined with rucking, may be superior to Crossfit - at least some of the time.

As far as strength training goes, I think we're coming from the same place.  My current program follows.  I think it's pretty much the kind of thing you're advocating:

Workout A

3x5 Back Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
3xMax Reps Ring Dips

Workout B
3x5 Back Squat
3x5 Shoulder Press
5x3 Power Cleans
3xMax Reps Strict Pull Ups

I alternate workouts A and B, on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. (eg. I did workout A today, will do B on Tues, and A on Thurs.  Next week it will be Workout B, A, then B)  I go for a long slow run on Mondays. The above workout is lifted from Mark Rippetoe's original Starting Strength program, with the addition of pull ups, dips, and the run.

So why am I doing Starting Strength, and not Crossfit?  Basically, my strength has always been cardio.  I can run like no one's business, but BM, we know that you and I are both skinny kids who can use a bit of meat.  Crossfit is great for building all around fitness, but for a few months I think it would do me good to focus almost exclusively on strength training.  I think, over the next few months, I'll become a better rounded athlete.  For me, today, Starting Strength is a better system then Crossfit.

Why do I advocate Crossfit?  I believe that it is a well rounded system, and a good place to identify personal weaknesses.  It is designed from the get-go to be equal parts strength training, bodyweight, and cardio.  It might not be "sport specific" to the infantry do to it's lack of rucking, but with that addition I believe Crossfit to be a pretty good method of conditioning soldiers.

So, to sum up, I recommend Crossfit as the go-to system for most people because it's so general in it's goals.  Once people have a decent base in overall fitness, they'll be able to identify their own personal weak areas, and have a bit of direction in how to work on them.  In my case, that weak area is strength, and I've deviated from Crossfit into something more like you've described in order to balance myself out.

Take care,

The kid asked for a site with workouts and Wonderbread gave him one.  I don't know why the anti-crossfit polemic came out.

Crossfit is an effective tool in the fitness belt - it can be of great use in maintaining an interesting, challenging fitness routine.  I know people in all areas of the military, including the "community" you speak so mystically of, that find use for it.  I enjoy using it because I have to put no thought into what sort of PT to do (I just check a site out) and it is easy to accomplish in the relatively resource poor, timing restricted, group-oriented morning PT environment.

That being said, the cultists are retards....
I admit I came across as an arrogant ass, mea culpa

My anti cross fit poemic comes from the fact I see most people advocating crossfit vice simply "old" system of running and rucking and lifting some weights. Cross fit is easy like you said but it doesn't apply it provides max output over limited time vice what is needed which is output over long term. New Recruits need stamina not 20 minute heros ability. Will crossfit keep you fit when you have no real time to devote to PT yeah its a good maintance system but I stress it is not building the proper fitness required in our troops.

There is no perfect system and every one needs to tailor their workouts to their individual needs. I really believe that prospective recruits need to hit the pavement with running long distance and carrying weight over crap terrrain for Kilometers and working upper body strength not following the crossfit model.
Completely agree.  I tell the guys that after PT - the fit ones understand the difference between maintenance and improvement and know what they need.  Guys who don't care to get fit won't really benefit from Crossfit or anything else like sitting under the weight bar at the gym, but at least a good "WOD" can smoke 'em.... :) 

That being said, there is utility in it - especially the format.  I do like some models that incorporate some "Crossfit-esque" workouts into a tight course schedule.  There is nothing worse then a course with an aimless PT plan - or run, ruck, run, ruck, soccer.  Considering alot of courses only have 40 minutes for PT, a quick workout is pretty good, especially when administered by staff with sound knowledge on fitness with new soldiers who have, most likely, a limited exposure to any sort of fitness routine.
Yup.....  ;D

"Adult daycare work outs..."

"Are you done swing around on the pull up bar like a ^&*%$ bag..."

And my personal favorite of those videos..

"I don't want to know what you were cleaning and jerking last night you sicko"

Oh crossfit you make douches out of everyone who falls at your alter of course thats just My Opinion  ;)

"I'm like a goddamn Navy SEAL and Olympic gold medalist wrapped in a fu*king suit of body armor.  I'm fu*king elite, goddamn right!"

"Easy chica, that's just the Crossfit lingo.  Once you join Crossfit you get to leave really random quotes on your Facebook page so your friends have to ask you what it means.  That's just another way to show how much you rule and they suck.  You can put on your Crossfit sweatshirt and walk around the gym until someone asks you about it."

It's funny because it's <a href=http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=%22a+vicious+extension+against+the+ground%22+-army&btnG=Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=>true!</a>