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Sore/bad knees


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Hey guys, I'm hopping of getting into the BMQ this June/July.  The thing i worry about is my knees, I'm definitely not young anymore and had surgery on my knee last year.  I have got all my medical cleared up.  my question is, is there lots of training on your knees?  The only time my knees get sore is when I'm on them on a hard surfice running and stuff don't bother them.  so will there be allot of kneeling. Is there anyway I can strengthen my knees maybe before hand?
Bro, I'm sorry to inform you, but you are going to have one hell of a time with bad knees in the military. The MKIII's that are issued (your boots) are akin to strapping two pieces of 2x4 to your feet, now once that's done, off we go to drill. At drill you will stand on concrete or pavement and drive your feet into the ground as hard as possible, cheery stuff that is. Any field work will require you to kneel, bend, lie flat on your stomach and jump to your feet for excessive amounts of time. Oh and you run about 5k per day on top of this, so if you can handle all that your knees should be fine. In general, good leg strenght should help your knees, but as you have previously had surgery, you should see a doctor and a professional trainer who can advise you on the proper technique to use so as not to hurt your knees. Cheers.
I just searched the recruiting and training threads and got 4 pages of hits, for "knees", maybe what you are looking for will be there.
Thanks guys, for the quick reply, my prob with my knees is just beeing on my knees on a hard surface standing or running or jumping doesn't bother them at all.
If you're looking to get into the combat arms especially the infantry cause of the leap-frogging stuff they do you're SOL..

not to say you're totally screwed tho, I had two scopes on my left knee and while it did prolong my medical I've still been cleared (but I'm also not going combat arms)
Wow, i don't think you'll have too much fun because (& especially on basic) that is all you're doing is stuff that mash the knees.  :crybaby: May i suggest you go to Costco or some bulk place to buy the supreme large bottles of ibuprofen!!! You'll need it!

Oh & good luck i hope they don't bother you TOO much.  :cdn:
oh i will pull through I know for a fact that I will make it.  Will I be allowed to wear knee pads or anything like that maybe a tension bandage? 

thanks guys
From what a few instructors I know have told me, you aren't supposed to wear knee pads and stuff in basic and you will get into some crap if you are caught. That being said, they simply said if you do wear pads to make sure they're snug and no one will be really able to tell anyhow because the CF pants aren't exactly skin tight anyhow.

If my RSBP doesn't pull through, I fully intend on wearing a knee pad on my left knee in basic, I don't feel like tempting fate (I'm paranoid but if you're like me you'll agree that it's better to be paranoid than mess up your knee again) and I'd wager you don't feel like it either?
From what you describe, it strikes me that you don't have a medical issue, so much as you just don't have tough knees... you'll get used to it.

Beyond that, somtimes you'll be allowed to wear knee pads, somtimes you won't... really depends on situation and who's in charge. Really, I wouldn't worry about it.
First, Visit a personal trainer or physio therapist and start strengthening your legs.  Second, If your a little too heavy lose weight, no sense carrying around weight you don't have to, Third, If you go to a martial Arts supply store you can get some thin knee pads that won't be seen, and Fourth, if the instructor sees your knee pads well.... I hope you have a sense of humour.

Hey again Thanks guys!  I think i will try the knee pads just some little ones to help out, like steve said too its some paranoia, after doing surgery on your knee you don't want it again. Pamwe it not my legs there good and strong i work them pretty good I'm up to 675lb on legs right now hope to hit 700lb but thats going to be tough.  and second ya i would love to lose a little more weight. ;D  but i think its like "just a sig op" said "it strikes me that you don't have a medical issue, so much as you just don't have tough knees." ever since my surgery i do not kneel on anything.  I guess i will start now.

thanks guys.
A couple of things bro, I'm supposing that the 675lbs your talking about is a leg press? It doesn't translate to knee pounding or compound leg strenght if that is the case. Also it's hard on your knees so you should probably stop that. Leg power is a translation of squat power. Sivad, you can't really simulate what you will be doing in the forces out in the civvy world. The only thing comparable is to find a field, with rolling hills and woods and rocks and mud and ruts, strap an extra 25lbs or so on (Fighting order equiv roughly) and go running around that field for a long time. I wouldn't recommend that, but that's as close as you'll get. Oye  8)
The only thing comparable is to find a field, with rolling hills and woods and rocks and mud and ruts, strap an extra 25lbs or so on (Fighting order equiv roughly) and go running around that field for a long time.
This is a great suggestion.   I have integrated rucksack marches into my training and I find it is a great way to measure my fitness level. When the weather cooperates I slap on a backpack with sandbags in it, and hit some trails in the Rockies. I go anywhere from 7 - 18km (depending on the type of trail) keeping a good pace (not running, mind you). It is a great work out! If one is worried about thier knees, if one can do these marches without problems then that is a good sign at least. Really gets those leg muscles going and is pretty taxing on the entire body, better than any gym if you ask me. Sivad, maybe give it a try.

EDIT: Failed to metion that it is really important to have a good backpack with good support straps (esp around the waist) I tried this with a cheap backpack a couple of times and ended up having to ditch my weight because it was hurting my back in a bad way after a while.
Sivad, I had othroscopic surgery on my right knee last year.

Your profile doesn't say where you are from, but the fitness trainer here suggested to me that I try the Grouse Grind as a good training for knee strength and simulation of bmq style excercises. If you dont' know what the Grouse Grind is, check it out here http://www.gvrd.bc.ca/services/grouse-grind.htm

There are plenty of places like this around Vancouver. In Chilliwack there is also the hike up to Lindeman Lake. In Burnaby there are bike trails near SFU that are challenging and build knee/leg strength.

Good luck!