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Sum them up!


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Y,know its one thing to have your own opinions on the whole war on terror and how we are winning it.Its quite another to have some Socialist piece of dogs**t stand up and accuse Canada of torturing detainees to get a soundbite on the evening news.That's what I saw Rocco Galiti(one of the accused lawyers in the GTA arrests)do today on the news.This filth has to be accountable for his statements and be forced to back them up with proof(and no leaving the light on doesn't count as torture).This member of the law industry was using the usual socialist tactic of dropping "power words" IE.torture,to galvanize reaction to his statements(he will fit "Nazi or fascist"in there before next week,ill take bets on it).As well there was a demonstration as well to eliminate security checks on refugees entering the country,ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS??? all of the protesters were Muslim(suprise,suprise)except for that fruitcake wacko christian peacemaker dude the jtf had to rescue a few months ago.He was blathering on and on about having your freedom taken away was a horrible thing yada yada....Here we are in the fight of our life against muslim extremism and these people are doing everything short of taking up arms to help them win.Isn't their some "servile insurrection"laws or anything on the books to charge these people with.Do we just have to let them lie on the news and create"aid and comfort to the enemy" demonstrations,that's just ludicrous.When did tying your own arms behind your back become the way to win a war?Right now as we speak members of my battalion are engaged in a battle in which 2 so far have been wounded and are doing their best to win and contribute to the re stabilization of a total S******e and we have to put up with these freaks back here undermining it?Why?I'm furious that this is allowed to happen here.
Prariedawg said:
"servile insurrection"laws

That would refer to the rebellion of people in slavery. Since Canada does not have slaves, I'm guessing no. Treason still works though. ;)
Well not being a member of the law industry I cant be sure What we have on the books to fit the situation,Treason will work for me just fine though.There doesn't have to be a written law to know when somebody is doing something wrong though and my moral barometer says these folks are corrupt as can be.
Yeah...saw the same sound bite a few minutes ago.

Damn near made me sick.

What's next?

I can hear the goose steps coming....    ::)

There are people on the streets of Canada worse off than these individuals will ever be...I agree with the dawgs' first post..I hope they ban the whole lot of it because quite frankly I am sick of hearing about how poorly these accused are being treated...that's right people they are accused...not proven but there has to be some reason to have them in lock up now doesn't there...

I dunno. They are in custody, plans thwarted, system at work, etc. The lawyer will do his thing and spout his nonsense and the game will go on. I don't listen to him personally; some may, some won't.

Freedoms have their price, this is a part of it and it is annoying, but I'm still glad that we have the option. There are many viewpoints and the media choose who to give their 5 minutes to, that's their choice. I may be a naive optimist at times, but I'd like to think that the majority of the citizenry is capable of realizing when a blowhard is on the soapbox. Yes, it sucks and blood pressures are raised, but let him do his thing and allow the system to do its thing and refute his statements and process these individuals accordingly.
I agree totally prariedawg +1. These suspected terrorists where willing to kill innocent people old and young even children.They should have no rights at all, who cares if they are being abused all the power to the police .That lawyer is pathetic. :cdn:
MikeH said:
I agree totally prariedawg +1. These suspected terrorists where willing to kill innocent people old and young even children.They should have no rights at all, who cares if they are being abused all the power to the police .That lawyer is pathetic. :cdn:

Guilty until proven innocent?  Did somebody say jackboots?

You've obviously gauged that this is a touchy subject. Use your skills of reasoned debate to keep it on track. You don't need to try and compare people to nazis. That will just start a flame war......and might just put you over that line you so finely walk.
Let's all take a step back and think for a moment here. The agencies involved would not have swept up the 17 accussed if they did not have some sort of cause or reason to do so.

There's a publication ban in effect last I heard...just have to sit and wait out till all the facts come to light.
Fully concur with the Dawg! 

In no way am I going to speak ill of the innocent until proven guilty concept, as I had a good friend go through the opposite for more than a year until cleared...however, I think the lawyer here should be fully accountable for his accusations!  Notice how the press says "alledged" when addressing those arrested, yet this guy appears to be able to make allegations as though they were fact.  If it turns out that his allegations are unfounded, he should be able to be sued by the police department for slander.

Mein 2 ¢

Duey said:
  If it turns out that his allegations are unfounded, he should be able to be sued by the police department for slander.
I like it.
recceguy said:

You've obviously gauged that this is a touchy subject. Use your skills of reasoned debate to keep it on track. You don't need to try and compare people to nazis. That will just start a flame war......and might just put you over that line you so finely walk.

I didn't bring it up. And the Commies wore jackboots too. ;)

Agree with the last few posts in any event.
The "torture" allegations had me shouting at the TV... leaving the lights on? waking him up? you have to be kidding me!!

People who throw around buzzwords in so casual a fashion only diminish the term and lessen the effect in cases where use of the term is justified.

If you want to see what "torture" really is, look up the series of 4 videos on the net showing what constituted "torture" in Saddam's Iraq. They are disturbing as hell and I won't post them here, but I felt ill watching them. Having your limbs broken in front of your battalion or your tongue cut off with a razor blade in public are just some of the things that are shown. The people I see on the TV should watch these videos and re-evaluate their statements, before the police do sue their ass...  >:(

I'm going to go out on a limb here...

(Nomex gear on...)

I hope these 17 get the fairest trial possible. I hope their lawyers can yakk to the press as often and outrageously as they want. I hope prison guards who do stupid things are slapped upside the head. I may not like it, but I will accept it, because the alternative is worse in the long run, and IMHO is actually one of the objectives of people like Osama and Zarqawi. Freedom and democracy are not  guarded simply by killing the Taleban in Afghanistan (as important and satisfying as that is...). We also have to make sure that this society of ours remains worth protecting. Only by demonstrating that we do things in a civilized, moral and ethical way are we ever going to decisively defeat these people (and all the other groups since the Doukhobors, the Armenians, the FLQ, the Sikhs, Direct Action, the Mohawks, etc who have used violence  for political ends). Only then can we show that what the Canadian way of life has to offer is superior to what these hatemongers are retailing.  Is there some risk in that?

Not if the Crown has prepared solid evidence based on good police work, and has anticipated the manouevres of the defense such that the prosecution can convince a jury of Canadians of the facts of their case in a fair and open trial. If this is what happens, we will have won a huge victory, both in defeating and punishing this specific group, and in showing Canadians (especially Islamic Canadians) that we have a fair and open process that works. If, on the other hand, we see poor evidence, badly presented, relying on weak premises or "groupthink"
and the Crown loses (as it should in that case), we will have suffered a bigger loss. The credibility of our fight against such dangerous groups will be badly damaged, and the lawsuits will begin.

That is why I am also against a blanket publication ban. I would prefer that, where necessary, specific testimony be protected, but that as much a possible Canadians can be informed of how this is all unfolding. If there is media controversy, and even peaceful demonstrations, so much the better. As military and police types we may not like these behaviours, but IMHO these things show that we have a) a free and "vigilant" media (as stupid as some of its utterances may  be...) and a free society (as misguided and naive as some of its members may be.)

The balance between our safety and security, and keeping our society a place worth living in, is a very tricky one. Things like domestic terrorism test it to its limits.


I've seen Rocco Galati spin his nonsense  numerous times on television before this trial. He's one of those defence lawyers who chooses to defend scumbags all the time. He loves the publicity, even if it's bad ....it's still publicity. He'll defend anyone just to make his name.
I agree with prariedawg..........we should challenge these lawyers at every opportunity, i.e. letters to the editor, talk radio, MP's, MLA's, etc.  Remember, a lawyer will say just about anything to defend his client - that's what they are paid to do.  That being said, these alleged terrorists are put into protective custody for their own safety.  If they were put into the general population and were injured, then we would really hear wailing.  As for the lights being left on in their cells, (a) the correctional staff have to be able to see them and (b) the camers need light as these people are on suicide watch.  I do know a little about the correctional system as I worked in it for almost 30 years.  Now, if it's any consolation, if these jihadists win world domination as is their plan, the peaceniks and liberals will be the first to be slaughtered - as history has shown.  Just my two cents worth.........

I don't have much faith in the system, but I'm still trying to understand how no lights is torture???? So what is to much light?